We all have divine masculine and divine feminine archetypal energies. The divine masculine is direct and represents the giving nature. In contrast, the divine feminine is cyclical, expressing a receiving nature. When working together, these two energies dance to form a spiral similar to yin and yang or SO and CHA. Indeed, the dualistic nature of the universe exists because of these two opposite energies. Think of day and night, hot and cold, light and dark, yin and yang, and so on.
Anyone seeking spiritual maturity must nurture, honor, and balance the masculine and feminine energies. When these energies come into harmony and balance with one another, they begin to express divine qualities. Though they exist in everyone, women awaken their divine feminine nature more often, and men are encouraged to activate their divine masculine energies. Here, the individual proactively embraces a healthy way of expressing the side they wish to cultivate. For example, a man can seek to learn all of life’s lessons about masculinity.
So, this guide will focus on divine masculine energy. More so, we will define it, identify signs of its awakening, and share tips on how to awaken the divine masculine energy within you.
What is ‘Divine Masculine’?
The divine masculine is an energy of expansion. It refers to focused strength and action in a manner that is in harmony with beauty and wholeness. This energy is not gender-sensitive, hence, manifests in both men and women. It is believed that the divine masculine energy is connected to the left side of the brain.
What are the Signs of Divine Masculine Awakening?

When you awaken your divine masculine, the following things happen: –
#1: You Develop Great Confidence
Divine masculine awakening provokes healthy confidence and belief in your actions, not to be mistaken for arrogance. It stems from having that diving masculine energy within, giving the person confidence to face any task because they know they are guided by spirit. You no longer see hurdles as stumbling blocks but as stepping stones to success.
#2: You Become Loyal and Trustworthy
When your divine masculine awakens, it brings out commitment, understanding, and faithfulness in you. It places value on the bond you share with your partner. Since it believes in the revered union of love and the boundaries necessary for the relationship to flourish, your loyalty and self-control come naturally.
Faithfulness becomes your way of living rather than an imposed behavior. Hence, when a man who labels himself as a womanizer starts to show loyalty and trust toward their long-time partner, it is a clear sign of the divine masculine awakening in them.
#3: You Become Protective
While masculine energy drives us to protect what we like, divine masculine energy drives us to protect the innocent and righteous path of life. Hence, you feel drawn to show unconditional love towards everything and everyone in your care. That way, your spouse, child, sibling, parent, friend, or colleague feels safe and protected when close to you. And, the energy will attract more people to you, for they feel safe with you.
#4: You Practice Self Care
Anyone undergoing a diving masculine awakening owns their actions. This energy helps you identify your needs. In turn, you get proactive with self-care routines as you work towards your happiness. Likewise, you are in control of your actions. Hence, you know when to exert your divine masculine power to help others.
#5: Show Responsibility
The divine masculine energy makes you responsible enough not to be a victim of those that need rescuing. More so, when you make a mistake, this energy gives you the courage to reflect and acknowledge your wrongdoing. Anyone whose divine masculine is awake sees the blame game as a waste of energy.
#6: You Are More Active
Does your comfort zone seem not comforting anymore? If you are the kind of person who felt content and seemed to settle in their career, relationships, or studies, a divine masculine awakening will push you from a passive to an active lifestyle.
Now, you find it automatic to take the initiative to go out and pursue new and higher goals. And when you rest, it is only to review and strategize your next course of action. The healthy confidence you have assures you that you can reach your goals as long as you never give up on them.
5 Ways to Awaken Your Divine

Are you seeking to awaken the divine masculine within you? Here are 5 ways to do so: –
#1: Heal Your Father
Do you have any grudge or unresolved issues with your father, grandfather, or any other father figure? It could be anger or hatred you have for the trauma, abuse, or neglect you went through as a child. Or, it could be a sense of betrayal when your father figure gave you up for adoption. Whatever the source, strive to let go and make peace, even if this father figure is no longer alive.
#2: Heal Your Sexuality
If your sexuality revolves around seeking instant gratification or body pleasures, you need to change this perspective. By learning everything about the relationship between sexuality and divine masculinity, you will discover that your sexuality can be a great source of creativity and inspiration. Hence, you can create whatever you want from a powerful perspective. Start by reading more about the sacredness of sex and how you can practice what you learn.
#3: Physical Movement
Divine masculine awakening requires you to be a person on the move. For example, you can take part in martial arts to build your physical and mental power. Or, enroll at the gym. Your divine masculine energy gets outlet through these physical activities.
#4: Care for Others
As mentioned earlier, divine masculine energy has a giving nature. It wants to serve and share with others. Therefore, to awaken it, find a course that is bigger than you. Share your skills with those who need them.
#5: Lead a Purposeful Life
Embark on a soul-seeking journey to figure out your purpose in life. Ask deep soul questions about your existence, where you come from, and why you are here today. By doing so, you learn to live truthfully without fear of taking risks. Hence, your divine masculine energy will follow that direction to fulfill your life purpose.
The divine masculine and divine feminine energies work together in a balanced way to create a powerful dynamic in our lives. However, you must awaken them. We hope this guide helped you understand better what divine masculine energy is and how to awaken it. May it help you attain spiritual maturity and balance in life.