Abundance Haircuts
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Cord-Cutting Meditation for Reiki Practitioners
Do you have a relationship in your life that is full of highs and lows? Do you feel like you have unhealthy attachments to certain people? Do you feel resentment, disappointment, hatred, fear, or any other negative emotions toward someone? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it’s time for karmic relationship healing […]
8 Ways to Use Amethyst Crystals in Your Spiritual Practice
Amethyst crystal is one of the favorite gemstones of magicians. It has the ability to connect people with the energy of the higher spheres. Amethyst is more susceptible to magic than other crystals. They say that amethyst is capable of storing magical energy for hundreds of years. In this article the metaphysical and healing properties […]
Abundance Haircuts In September 2023: Good And Bad Days To Cut Your Hair
Abundance Haircuts is a sutra based on the Tibetan calendar. It reveals the negative consequences of cutting your hair on the bad days and the incredible benefits of cutting it on the good days. Dates of Abundance Haircuts are calculated according to extremely complex formulas by experienced Feng Shui Masters. Most people in the Western world have never heard about abundance haircuts. While for […]
Narcissist Quiz: What Narcissist Type Are You Dealing With?
Narcissists are known for their exaggerated sense of self-importance. They think that the world literally revolves around them. Narcissists draw their main satisfaction from making other people see them as persons of great importance who know everything. If you’re dealing with a narcissist but not sure what type it is, our narcissist quiz will help you […]
Hungry Ghost Month 2023 Is Here: Here Is Your Survival Guide
In Chinese culture, the seventh month of the Chinese calendar is regarded as the Hungry Ghost Month. It is believed that during this month, the gates of hell are opened up and ghosts and spirits are free to roam the Earth where they seek food and entertainment. These ghosts are believed to be ancestors of those who forgot to […]
The Danger of Crowd Psychology in a Spiritual Community
Crowds have a powerful influence on individuals, often leading to behaviors and actions they would not normally engage in. This phenomenon, known as crowd psychology, has fascinated psychologists and sociologists for decades. Nowadays, with social media influencers running the world, this concept has become incredibly popular like never before. Unfortunately, even spirituality is not immune […]
Abundance Haircuts In August 2023: Good And Bad Days To Cut Your Hair
Abundance Haircuts is a sutra based on the Tibetan calendar. It reveals the negative consequences of cutting your hair on the bad days and the incredible benefits of cutting it on the good days. Dates of Abundance Haircuts are calculated according to extremely complex formulas by experienced Feng Shui Masters. Most people in the Western world have never heard about abundance haircuts. While for […]
What’s Your Spirit Animal? Take a Quiz to Find Out!
The spirit animal concept traces its background to Indigenous Native American spiritual traditions. According to Native American tradition, everyone has a spirit animal. It refers to a spirit that connects with you on a higher spiritual level, guides you on a life journey, and whose traits you embody. Finding out what your spirit animal is […]
Reiki Principles: The Mystic Side of Reiki Explained
Reiki principles are the Mystical Side of the Usui Reiki tradition. We all were introduced to these principles at the very beginning of our Reiki training. However, many Reiki practitioners pay little attention to these principles or don’t really know what to do with them. In this article, we will discuss the 5 Reiki principles, […]
What Is Your Spiritual Archetype? Take a Quiz to Find Out
The spiritual archetype refers to behavioral patterns that determine our emotional, psychological, and spiritual development. When you know what your spiritual archetype is, it’s easier for you to understand your spiritual path and why you tend to choose this or that. It brings you to a higher level of self-awareness and gives you clarity in your spiritual […]
Reiki Quotes: 20 Thought-Provoking And Inspirational Sayings
For quite some time, Reiki has become increasingly popular. We, Reiki practitioners, already know what a magnificent impact Reiki has on our lives. But often we forget the importance of some Reiki aspects and values. To get you more inspired with Reiki and maybe make you re-think some aspects of your practice, we picked the […]
Exploring the Science Behind Earthing: How Grounding Can Enhance Your Well-being
In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the natural rhythms of the earth. But what if I told you that something as simple as connecting with the ground beneath your feet could have profound benefits for your overall well-being? This practice is known as earthing, and it’s gaining popularity as a way […]