Yogis believe that the space between the eyebrows is very important. And that explains why this space is marked with a colored dot in some cultures. Similarly, located between two hemispheres of our brain is the Pineal gland. A very significant pea-sized organ is also referred to as the Ajna chakra. So what exactly is the Pineal gland, and why is it important? We will be answering these and more in this article.
What Is the Pineal Gland?
Also known as the third eye, the Pineal gland is indirectly connected to the eye’s retina. The retina is the location of our eyes’ light receptors. One of the Pineal gland’s major functions is to regulate our diurnal cycle (sleep and wake cycles). How does it achieve this function?
The Scientific Explanation
Our eyes, via the retina, receive light signals. The retina then sends these signals to the Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), also known as our biological clock, via the optic nerve, which releases a chemical known as Glutamate.
This chemical activates a chain of reactions in the SCN, including releasing other chemicals that affect different nuclei in the body. Of significance to our discussion is the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). When the PVN receives the light stimulus, it sends that signal directly to the Superior Cervical Ganglion (SCG), which directly connects to the Pineal Gland.
The SCG secretes Norepinephrine (NE) chemical, which binds to the receptors in the Pineal gland. This chemical then stimulates the synthesis of Melatonin (i.e., converts Tryptophan to 5-HTP to Serotonin which then converts to Melatonin.)
During the day, SCG secretes low Norepinephrine (NE) chemical, while this chemical is secreted in higher quantities in darkness. Eventually, the body has to find a balance because excessive secretion of Melatonin is dangerous, and too little is equally not OK.
The Melatonin secreted by the Pineal gland is then sent back to the SCN to regulate the biological clock accordingly.
In a Nut Shell:
The Pineal Gland secretes Melatonin, which regulates our sleep and wake cycle via the Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) located in the Hypothalamus. In the darkness, more Melatonin is secreted, which instructs the SCN to induce the sleep process. So if you don’t feel drowsy at night, try switching off the lights.
Similarly, less Melatonin is secreted in bright light, which tells the SCN to keep you awake.
We should also mention that for some animals, especially the amphibian, fish, and reptiles, the pineal gland is positioned directly under the skin to receive and process the light signals directly. Now it becomes clear why the pineal gland is also called the third eye.
From Spiritual Perspective

The Pineal gland is responsible for our connection with spiritual realms and Cosmic Consciousness. The active pineal gland allows us to attain supernatural powers, such as clairvoyance, psychic vision, telepathy, etc. Lucid dreaming and astral traveling are also linked to the active pineal gland.
How Can You Activate Your Pineal Gland?
The pineal gland plays a great role in our metaphysical practices and spiritual development. Sometimes, when the pineal gland is blocked, people have trouble falling asleep, which is when modern medicine prescribes Melatonin supplements or sleeping pills.
In this article, we want to share with you easy yet powerful tips on how to unblock your pineal gland. Follow the below easy steps each day and unlock the key to expanded consciousness.
5 Tips On Unblocking the Pineal Gland
#1: Focus Your Consciousness On Your Forehead
Naturally, where our attention goes energy will start to flow. As you go on with your daily activities, beware of the spot in the middle of your forehead. You can also decide to mark that spot for an easier reminder. For example, Sadhus put Chandan on this spot to make it feel tighter and consequently develop an awareness of that spot.
#2: Yoga

With your eyes closed, roll them towards the center of your eyebrows. Stay in that position until your focus shifts from that place to a level of heightened consciousness. Initially, you might struggle to transcend. You might even experience a slight headache. Don’t give up. Keep practicing until you get it right.
#3: Managing Your Sources of Light
Naturally, the sun is supposed to set in the evening, and darkness sets in. It’s time to sleep. However, the modern-day lifestyle is always competing with nature. What do you do when you get home in the evening? You want to catch up with social media, your television is on, light bulbs are on, and all the enemies of sleep kick in at full throttle. And that’s OK. We can’t compare the needs of today with those a few decades ago, right? Heck, some of us have to go for a night shift.
The best practice with such a lifestyle is to switch off all light sources at least an hour before bed. This way, your gland will have produced enough Melatonin to induce a healthy sleep pattern. Similarly, reduce your exposure to electromagnetic pollution.
#4: Eye Health
We need to maintain optimum eye health at all times since this gland depends on the signals sent by the eye, right? An easy way to keep your eyes healthy is through routine eye exercises such as continuously rotating your eyes for a few minutes each morning. Such exercises strengthen your eye muscles.
#5: Limit Your Fluoride Intake
Research has linked fluoride to one of the causes of Pineal gland calcification. Fluoride is mainly found in tap water and commercial kinds of toothpaste. It would be best If you could find alternatives. For example, use organic toothpaste types free from fluoride. Also, install a specialized water filter for your tap water. The kind that works on Reverse Osmosis Filtration to get rid of the fluoride in water.
The Bottom Line
The pineal gland is one of the most important organs in our body. Sadly, due to poor health and aging, this organ is highly susceptible to failure due to calcification. Follow the above guidelines and take care of your pineal gland. And if you’re already experiencing signs of failure, remember it’s never too late to reverse them. Practice meditation, overall well-being, and proper eye health. You will unlock your key to heightened consciousness.