Important Astrological Events In November 2020 According to Jyotish

Astrological Events In November 2020 Jyotish Image

November starts the period of big transformations. Openness to new things, readiness for renewal, courage, and honesty are the qualities that each of us needs to develop in order to live this month in harmony with the energy forces of the cosmos. In this article, I will share with you some of the most important astrological events in November 2020 based on Jyotish (Vedic astrology). I will give you a detailed description of the transits of the planets and recommendations for a harmonious life during this period.

Astrological Events In November 2020 (Jyotish)

Mercury Stops Its Retrograde Movement (November 4th)

Mercury retrograde Image

On November 4th, Mercury stops its retrograde movement and continues to remain in Libra until November 28th. After that, it transits in Scorpio.

Mercury in Scorpio will give you the sharpness of mind and depth. There may be disputes and disagreements. It is good to delve into the details, to investigate fine items.


The main recommendation for this period is to carefully organize your plans and don’t rush.

Mars Stops Its Retrograde Movement In Pisces (November 14th)

Planet Mars Image

On November 14th, Mars will end its retrograde movement and will continue to remain in Pisces until December 24th.

Mars in Pisces gives noble aspirations, the desire to protect the truth and justice. At the same time, there may be a lack of firm determination, a big influence of emotions, and a blurring of motivation during this period.


Use this period for resolving conflicts, disputes, and disagreements and become more understanding. Also, it’s a good time to resolving administrative and technical issues.

New Moon In Libra (November 15th)

new moon rituals image

During this period, the energy of the Moon is tuned to a new wave. Along with it, there is a renewal of your personal energy.

During the New Moon, it’s recommended to make plans for the next month. This refers to the practices related to self-development, self-improvement, and spiritual growth since the Moon controls our mind and emotions.


  • finish all those things that you started earlier or that you kept putting off for another day;
  • do house cleaning – it will help you to clean not only the space around you but also your mind before you start performing spiritual practices;
  • pay your debts (if you have any);
  • honor deceased ancestors (you can just think about them or look at their pictures);
  • do charity (you can donate anything except money);
  • meditate on harmony and love;
  • perform forgiveness practices.

During the New Moon, it is NOT recommended:

  • to start new important things that will somehow affect your future life;
  • to make major purchases (real estate, car, large appliances);
  • make repairs, renovations;
  • to travel;
  • to appoint important meetings, which may affect the execution of transactions, conduct of business, etc.
  • make money transactions (invest money, transfer large sums, borrow or lend);
  • overwork.

Sun Transit In Scorpio (November 16th)

Cosmic Sun Image

In Scorpio, the Sun becomes stronger, because Scorpio is a friendly sign for the Sun.

However, the Sun will be weakened by Ketu which remains in Scorpio. This position of the Sun and Ketu in the same sign affects our confidence, our energy will be more directed inward, and we may have more doubts and skepticism than usual.

However, the Sun and Ketu in Scorpio is a good position for spiritual development, developing humility, studying metaphysics and occult science, and healing practices. During this time, you may discover new sides of yourself. This time is good for studying esotericism, developing intuition, and making secret plans and deeds.


Venus Transit In Libra (November 17th)

Planet Venus Image

This transit is one of the most pleasant astrological events in November 2020! In Libra, Venus will feel great. Therefore, during this time, you can plan entertainment, creative activity, and dating. Venus will give you refinement, bring diplomacy and goodwill.

During this transit, people will strive for peace and harmony in relations, sit down at the negotiating table, and try to settle conflicts peacefully. They will become more tolerant of the feelings and desires of each other, and better understand the motives of each other’s actions. This transit will inspire people to demonstrate peacefulness, compromise more easily, and in case of disagreements seek reconciliation in order to maintain good relations. The desire to communicate on a spiritual basis, the desire to find understanding in the interlocutor, comes to the fore.

During this time, sensitivity, delicacy, tact, and diplomacy will be especially valued.

At this time, you may receive a proposal for cooperation, joint activities, pacts, agreements, etc.

This is a good time for presentations, social events, and any events related to high art, fashion, and modeling. People will be happy to spend money on fun and beautiful things.

In the field of love relationships, there will also be an improvement. This will be a very favorable time for an engagement, wedding celebration, or other celebrations. The marriage concluded at this time promises to be harmonious.


  • Buy beautiful things;
  • Create beauty;
  • Work on improving or renewing the interior design of your house;
  • Listen to music and dance;
  • Go for romantic dates;
  • Arrange a romantic dinner for your partner;
  • Celebrate;
  • Enjoy life.

Jupiter Transit In Capricorn (November 20th)

Jupiter retrograde Image

This transit will last until April 5th, 2021.

This is the most unfavorable transit for Jupiter, where it is strongly oppressed and, therefore, this will immediately affect the spheres of a life controlled by this planet. Mainly, these are the areas of “big money”. Therefore, during this period, we can expect financial downturns and pessimism. Do not be frivolous and gullible. Make sure that the financial decisions you make are thought through and balanced.

During this transit, the expansion of any business will be limited. Therefore, during this period, it is not favorable to introduce innovations that involve improving or expanding an existing enterprise or project. You should be wary of hypocrisy, illegal financial activities, and neglect of your duties. Make sure you take your work seriously.

If you plan to launch projects related to education or spirituality, which require authority and expertise, it’s better to do it before November 20th. It is also a better time for finance and investment.

Jupiter in Capricorn can manifest itself in a lack of interest in spiritual and religious topics, in a lack of faith, skepticism, a tendency to conservatism and fanaticism. This transit is more oriented to solving down-to-earth and specific objectives.

During this period, kindness and generosity may become less. This is a time of strict and even harsh karmic lessons.


  • Take your work seriously;
  • Don’t make rash decisions;
  • Honor the traditions and customs;
  • Respect elders, teachers, gurus, and mentors;
  • Help the homeless and those in need, do charity work, make donations to churches and temples;
  • Practice daily meditations, mantra chanting, and praying;
  • Be positive and optimistic;
  • Respect all religions and spiritual traditions (you don’t have to follow them);
  • Wish happiness to everyone;
  • Respect your father and husband.

The Lunar Eclipse In Taurus (November 30th)

Lunar eclipse Image

This is the last Lunar Eclipse in 2020 and one of the most significant astrological events in November!

In the United States, the eclipse will begin on November 30th at 2:32 a.m. EST and ends at 6:53 a.m. EST, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 4:42 a.m. EST.

The Eclipse will occur in the sign of Taurus, in the Rohini Nakshatra. The center of the Eclipse will be over the Pacific ocean, but it will also be visible in Europe, Asia, North and South America, and Australia.

In Taurus, the Moon meets Rahu. As you may remember from previous articles, Rahu transited in Taurus in September and it will remain in this position until April 12th, 2022.

Moon and Rahu are strong in Taurus, they both are in exaltation. During this period, you can expect intense emotions, strong excitement, and anxiety.

A strong Rahu in the earth sign can indicate a strong material influence and strong desires. If you give in to the influence of the Eclipse, you can plunge into a great illusion.

The Eclipse is a period of purification when it is necessary to resist the forces of evil. If you understand this, you’ll be given a lot of strength and opportunities.

Recommendations for lunar eclipse:

  • Take a bath or shower (it is better to do this right at the moment of the Eclipse);
  • Fast (if it is difficult to completely give up food, limit yourself to light vegan food and juices);
  • Engage in some quiet activity that will not cause any strong emotions and stress;
  • Meditate;
  • Read sacred texts and spiritual literature;
  • Avoid watching horror movies;
  • Observe your mind and be present;
  • Avoid toxic people and being involved in conflicts and negative situations.

On the day of the Lunar Eclipse is not recommended:

  • Leave the house 4 hours before and after the eclipse;
  • To visit places of entertainment;
  • Drink alcohol, smoke, or take psychotropic medications;
  • Leave food and water under the open sky (it is believed that everything that was exposed to the Eclipse is no longer suitable as food);
  • Wear new clothes;
  • Sign contracts;
  • Get married;
  • Make important decisions;
  • Moongazing (it is dangerous to look at the Moon during the eclipse!);
  • Make investments.


In this article, I’ve covered the most important astrological events in November 2020. During this month, it’s essential to take your emotions under control and focus more on the positive sides of life. Don’t get involved in conflicts, arguments, or gossips – it will only attract more karmic lessons in your life. During this time of emotional tension and disagreements around, it’s important to stay focused on your spiritual development and keep a peaceful and calm mindset.