Ask anyone to mention the 12 Universal laws, and they will most likely mention the law of attraction. However, not everyone would mention the law of vibration if you ask for more. You being here today and searching for it is a great start. This article will help you understand the law of vibration and how to use it for your benefit.
What is the Law of Vibration?
The law of vibration is one of the 12 universal laws. This law states that everything, every object, and living thing is in constant motion. And everything vibrates at a specific frequency. The speed at which the objects vibrate is called frequency.
Frequency or the energy of somebody or something is not an item you can touch and see. However, you can always feel the energy of the frequency. You can always sense and react to it, like how you sensed that someone’s energy was off before. This is what we are talking about.
The best part of the law of vibration is that you can do more than feel the strength of the vibration. You have the power to sense low vibrational frequency and adjust it or step away from it. In simpler terms, you have the power to live with things that you only vibe with. You can either adjust it to your benefit or drop it.
How To Use The Law Of Vibration To Your Advantage

It is not enough to understand how the law of vibration works. Let’s go a step further and discuss how we can use it in our favor. Below are the best ways to put the law of vibration into good use.
Manifest The Life You Want
If you increase your emotional vibration, you will wake up every day feeling enthusiastic, compassionate, and ready to conquer the world. Say, for example, you constantly feel stuck and bored. You may be experiencing a low vibration. One way to boost your emotional vibration is by meditating. Meditation can help relieve anxiety and stress and can help calm a mind that is all over. The more you are able to still your mind the faster your vibration will become.
Find a calm and soothing place for your meditation. Let go of everything and focus on your breathing for a few minutes. Your mind may wander and go elsewhere; that is normal, especially if you are new to meditation. When this happens, gently pull your attention back to your breath. Eventually, you will begin to witness your own thoughts arising and falling away. Meditating can also help you get into the right mindset to work towards what you have always wanted. And with the right vibration, you can concentrate and focus your attention to achieve your goals.
Practice Mindfulness to Be More Aware of Your Feelings and Emotions
Mindfulness helps you be more aware of the life around you. It is an excellent way to live more fully and not let life pass you by. By increasing your vibration you can rise above certain feelings and emotions and witness them from a more detached perspective. This creates a high degree of awareness around all aspects of your life. When you are mindful and aware of your feeling and emotions you can more easily release emotions that are negatively impacting your behavior.
Start by building awareness of yourself, the people around you, and your environment. This helps you be more considerate and thoughtful. Being more considerate and thoughtful will make you more compassionate and kind to yourself and others.
Use Vibration to Navigate Situations in Life
When you are more aware of your emotions and feelings, you can easily recognize high vibrational and low vibrational things in life. You can consciously choose what and who you would like to interact with. You want to be surrounded by things that are constructive and bring joy into your life. Most importantly, you will be able to remove yourself from situations, relationships, and environments that exist in a lower vibrational state.
Sticking to high vibration aspects of life can help you navigate every situation you need.
So How Can You Raise Your Vibration?

Your mood and emotions control your vibration. Keep in mind that your vibration affects the quality of your life. This is because it aligns and connects with things that vibrate simultaneously. So, you have to learn how to raise your vibration to connect with highly vibrating aspects of life. If you are operating at a vibration that is prone to negative and destructive behavior, this is what you will resonate with.
Here are the best tactics you can use to raise your vibration.
#1: Go Strong On Self-care
Practicing self-care does so much for your emotions and moods.
It makes you:
- Feel much better about yourself;
- Take a step back and review your progress with gratitude;
- More aware of your emotions and mental state;
- Relief from stress and anxiety.
With these, you come out with high vibrational energy, ready to connect with other high vibrational aspects of life. Remember that self-care looks different for everyone. It could be a spa day for you, yoga, going on a vacation, journaling, exercising, or even going out with friends. You need to find what makes you feel good and go for it!
#2: Nourish Your Body
Eating unhealthy food lowers your energy and your vibrational frequency. Bad eating habits leave you feeling heavy, tired, and bogged down. However, eating healthy leaves you stronger, lighter, and healthier. Check out our list of high-vibration foods.
Another way to nourish your body is to exercise frequently. It can be as simple as going out for a jog every day or practicing yoga. It leaves you fit and energetic to go after your goals.
#3: Surround Yourself With High Vibrational Things
Yes, it would help to cut off everything destructive. Surrounding yourself with people, things, and places that increase your vibration is the way to go. The external world has the power to influence your vibration. Surrounding yourself with toxic people or energy vampires will get you stuck in a negative cycle. It may be tough to completely cut some people off, but you can start by just limiting your exposure to them and setting healthy boundaries.
Also, remember that mass media and social media may lower your vibration. Filter the information you’re allowing into your energy field. Maybe it even makes sense to do a social media detox and spend some time away from any devices.
In Conclusion
The law of vibration makes it known that nothing is constant in the universe. Everything is in motion, and things with the same vibrational frequency connect. The takeaway from this is you should increase your vibration to connect with high-value aspects of life. With increased vibration, you can manifest all you want and work your way to achieve it.