Divine feminine and divine masculine are interconnected and can’t exist without one another. This means that despite our cultural associations of masculine and feminine with men and women, respectively, we all have both energies within us. They just might not be evenly balanced. When we have excessive masculine energy, we get aggressive and strive for domination. If there’s too much feminine energy, we get disempowered and suffer from stagnation.
In a world dominated by masculine energy, more and more people today are looking to tap into the divine feminine. In fact, some are going through the divine feminine awakening. In this article, we will explore 10 divine feminine qualities and what they mean.
The Divine Feminine Qualities
#1: Heightened Empathy
Divine Feminine souls are highly empathetic individuals. They easily connect with other people’s emotions, whether negative or positive. In turn, they find their happiness in others and also feel the pain of others as if it was their own. As an empath, the Divine Feminine: –
- Is a highly sensitive person (HSP)
- Cares deeply for others
- Finds comfort in nature
- Feels overwhelmed by crowded places
- Struggle with setting boundaries
#2: Communication
Communication is one of the Divine Feminine qualities that facilitate the rest of the feminine traits. The feminine energy makes us relate in a sacred way. Hence, the Divine Feminine uses communication skills to empathize, collaborate, forgive, understand, and nurture others.
For example, instead of getting defensive when criticized, this individual is receptive to the needs of others and looks for a lesson in an unpleasant experience. And, the feminine communicates from the heart, not the head, to listen more and speak only when necessary.
#3: Creative

Are you interested in science, entrepreneurship, art, or medicine? If so, when you are going through a Divine Feminine awakening, the feminine energy in you will propel you to become a successful artist, scientist, business owner, or medical practitioner. This energy creates life and will help you manifest your thoughts into concrete forms. You can tap into this creative spring through: –
- Dreams – Journaling your visions helps you capture the creative messages from your soul and think of ways to turn them into form.
- Staying rooted – Referring to and building on the creative thoughts from our parents, school, and culture
- Using Intuition – Question the status quo to make life better. Asking our inner self for guidance.
- Pausing and listening to our innovative thoughts – Creative ideas can flood the mind, giving you little time to process them before you forget about them. Yet, visualization and meditation techniques can help us slow down and capture these ingenious messages.
#4: Intuition
Do you find yourself relying on facts and logical explanations in decision making, or are you intuitive, preferring to go with your gut feelings instead? See, the Divine Feminine rarely use logic in their discussions. Instead, they rely on their heightened energy reading capabilities, trusting their intuition more. This intuitive ability sharpens as you progress in your spiritual journey.
#5: The Warrior Spirit
The Divine Feminine is humble yet courageous, ready to defend what they love. In turn, if your Divine Feminine is awakening, you will have a vision of what you want and pursue it with a passion. And, should you face challenges along the way, your warrior spirit gives you the drive to press on. Likewise, you stand up for the oppressed in society and prefer using actions more than words.
#6: Nurturing
Feminine energy is synonymous with nurturing. Here, you find happiness in caring, nourishing, and encouraging others to achieve their full potential. As a parent, you could also be creating an ideal environment for your kids to develop their talents.
Likewise, a nurturing spouse takes up a supportive role in the relationship. For example, this wife or husband provides the money or emotional support for their personal development.
#7: Collaboration/Interconnectedness
Collaborative Divine Feminine qualities refer to your natural ability to: –
- Set goals and direct a team towards achieving them
- Work in harmony as part of a team
- Be knowledgeable and pull the right talent pool to tackle a common goal
- Lead others by making the first step when tackling challenges
- Asking relevant questions that help in solving problems at hand
- Giving credit where it is due
- Listen attentively to others, to understand their point of view
Hence, the Divine Feminine is always diplomatic when interacting with others. This individual sees the missing links in a bigger picture and uses hindsight to solve recurring challenges.
#8: Yearning for Immediate Results, But Also Know Patience
If you are a Divine Feminine and dating, chances are you will want your friend to commit to the relationship sooner. Likewise, you will be the first person to take action in a team. Still, you are willing to go the extra mile and wait for others to accomplish a common goal.
#9: Forgiving

What are your immediate thoughts when someone wrongs you? Well, if you have a hard time forgiving others, you could be having excessive masculine energy. See, the feminine power in us urges us to let go of grudges to heal from betrayal. More so, we let go of the past and unblock our feminine potential. For this, a Divine Feminine in leadership facilitates conflict resolution and prefers peace over winning.
#10: Reflective
Finally, the feminine power helps us understand our personality; what and why we like or dislike certain things. More so, we find hidden meanings in conversations, where others overlook clear-cut clues. The Divine Feminine takes time away from crowds to contemplate recurring thoughts. As a deep thinker, this individual looks forward to meaningful conversations to gather new knowledge.
Similarly, the Divine Feminine can see when someone is pretending or truthful. This reflective quality gives the Divine Feminine emotional intelligence to accept and forgive others or accommodate opposing views.
Are you experiencing a Divine Feminine awakening? If so, you may notice a heightening of Divine Feminine qualities in you. Indeed, if you are a true Divine Feminine soul, you have in-built traits that include empathy, creativity, intuition, nurturing, collaborative, forgiving, and a warrior spirit lying dormant in you. These qualities are crucial in leadership, team dynamics, and nurturing talent.