Why Past Sexual Egregores Can Ruin Your Relationship?

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Sexual energy is the most powerful creative energy on our planet. When there is too much creative energy it transforms into the opposite – a destructive force that causes relationship problems and freezes spiritual development.

Each sexual connection we have in our life (even short-term) forms a powerful egregore connected to the energy body. The fact is that sexual energy is always aimed at creation – thus, children are born and egregores are formed.

That’s why I think it’s very important to be aware of sexual egregores you’re still attached to. It will help you to avoid many relationship problems you could experience in the future.

What Is An Egregore?

Egregore is a sustainable energy-informational structure, engendered by the thoughts and emotions of people.

The egregore itself is formed on an energy level, but it feeds on the energy of the physical plane. The egregore exists as long as it has adherents capable of maintaining the necessary level of energy in it for its existence, as well as until its idea is “alive”.

Egregores have the ability to transmit and receive energy at their own frequencies. That is why not everyone can catch the signals of a particular egregore. Such signals are able to catch only those people who are aligned with this particular egregore.

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Egregore provides a person with the necessary resources and provides him (her) with the necessary energy to solve his (her) tasks. However, it should be understood that the resources and energy provided by the egregore are given for solving specific problems of the egregore itself. If a person, instead of solving the problems of the egregore, spends energy and resources on something else, then energy and resources are taken away from him (her).

The egregore itself is a neutral form. However, when you create a new egregore, an old egregore of similar quality must be destroyed. Otherwise, the old egregore will put all its forces to destroy the new one, or at least slow down its development.

Sexual Egregores

Sexual connection arises initially at the level of thoughts and emotions. First, there is a sexual desire, then the desire to satisfy it, and only after that it gets satisfied on the physical plane. That’s the algorithm in which a sexual egregore gets created.

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Thus, you have as many sexual egregores as many sexual partners you’ve had in life. Since all of these egregores were built on the energy of the same quality (sexual energy), they all have the ability to influence each other. The task of each egregore is to keep you in a relationship with a sexual partner, as a result of which, in fact, it was formed. Thus, you may have several egregores in the confrontation, taking away your energy.

This fight for your energy will continue until you destroy all egregores based on your past relationships. The danger of having such egregores is that they are trying to destroy the relationship you have at the moment, taking the energy away from it, as well as taking energy from your partner.

A Lack Of Energy Leads To Relationship Problems

Past relationship egregores can act like energy parasites that suck your energy, your partner’s energy and eventually create relationship problems.

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Here is the list of signs (relationship problems) that show if you have the lack of energy in your relationship:

  • quarrels, scandals, swearing;
  • lack of understanding;
  • lack of intimacy;
  • distrust;
  • cheating;
  • jealousy;
  • fatigue;
  • aggression;
  • spite;
  • no desire to be alone with each other, the need to be in a company of friends (i.e. your egregore is so depleted and weak that you just need to be among other people to get energy support from them because your relationship almost has no energy to survive. You explain yourself that you just want to have fun, that without friends you are bored. Although actually, not boredom is forcing you to be in the company of other people but the lack of energy. When there is enough energy in your relationship, it can’t be boring. Therefore, you’re able to have fun only in with your friends – because you are full of energy taken from a friendship egregore).

Sexual Egregores May Keep You Away From Relationships

If at the moment you are alone and can not create a relationship, it can also indicate that it is the sexual egregores of your past that attract all sorts of failures in love, preventing you from meeting your soulmate. They will try to “cut to the root” any relationship because in this case, you will continue to feed them with your energy.

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The only way to get rid of the destructive effects of an egregore is its destruction. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to realize the danger of having such an egregore, and then – without regret to destroy it.

How To Destroy a Sexual Egregore?

The process of liberation from destructive sexual egregors consists of the following steps.

Step 1: Make A List Of All Your Sexual Partners.

It’s very important to make a list of all your sexual partners. It gives you a clear idea of what to work with.

Stage 2: Remove Any Material Connections With Your Ex Sexual Partners

Using the list of your ex sexual partners remove any material connections with each of them:

  •  remove their phone numbers from your phone memory;
  •  burn all the pictures where you’re together, and delete them from electronic devices and social networks;
  • get rid of all the gifts that your ex-partners gave you (give them to someone, give them to charity, and if they are of no value – just throw them away);
  • stay away from any discussions of your ex-partners with friends or family members;
  • try to protect yourself from any interaction with your ex-partners.

Stage 3: Karmic Relationship Healing

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In order to destroy energy cords with every sexual partner you’ve had in life you should consider doing a karmic relationship healing. Use the list of your ex-partners so you won’t forget anyone! This is very important because if you don’t heal your karmic relationship you will transfer your previous relationship to the next incarnation in the form of a karmic bond, which will be a big obstacle to your full development in this and next life. To learn more about this practice read my article “Karmic Relationship Healing: Effective Practice To Let Your Past Go!”


When you free yourself from your past you’ll step into a new stage of your life. Nothing will pull you back anymore, you’ll stop experiencing the same relationship problems again and again. You will be free from your past so you can enter a new relationship! What’s more important is that you’ll be able not just to receive love but also to give it. You’ll be able to be happy and make your partner happy too. By destroying sexual egregores of your past you’ll finally be able to create a loving and harmonious relationship!