The animal empath is a gift that many people have but are not aware of it. Take a quick look around you or your previous interactions to spot the tell-tale signs of this personality. For example, if you are always rescuing stray cats or dogs. Or, you effortlessly pick up signals when your pet is happy, in distress, in need of a hug, or wants to be left alone.
However, being an animal empath today is not easy because some people find it weird that you are drawn to animals more than humans. So, you have to battle with your logical reasoning when you pick up conflicting animal signals.
What Does It Mean to Be an Animal Empath?
We all face situations in our lives that require us to sympathize with them. And, if you are an empath, you go a step further and take on the energy from that situation. If you absorb feelings in circumstances involving animals, you could be an animal empath. Here, you experience emotions from animals louder and more intensely.
Why Animal Empaths Connect Deeply with Animals
Animal empaths are in tune with animals. They have the exceptional abilities to recognize and understand the moods and instincts of certain animals. It is to such a degree that the animal empath can interact or influence the animal’s behavior. Often, the communication from animals is telepathic.
The Mental & Emotional State of Animals

Note that animal emotions and mental state vary depending on which animal is in question. For example, we view insects as emotionless but see elephants as emotional and empathetic to other animals. And whereas a lizard shows no emotions, the Komodo dragon is intelligent and full of emotions.
In turn, there are traits about animals that make it possible for animal empaths to pick up their signals.
These animals:
- Love unconditionally
They are straightforward, ask for no explanations, and love unconditionally. In turn, animal empaths find it easy to loosen up when with animals.
- Give animal empaths a chance to go outdoors and reconnect with nature
For example, animal empaths reconnect with nature by taking a dog for a walk, exercising the horses out in the woods, and watching birds swimming in the backyard birdbath.
- Are vulnerable, hence, need protecting
Human activities like deforestation, hunting, and animal abuse make animals vulnerable to pain and suffering. An animal empath will be sad when witnessing animal mistreatment.
- Teach us how to love nature and ourselves
Unlike humans, animals always live in the present, love to play, and focus on what they need now to survive.
Also, animals:
- Create a relaxing environment
- Offer affection
- Are receptive to care
- Get attracted to empaths
- Create bonds with humans that evoke a sense of mindfulness
Consequently, animal empaths pick up signals from the body language, facial expressions, and sounds that animals exhibit.
Signs You Are an Animal Empath

#1: You Are Drawn to Animals More Than People
Animal empaths find it relaxing to take their pets for a walk instead of going to the bar to catch up with friends.
#2: You Are Offended by Eating Meat or Using Animal By-products
Do you feel the urge to become vegan or vegetarian or get offended when you see people eat meat or wearing leather products? You could be an animal empath. Note that this is an extreme indicator of this personality. Most animal empaths are comfortable eating or wearing animal products.
#3: Animals Come to You from Nowhere
If you take in strays or often wake up to footprints of animals in your backyard, you could be attracting animals without knowing it.
#4: You Are Naturally Inclined to Work with Animals
You could be a veterinary doctor, a volunteer at an animal shelter, or a scientist who studies animal behavior. Most animal empaths choose careers that keep them in constant contact with animals.
Other signs of an animal empath are:
- You talk to animals
- Family and friends say that you and your pet act alike
- When you look at an animal’s eyes, you see a soul
- You feel drained, have sleepless nights, or get sick when you see an animal in distress
Challenges Animal Empaths Face
- Double Guessing Your Emotions
As an animal empath, your logical reasoning is always in conflict with the telepathic messages you receive from animals. In other words, when our rational side gets in the way of what we sense from animals, we begin to double-guess ourselves. The best way to overcome double guessing is by trusting your instincts.
- Dealing with Stereotypes
In the 13th century, when St. Francis of Assisi tamed the wolf of Gubbio, his action was seen as miraculous and not diabolical. Likewise, we still have communities that view animal empaths as weird, heresy, witchcraft, or a form of demon possession. Here, neighbors may label you as animal whisperers, and avoid you at the shopping mall, school, or public transport.
- Acknowledging Your Lack of Control Over Animals in Need
Often, an animal empath will feel guilty or deep sadness when encountering anxious or hurting animals. If these animals are in a zoo or are pets whose owners mistreat them, the animal empath feels drained and helpless in such situations. Yet, knowing that we cannot heal or rescue every animal in need is crucial. Instead, take the animal to a hospital or lobby for better treatment of animals in our communities.
Coping Strategies for Animal Empaths

If you are an animal empath, there are ways to deal with the overwhelming emotions you feel towards animals. Here are some examples: –
- Take your pet for a walk.
- Set time aside to play and interact with your pet.
- Avoid anxiety and depression associated with animal empaths by learning to distinguish between your energy and that of others.
- Practice self-care routines. They include having sufficient rest, clean eating and exercising, setting boundaries, and staying in touch with nature.
- Visit the vet or animal shelter and help in looking after the animals.
Then, are you an animal empath? If so, we hope you can practice some of the coping strategies we listed for living as an animal empath in the 21st century. For, this animal empath gift should have a positive impact on animals and people around you. More so, you should be able to live a fulfilling life as you experience nature.