Are you in a passionate relationship that seems to be hitting turbulence every other day? All relationships indeed have ups and downs. But the situation is different with karmic relationships. A karmic relationship’s lows are low, and the highs and very high. It feels like strong waves carrying you.
Karmic relationships are meant to teach you a specific karmic lesson. People in karmic relationships often think they have found their soul mates. But the turn of events in their relationships later proves them wrong.
How do you know when you are in a karmic relationship? Read on to find out more.
What Is a Karmic Relationship?
A karmic relationship is highly passionate yet complicated to maintain. It feels like a raging fire consuming you. It gives you all the adrenaline you need but sometimes burns you too. Knowing you are in a karmic relationship won’t take long. The turbulence and the passion all hit from an early stage.
Here are signs that you are in a karmic relationship.
#1: Instant connection
Was it love at first sight? That is one of the signs that you could be in a karmic relationship. Sometimes if the chemistry is from the word go, it could be due to the connection you had in your past life. If you find that you have everything in common with a person you just met, be on the watch out. It could be the start of a high tidal karmic relationship.
#2: Consistent break-up/make-up cycle

A karmic relationship is filled with a lot of drama. One of the dramas that stand out is the break-up/make-up cycle. When broken, you feel like you cannot take it anymore. You literally cannot live without them; the attraction is magnetic. However, as soon as you make up with them, you are faced with lots of lows, and you break up again.
Healthy relationships may have drama too, but at a lower level. If you are locked up in the daily drama, it is a sure sign you are in a karmic relationship. Another significant issue is the tendency to create big mountains out of small anthills
#3: There is an overflow of emotions
There will always be a roller coaster of emotions in a karmic relationship. One minute you feel consumed in love, passion, and lust. The next minute, you literally cannot stand the person. You know you are caught up in a karmic relationship, if you’re constantly juggling between too much love and too much detest.
Also, you may feel addicted to each other.
#4: Repetitive behavior
You might be in a karmic relationship if you constantly have fights about the same things. You fight about an issue, solve it today, and think it is done. However, the same issue arises tomorrow, and it causes another full-blown fight.
The highs of a karmic relationship happen due to you and your partner’s high compatibility. However, the incompatibility results in constant and repetitive fights. If you have to keep solving the same issue every other day, you may want to look at the state of your relationship.
#5: You feel drained

Karmic relationships can exhaust you. A lot of times, the draining is mental and emotional. However, you may also feel physically exhausted. The repetitiveness, fear, and everyday drama are exhausting. It is normal to feel stressed in such relationships.
Sometimes, you will feel like you cannot take it anymore. However, you find yourself hanging in there for fear of ending the relationship.
#6: Fearfulness
Sometimes, a karmic relationship may feel like walking on eggshells. The relationship is very volatile and unpredictable. You do not know how the situation will be the next minute. Also, you live in constant fear of the highs suddenly turning into lows or the relationship ending.
If you always feel like you are treading on dangerous grounds, you may want to assess your relationship deeply.
#7: One-sided
Karmic relationships are typically one-sided. If one person crosses oceans for their partner, while the other cannot even jump a puddle for the sake of a relationship, chances are high that it is a karmic relationship.
A one-sided relationship is not difficult to point out. It is always clear that one partner loves the other way too much. If you feel like you cannot survive without your partner, but they can easily survive anything without you, it is one-sided.
The codependency in the relationship makes it difficult for you to break it even when you know it is toxic.
#8: There is nothing much going on outside your relationship
Is it just the two of you by yourselves? No other friends, passions, or hobbies? If it feels like you are pursuing your partner 24/7, you are in a karmic relationship.
This is one reason karmic relationships are difficult to break; you have nothing to return to at the end of the relationship. You have no friends or passions you pursue. The loneliness after breaking up with your partner will send you back into the relationship.
What Do You Do When You are in a Karmic Relationship?

When you find yourself in a karmic relationship, remember that it is meant to teach you a karmic lesson about yourself, unconditional love, patience, forgiveness, and relationships in general.
Until we learn the karmic lessons that relationships provide for us, we won’t be able to break the cycle. Even if you break up with your partner, the karmic lessons you haven’t learned from this relationship will manifest in the next one. You will be repeating the cycle until you learn the lesson.
Breaking up with a karmic partner will only cause you pain if you haven’t learned the lesson. However, when the lesson is learned, it won’t be difficult for you to finish the relationship peacefully and harmoniously without causing pain to yourself or your partner. Therefore, don’t rush to end your karmic relationships. Dive deeper into the lesson instead. Learn what needs to be learned, whether it’s acceptance without judgment, compassion, unconditional love, or self-love. It’s only after you have learned the necessary lesson that you’ll be able to finish the karmic cycle.
To help you with this process, you can perform the karmic relationship healing practice to let go of unnecessary negative cords. This practice will help you to remove the unhealthy attachments and make it easier to end the karmic cycle.