Every year between June 20 and June 21, the Earth tilts its closest to the Sun, marking the first day of summer and the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. Summer solstice 2022 will happen on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at 5:14 a.m. EDT. On the day of the summer solstice, the solar energy increases, as well as the power of rituals, mantras, and meditations performed on this day. This is a great day to celebrate and honor Surya, the Sun.
In this article, I will share with you the meaning behind the summer solstice and the spiritual practices and rituals you can perform on this powerful day!
Summer Solstice In Vedic Astrology
In Vedic astrology, the period from the summer solstice to the winter solstice is called dakshinayana. Thus the summer solstice is the first day of dakshinayana. According to the Puranas, Dakshinayana marks the period when the Gods and Goddesses are in their celestial sleep. This is the time when the Sun begins to trace a southward movement in the Earth’s sky in the northern hemisphere of the planet.
Dakshinayana is significant in the life of anyone who is involved in any kind of spiritual practice. If you perform practices dedicated to honoring Surya, the Sun, on the summer solstice, you can significantly improve your life in different areas.
Summer Solstice 2022
In general, the summer solstice is considered to be a good time for new beginnings. However, this year’s summer solstice is happening under the influence of the strong energies of the retrograde planets. At the time of the summer solstice in 2022, Saturn and Mercury will already be in a retrograde state. Therefore, the energy of the summer solstice 2022 may make us work on our karmic debts and old unfinished business.
The day of the summer solstice is a very powerful period when you can manifest your intentions.

If you want to improve your finances, then make donations and get involved in charity acts on the day of the summer solstice. Such acts will contribute to your good karma, remove your karmic debts, and make room in your karma for prosperity and abundance.
If you want to improve your romantic life, then do something pleasant for a man (if you’re a woman) or for a woman (if you are a man). If you’re single, buy a gift for your father (if you are a woman) or your mother (if you are a man), say something nice to a male colleague (if you are a woman) or a female colleague (if you are a man). If you are married but desire to improve the relationship with your spouse, be especially gentle, nice, and kind with him/her; take him/her out for a date, or have a romantic dinner at home together.
If you want to improve your health, then before eating something on the day of the summer solstice, be sure to say this affirmation: “This food nourishes my body and spirit, restores my strength, and heals me.”
Things to Do On Summer Solstice
These simple tips will help you to harmonize the energy of the Sun and get the most out of this powerful day:
- Get up during the Brahma Muhurta time and greet the Sun by performing Surya Namaskar.
- Spend time outdoors: have a picnic or just a walk in the park.
- Decorate the house with summer flowers in yellow-orange-red colors, arrange vases with fruit, candles, etc.
- It is very beneficial to do gardening on this day, but do not overdo it and take time to relax.
- Take a dip in the ocean, lake, or river — it will strengthen your connection with nature.
- Meditate and perform some breathing exercises (pranayama).
- Set your goals and intentions for the year and write them down in your planner.
Practices, Rituals, and Mantras
Reconnecting With Nature

As I have already said, on the day of the summer solstice, it is important to feel your unity with nature. For doing this, you can do a barefoot walk, for example. And you may also want to perform the practice that is called “Reconnecting with nature”. It’s best to be performed outdoor somewhere in nature. But if you don’t have the opportunity to practice it someplace in nature, you can perform it in your backyard, patio, or even inside.
This practice will be especially beneficial for those who:
- have circulatory problems, eating disorders, or joint problems;
- feel unstable and insecure in your life;
- lack balance between work and personal life;
- often experience dizziness;
- experience fears or phobias.
- Take a few deep breaths and slow exhalations, close your eyes.
- Imagine that you are in a cave. Look around and find a way out. Go outside the cave – you are in a beautiful green forest. You can hear the sound of a stream, the rustle of leaves, and the birds singing. Under your feet, you can see stairs leading down into the Earth. Go down these steps, don’t be afraid.
- As you descend deeper, you can hear the steady heartbeat of the Earth. Adjust your heartbeat to the natural beat. Feel the relaxation, the lightness.
- You have descended to the very heart of the Earth. Lie down directly on the ground, feel with your back and palms how Nature is happy to meet you, feel how it fills you in with its healing energy and power. Feel the care, support, and protection of Nature.
- Let the planet feel your love. Be grateful for this invisible care and support.
- Now stand up, climb the stairs to the cave, take a deep breath, and open your eyes.
Ritual “Reconnecting With The Sun”

- Stand facing East. Look in the direction where the reborn Sun rises.
- Say your gratitude to the Sun for all the good things in your life and ask for guidance and assistance in the future.
- Visualize your future as you would like it to be. Listen to yourself. What do you feel? Immerse yourself in your feelings. Let the sun recharge you and fill you with its energy.
Abundance Meditation
- Make yourself comfortable: lie down or sit down in a meditative posture.
- Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and slow exhalations. As you inhale, imagine how the solar energy of golden color enters your Solar Plexus (Manipura chakra) along with the air.
- When you feel the heat in your Solar Plexus, mentally say the words: “I feel the power of sunlight in me. I am one with the energy of the Universal abundance. I attract prosperity and embrace abundance in my life. So it is!”
- Feel how the energy of the Sun is circulating inside you and how its heat spreads from Manipura chakra and fills your entire body.
- Say your gratitude to the Universe for everything it gives you, for the abundant life, and limitless opportunities. Smile and open your eyes.
To harmonize the energy of the Sun on the day of the summer solstice, you can use the Surya mantra. It is best to recite this mantra at dawn, noon, or sunset 2, 9, 27, or 108 times. It’s recommended to light a candle while reciting the mantra, it will symbolize solar energy.
Before reciting the mantra, mentally formulate your intention, which you direct to Surya (this is the name of the Sun in the Vedic tradition). For example, you may say: “I dedicate reciting of this mantra to the materialization of my intention to become successful and prosperous”.
This is one of the most powerful Surya mantras:
Om Hrim Sum Suryaya Namah
The Bottom Line
Use the summer solstice to gather your best friends and get outside if you can. This is the time when we all need to celebrate life and express our gratitude to Mother Earth. Think of the sun as a life force, and use the longest day of the year as an excuse to soak up as much of it as you can.