Human beings are spirits inside a physical body. However, most people live their lives like bodies inside the spirit. Spiritual transformation means transcending beyond the physical body to the level of the soul. As complicated as this sounds, we will explain how easy it is to achieve spiritual transformation. But first, let’s get a bit more practical.
Common Experiences of Spiritual Transformation
Overcoming trauma
Have you ever shied away from attempting something just because that thing reminds you of your past trauma? Once you overcome such experiences, it’s a clear sign you have transformed spiritually. Like a rape victim finally getting married and enjoying motherhood.
Letting go of a toxic behavior
Most people can possibly relate to this one. How many weight-loss diets have you tried before achieving your weight goal? Or, how many times did you try quitting smoking before you actually did? See, spiritual transformation is not a walk in the park. But once you get the hang of it, you become the unstoppable hero.
Becoming Soul-centered
When you experience spiritual transformation, you start journeying back to the center of your being. You echo the advice “be yourself” and now find it easier to apply. Perhaps it’s because you now know who you really are.
How Does Spiritual Transformation Differ from Spiritual Awakening?
In the past, we have explored Spiritual Awakening. So what is the difference? Now spiritual transformation occurs as a by-product of our spiritual awakening journey. And since spirituality is a never-ending journey, it means if we continue in this journey, we will experience multiple angles of spiritual transformation.
Enough of the theories, how then do you know that you have achieved spiritual transformation?
6 Signs You Are Experiencing Spiritual Transformation

Let me start by reminding you that we are all different. A change might go unnoticed for one person yet be painfully unbearable for another person. That means you might notice some of these signs but not all of them.
#1: Things Start Falling Apart
That moment when you can’t seem to hold anything together. Your partner breaks up with you, you get fired at work, your family becomes a thorn in the side, and all you want to do is close yourself up and cry. Transformation can only happen when there’s a space in your life that leads you to change. It doesn’t matter if it’s a big or small change. At this point, you need to realize that whatever is lost isn’t necessarily good enough for you and instead open up to new opportunities.
#2: Heightened Agitation
You start getting emotional at things that would not usually bother you. Like overreacting when you find yourself stuck in traffic. This is a sign of transformation if you wouldn’t normally react this way.
Agitation occurs when we allow fear to drive us. That moment when you feel lost in the middle of nowhere. You have no idea what to do or where you are going.
#3: Your Desire for Change Is Greater Than Your Fear of Not Knowing
Do you have a strong desire to change but the fear of the unknown keeps you stuck? Well, during spiritual transformation, you realize that this desire grows bigger while your fears diminish. You can quickly draft that resignation letter without worrying about your next opportunity. Or, you can easily break up with your fiancée without worrying about your future.
#4: You Trust Easily and Your Faith Grows, or the Vice Versa
Trust is usually the last chapter of the transformation. After you’ve been through emotional rollercoasters and denial, you are now ready to surrender and accept the will of your creator. It’s also at this point that your world starts turning around for the better. Mainly because your spirit is now open to other avenues.
A good example is when you can’t let go of a toxic relationship even when all the signs say otherwise just because you can’t see past the relationship. Then after you’ve finally let go, you start wondering why you took so long. Sound familiar?
Now, for some people, the lack of trust is what signifies spiritual transformation. You suddenly feel the need to research any information you gather, irrespective of the source.
#5: New Opportunities Open Up for You
At this point, you stop “betting on an old horse” and start looking beyond your limitations. Your willingness to change and openness to a new reality manifest in new opportunities coming your way.
#6: You Open Up to New Relationships
At some point in your spiritual awakening journey, you will realize that you no longer fit in your normal circle of friends. This is normal. When you keep holding onto relationships that no longer serve your highest good, they will eventually drag you behind instead of pushing you to even greater levels.
Therefore, it’s important to let go of all the attachments and open yourself up to new relationships. Instead of feeling resentful of people who have hurt us in the past, we now feel compassion for them. The hatred turns into love and understanding.
The Bottom Line
As much as spiritual transformation can get uncomfortable, the most important thing is allowing yourself to grow until you finally feel that part in you that you turned off a long time ago because someone told you to. You also have to be willing to see and accept the things you don’t necessarily want to know about yourself. Be open, and allow yourself to evolve and participate in your transformation journey.