The thoughts that arise in our heads have an impact not only on our mood but also on our health. This effect can be either positive or negative. It all depends on what kind of thoughts we choose. Unfortunately, most people don’t really control what kind of thoughts they allow into their minds. One Small negative thought can get into your mind and like a seed grow into a big disaster. Healing affirmations are a powerful tool that can redirect your mind from negative vibrations that cause illness to positive ones that bring healing.
In this article, I will share with you what healing affirmations are, how they work, and give you a list of very powerful affirmations that will help you to reprogram your mind from illness to healing.
What Are Healing Affirmations?
Healing affirmations are short phrases containing a verbal healing formula that, when repeated many times, activates healing process in the subconscious of a person, contributing to the improvement of his psycho-emotional background and stimulating positive changes in his health and wellbeing.
Most people can’t even imagine how effective healing affirmations are! Healing affirmations are your main key to reprogramming your consciousness. That’s why the trick is to keep repeating them again and again until they are firmly imprinted in your subconscious.
With the help of healing affirmations, you can reprogram your mind from lack of energy and illness to vitality and health. If you learn to direct the energy of your thoughts to health and wellbeing you will eventually start feeling better, more energized, and will notice that you’re more healthy than ever.
Healing affirmations will help you to improve your overall health, boost your immune system, get rid of chronic and infectious diseases, ease the symptoms of a particular disease, speed up wounds and cuts healing, etc.
How Do Healing Affirmations Work?

Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. All of your self-talk, your internal dialogue, is a stream of affirmations. You are using affirmations every moment whether you know it or not. You are affirming and creating the state of your health with every word you say and every thought you think.
It has been proven that there is a connection between the body and the mind. Therefore, many diseases begin due to psychosomatic causes. Even diseases caused by bacteria and microbes have a psychosomatic root. This is explained by the fact that the human immune system becomes unprotected due to strong emotional stress.
You have to understand that every complaint is an affirmation of something you think you don’t want in your life. Every time you get angry, you are affirming that you want more anger in your life. Every time you say that you’re not feeling well, that you are sick, you’re affirming that. If you feel that Life isn’t giving you the desired health and vitality, then it’s certain that you will never have the wellbeing that Life gives to others — that is, until you change the way you think and talk.
Our emotions are built by our thoughts. And our thoughts are based on our conscious or unconscious choices. With the help of healing affirmations, we can consciously form the desired health.
To change our life and improve our health, we need to change our thoughts. There is a link between our health and positive thoughts. By repeating healing affirmations, you create positive vibrations in your subconscious mind which brings positive transformations into your body.
With strong focus and concentration on positive thoughts, your mind can heal even the most serious diseases.
Affirmations are like seeds planted in soil. Poor soil provides poor growth. Rich soil gives abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.
A Few Important Tips

Before you start creating and practicing your healing affirmations, let me share with you a few important tips that will help your practice to be more effective.
#1: Keep Your Affirmations Personal
Your healing affirmations should be personal. They should be a kind of self-talk. The only person you can change is you. Therefore, never try to use affirmations for changing someone else. You can affirm: “I am healthy! I am happy! etc.”. This is due to the fact that the subconscious mind works for us and only for us.
#2: Affirm in the Present Tense
The only way we can create a great future is by changing our thoughts in the present moment. The present moment contains a magical power of manifesting our reality. What we think and do today creates our future.
When we affirm health in the present tense we ensure that our subconscious mind starts to work on it right away. When you say “I will be healthy”, or “I’m going to heal” you’re placing your desire somewhere out there. There is no creative power in the future. Your past and future are the two biggest illusions that distract your focus. The real creative power is in the present moment! And only in the present moment can you manifest your health!
Therefore, always use affirmations in the Present tense, like: “I am healthy!”, “My immune system is strong”, etc.
#3: Avoid Negative Words
When creating your healing affirmations, avoid negative words such as “not”, “no”, “don’t”, “never”, “can’t”, “won’t”. When you use these words you make your mind focus on something you don’t want in life and make your affirmations negative. Instead of focusing on what you don’t want you should focus on something you do want. In this way, you direct your subconscious mind to manifest the positive results you desire.
#4: Avoid Words That Manifest Negativity
When affirming your desired reality avoid words that manifest loss, something you’re trying to get away from or get rid of, such as “get rid of”, “stop”, “give up”, “avoid”, “refrain”, etc. For example, instead of saying: “I’m losing 13 pounds”, say “My weight is … (your ideal number)”.
#5: Avoid “I Want”, “I Wish”, “I Would Like”
These phrases manifest a lack of something. When we want something it means we don’t have it in our life. So, when the Universe is hearing your request, it manifests it in a way that you will always want something but never actually get it. You’ll be wanting all your life for your wishes to come true. Therefore there is a big difference between “I want” and “I have”. Only “I have” has the power to bring you what you request. For example, instead of saying “I want to be healthy”, say “I am healthy”. And the Universe will make sure that your reality matches your words and thoughts.
#6: Turn Your Desires Into Power Phrases
Make your affirmations short, direct, and memorable! This technique is also widely used in advertising. Advertisers call it “slogan“, healers call it “power phrases”.
Most Powerful Healing Affirmations

Now let me share with you the most powerful healing affirmations that I’ve discovered throughout my practice of being a healer for over 20 years. These healing affirmations will help you activate healing processes in your body and restore your vital energy.
Here they are:
- I am healthy!
- I welcome miracles into my life!
- I know that with each new day my health is noticeably improving!
- My day begins and ends with gratitude!
- I love myself!
- I am at home in my body!
- I listen with love to my body’s messages!
- My happy thoughts help create my healthy body!
- I love my beautiful and healthy body and it loves me back!
- Every cell, every tissue, and every organ of my body is charged with healing energy!
- Good health is the norm for my body!
- My positive thoughts create my health!
- Only good can come to me!
- The level of my immunity increases every day!
- I am healthy, whole, and complete!
- Wellness is the natural state of my body!
- I feel cheerful and full of vital energy!
- In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete!
- I’m in a perfect shape!
- My health is in a perfect state!
- I radiate a metaphysical radiance of health, love and light!
- I have a perfectly healthy body!
- I am in harmony with nature!
- Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love!
- I love every cell of my body!
- My body is protected by a powerful energy shield!
- I choose health and well-being!
- My body is made up of healthy and strong cells!
- My body is programmed to heal and recover!
- My body heals naturally!
- I claim my power and move beyond all limitations.
- Every cell of my body is filled with vital energy!
- I radiate vitality and health!
- My digestive system is perfectly healthy!
- My immune system is very strong!
- I move easily and gracefully!
- My brain is healthy and active!
- I am loved, and I am at peace!
- My beautiful body is healthy, strong, and young!
- I always choose healthy thoughts and habits!
- Perfect health is my Divine right, and I claim it now!
- I love my life and life loves me back!
- All is well in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe!
- I forgive myself and set myself free!
- I am Divinely guided and protected at all times!
- Life supports me in every possible way!
- I choose to see clearly with the eyes of love!
- Today is a sacred gift from Life!
- I enjoy the foods that are best for my body!
- I live in the paradise of my own creation!
- I am grateful for my healthy body!
- I trust the Universe to help me see the good in everything and in everyone!
- My mind is in perfect harmony with my body!
- I am beautiful and young!
- My skin is clear, firm, and smooth!
- I thank my heart for its excellent work!
- I have excellent physical and mental health!
- Every day I feel better and better!
- Every cell of my body is protected by my immune system!
- I nourish my body with healthy food and helpful thoughts!
How To Work With Healing Affirmations?
- Write down or make a printout of all the healing affirmations you’re going to work with.
- Before starting to repeat your healing affirmations, make sure to straighten your back, relax your shoulders, feel confident. You want to remove any pressure from your spine and make your energy flow freely and smoothly.
- Say your healing affirmations out loud one after another, slowly and confidently. Make it sound as if what you say has already become a reality.
- While saying the healing affirmations look in the mirror or in the sky.
- Say the affirmations twice a day. This should be done in the morning, as soon as possible after waking up, and in the evening, right before going to bed.
- Say the affirmations at least 8 times each.
- Do not use too many affirmations all at once in one session.
- Be consistent: practice the healing affirmations on a daily basis.
The Bottom Line
The most important thing in affirmation practice is to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. In healing affirmation practice, we are replacing our thoughts about the illness with thoughts about perfect health, vitality, and wellbeing. It is especially important to remember this not only during your affirmation practice but also in your everyday life. Remember that even a fleeting negative thought can destroy months of positive affirmation practice! Stay focused on your health and choose your thoughts carefully!