Divine Feminine Nature of Rose Quartz, Its Healing and Magical Properties

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People associate rose quartz with love, heart, and beauty. Since ancient times humanity has used it in love rituals and ceremonies for centuries. It’s not surprising that even today, Rose Quartz is one of the most popular crystals to use. We use it for healing broken hearts, protection, and attracting romantic luck. Let’s take a brief look at the meaning of rose quartz and its healing and magical properties.

Divine Feminine Nature of Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is the embodiment of divine femininity. It is full of feminine, Yin energy, practically free of impurities and of the masculine Yang energy.

The nature of rose quartz is associated with Water, one of the two traditionally female elements. Water is our emotions, tenderness, inspiration, ability to love, and care. This crystal helps to remove fears and open the heart to new love. There are many crystals that have a similar quality. But, unlike them, rose quartz does not affect intellect and emotions. That is, a person wearing rose quartz does not rethink his life and attitude to people in an intellectual way but learns to trust his (her) feelings, gradually opening himself (herself) up to unconditional love and acceptance.

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Therefore, rose quartz is considered one of the best crystals for the attraction of love. It dissolves the emotional shell of people and eliminates excessive cynicism. It has a positive effect on the self-esteem of its owner, especially if it is a woman. Rose quartz returns woman’s confidence in her own attractiveness and makes her more soft and graceful. This crystal is also indispensable for melancholy and pessimists. It gives people children’s spontaneity, teaches them to notice the good in the world and the people around them. Rose quartz is a wonderful talisman for those whose work requires friendliness, tact, tolerance (teachers of schools, Tutors, nurses).

Rose Quartz Meaning

The first mention of rose quartz meaning is found in ancient cultures such as Assyrian, Roman, Greek, Egyptian and Native American.

Ancient Assyrian civilization was the first, who used rose quartz. First, it was used just for decorative objects. Much later ancient Assyrians started to use it as beads in jewelry.

Early Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations used rose quartz as a talisman and as a token that a deal had been reached. The rose quartz talisman was the indication of an achieved transaction.

The Egyptians also believed that rose quartz crystal could prevent wrinkles and aging.

Greek and Roman myths attached the symbol of love to rose quartz. According to the myths, Cupid (Roman God of desire) or Eros (Greek God of love) granted the gift of love to people in the form of rose quartz. Another myth about rose quartz tells a story of the crystal, getting its color from Aphrodite’s blood, that was spilled in an attempt to save her dying lover Adonis. Both lovers were bleeding over the stone, and its lasting stain symbolizes their eternal love.

Ancient Native Americans also believed that rose quartz is a love stone. They used it in amulets for eliminating anger and frustration, harmonizing emotions and attracting love.

Healing Properties Of Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, as well as other crystals, possesses unique properties allowing people to recover and get rid of vital problems. This crystal has healing properties in the treatment of human organs and psychological trauma.

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1. General recovery

Since ancient times people believed that rose quartz assists in maintaining good health until old age.

2. Skin care

Nowadays, many women, like many centuries ago with the help of this crystal successfully cleanse and rejuvenate their skin. Its regeneration allows getting rid of edema, acne, bruises, warts, etc.

To do this you should put a rose quartz crystal into a glass of water in the evening. By morning time, the water will receive healing and beneficial qualities. So you can drink this water in the morning or use it in cosmetic procedures. If you start using rose quartz water, regularly use will help you to smooth your wrinkles and your skin will get healthy freshness and elasticity.

3. Psychological injuries healing

Rose quartz suppresses irritability, helps with experiences and other psychological injuries. To do this you may use rose quartz necklaces, pendants, beads, etc. The best way to wear this crystal is close to your heart. You can also put it under the pillow during the night so you can receive its healing effect during the night. After a while, you will feel a positive background, become more cheerful and begin to let go all the negative moments in your life.

4. Body healing

Rose quartz helps to heal the lymphatic and urinary system. It also normalizes the kidney, blood vessels, heart, and brain. It has a positive effect on the pancreas, helps in diabetes healing.

5. Women health

Rose quartz has a positive effect on the feminine reproductive system. It helps to heal a mother after giving birth. A woman who wears rose quartz crystals during and after pregnancy radiates love and envelops her baby with the energy of love.

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Many women also use rose quartz yoni eggs for enhancing their sexual pleasure, increasing blood supply to the vaginal region and raising their sexuality.

6. Heart healing

Rose quartz has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Therefore it is good for people who have suffered a heart attack to wear this crystal in a pendant.

7. Heart chakra healing

Rose quartz opens up and balances the heart chakra. This crystal helps you to feel unconditional love and be more positive and happy.

8. Protection from radiation

Those who spend a lot of time near the computer, it is good to have rose quartz crystal near your workplace. It will remove the tension from the eyes, body and will protect you from radiation.

Magical Properties Of Rose Quartz

1. Calming and forgiving

The vibration of rose quartz calms and makes people soft, kind, responsive, able to forgive.

Rose quartz helps to neutralize the conflicts, improves understanding,  ease in relationships and helps to gain and keep love.

2. Attracting love

Women successfully use Rose Quartz to attract the attention of men and finding true love. Quartz helps single women to find their soulmates. If you wish to get married you should wear rose quartz on your left hand.

It also protects marital happiness. It is believed that expanding rose quartz crystals in sectors of your house can help to achieve harmony and love in the family.

3. Charming

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Another magical property of rose quartz is that it enhances the attractiveness of women and awakens their femininity. Rose quartz helps to escape from past mental anguish and gives the opportunity to start from scratch. This crystal gives optimism and desire to enjoy life to melancholy and pessimists.

Although the crystal is pink, it can also be used by men. It can help men to be more attractive to women and enhance their confidence. If you’re a man it’s not necessary for you to wear rose quartz jewelry. You can simply place rose quartz crystal in your bedroom, on your desk, or get a rose pink keychain.

4. Creativity

If your job is related to creativity then you should definitely consider using rose quartz! It will help you to disclose your talent and make your project very successful. You may notice that most art people have rose quartz globes at their workplace. The energy of this crystal helps them open up their creative potential and use it at 100%!

5. Feng Shui Property

In Feng Shui, we usually use Rose Quartz for the Southwest and Center sectors of the house. If you place a rose quartz crystal in the Southwest sector it will help you to attract love and improve the relationship with your partner. If you place rose quartz in the center of your house, it will create emotional balance for the whole family. Besides that, you can also place rose quartz in any sector where emotional healing is needed.


Rose quartz is a wonderful crystal that can help you to be happier, more loved, feel more attractive and creative. It brings joy and love into your life. But from another side, you have to remember that rose quartz can also increase tumor growth. Therefore, it’s not recommended for people with cancer.

And like I always say, I am not a medical doctor. I am a beneficiary of crystal therapy, and I want to share my knowledge and experiences with the world. If you have any health problems, always seek medical attention even as you use rose quartz.
