Negative emotions are hard to avoid especially during uncertain times and crisis situations. If we don’t know how to deal with them they become pretty destructive and may bring unpleasant circumstances such as exhaustion and even physical illness. Anxiety and fear are the most common emotions that we feel during difficult times. But what if I told you that relief from these emotions is right at your fingertips? Yes, you read it right! In this article, I will share with you 5 simple yet effective mudras for anxiety and fear that will help you to find inner harmony, to get rid of obsessive feelings, and even heal emotional pain.
Read on!
Fear And Anxiety As Energy Disorders
Almost everyone on this planet is sometimes accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling of anxiety and/or an incomprehensible fear of something. If these are momentary emotions, they pass quickly and do not cause much harm. But if such emotions are kept in the head steadily, regularly spoil your mood, and exhaust you, then they become a problem. There can be different reasons for that. However, most often the problem is related to your chakras – most likely, either Manipura or Sahasrara. Let’s dive a little deeper into this!
Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra
It is responsible for will power, personal power, motivation, and inner potential.
Manipura is mainly Associated with the digestive system: the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, small intestine, but also with the upper part of the kidneys, adrenal glands, liver, spleen, and spine at the level of the Manipura chakra itself.
Solar Plexus chakra is connected to ring finger and middle finger.
Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra
It is responsible for our connection with the Universe, God, the Higher consciousness. Therefore, when we feel fear it is an indication of the disconnection with the Divine. You see, when we are connected with God, we feel so aligned with our Divine nature that we cannot feel any negative emotions, especially anxiety and fear. What do you have to worry about if the Universe has your back? What do you have to be afraid of if God is surrounding you with His presence?
That is why when we feel anxiety and fear we should focus on reconnecting with the Divine.
The Crown chakra is directly connected with the head, and when there is an imbalance in the Sahasrara chakra, you may experience psychosis and headaches. When the disconnection is very big, people may even have epilepsy and experience the excessive use of psychoactive substances.
Sahasrara is connected to the thumb. Also, it has a connection to the center of the palm.
What Is Mudra?
“Mudra” can be translated as “seal”, “mark”, or “gesture”.
Mudras are symbolic gestures often practiced with the hands and fingers.
Connecting the fingers in certain combinations, you can activate the meridians and direct energy throughout the body, restore the flow of energy, and eliminate “breakdowns” in diseased organs.
How to Choose the Right Mudra for Anxiety And Fear?
To understand what mudra will help you, you should be clear about what emotion you’re dealing with and what caused it. Then read the description of the mudras below and determine the most suitable ones for yourself. Note that each mudra has a specific orientation, so study it in detail before performing the gesture as a therapeutic method. Usually, people use 3-5 mudras, each of which should take 7-10 minutes to complete.
5 Mudras For Anxiety And Fear
#1 Abhaya Mudra

This mudra is also called “a gesture of fearlessness”. It helps to acquire fearlessness, self-confidence, and find inner strength. This mudra strengthens the psyche and helps to take a stable position in life. It represents protection, peace, and the dispelling of fear.
The Abhaya mudra encourages the acquisition of inner strength. The gesture symbolizes patronage and benevolence and does not promise the appearance of aggression in a person. On the contrary, it becomes stronger in order to help the weaker ones.
How to perform Abhaya mudra:
- Bend your right arm at the elbow and position it so that the palm is parallel to the chest.
- Turn the palm outward from yourself, straighten the fingers so that they look up.
- Stick out your thumb so that it goes a little apart from the others.
You can perform mudra with one hand or both. You need to keep your hand in the air, do not lower your palm and do not raise it too high.
#2 Shield of Shambhala

This mudra effectively protects from negative energies and helps to recover your strength. It can also provide vitality, create a calming effect, and bring inner peace.
Shambhala is a legendary country. It is inhabited by enlightened beings. It is connected to the Highest principle, and therefore inaccessible to the forces of evil. If you feel unprotected or oppressed by others, this mudra is designed for you.
How to perform the Shield of Shambhala Mudra?
The hand positions are reversed according the gender.
For women:
- Clenched your right hand into a fist and hold your palm facing down, against the Solar Plexus area.
- Press your left palm against the right fist. The open palm should always face upwards.
This position is held for five to twenty minutes and used in conjunction with conscious breathing.
For men:
Clench your left hand into a fist and press against the right palm, remembering to hold the hands in the same area.
#3 Anjali Mudra

Anjali means “offering,” and in India, this mudra is often accompanied by the word “namaste.”
Without a doubt, Anjali mudra is known to almost everyone, but not everyone knows the true purpose of this gesture.
Anjali mudra helps to find balance, restore harmony, and create energy balance in the body. It also gives a sense of peace and calmness.
If you need to collect your thoughts, Anjali mudra can also provide invaluable help. Also, this position of the hands indicates respect for the surrounding creatures and unity with them. It is considered a greeting.
How to perform Anjali mudra?
- Place both hands at the level of the Anahata (Heart) chakra.
- Put your hands together so that each finger adjoins the corresponding one on the opposite hand.
- Tilt your head slightly and say “Namaste”.
#4 Ardhapataka mudra

Ardhapataka means ‘half-flag’.
The ardhapataka mudra eliminates the hassles due to the opening of the energy centers throughout the body and releases inner energy.
This mudra represents the banks of a flowing river upon which the bridge between spiritual and material can be build.
Through an open palm, the energy flows can be directed to the world, which will supply you with life forces from the outside upon your return. Due to this exchange of energy, you can get rid of your problems, worries, and fears.
How to perform Ardhapataka mudra:
Hold your palms flat. Then bend your ring and pinkie fingers inward while extending your index and pointer fingers.
#5 Varada mudra

This mudra symbolizes the dispensing of boons. It helps to get rid of guilt, tension, toxic emotions, such as anger, resentment, or envy. Also, this gesture helps to clarify thoughts, it gives ease, allowing you to get rid of dissatisfaction with yourself. If you are frustrated with people, Varada mudra can help you understand and forgive them, helping you develop compassion.
How to perform Varada mudra:
- Come to a stable sitting posture with an upright spine.
- Rest your hands on your knees.
- Turn the left palm to face forward and point the left fingers downwards.
Hold Varada Mudra for as long as it feels comfortable, throughout a meditation.
How and when to practice mudras for anxiety and fear?
Find a quiet, deserted place where no one will disturb or distract you.
The most suitable position for concentration is the Lotus position. If this position is uncomfortable for you, then you can take any other sitting position, you can even squat or sit on a chair.
The neck should be shifted slightly back.
In whatever position you are sitting, the main point is a straight back. Try not to slouch.
The optimal time for mudra practice is in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening, before going to bed.
It is very good to chant mantras when performing mudras. Mantra chanting helps to concentrate and calm the nervous system.
The Bottom Line
Mudras for anxiety and fear are designed to lower your stress level and provide the support you are looking for during difficult and uncertain times. By making these mudras for anxiety and fear a part of your daily routine, you will increase your energy level and feel more confident, centered, and protected.
Remember that inner peace creates outer peace. Therefore, by performing mindfulness we are creating a peaceful space not just for ourselves but also for those around us.