Our avatar (or body) can be divided into 7 main segments (zones) in terms of body-oriented therapy. Each of these segments may contain physical blocks that interfere with the natural movement of energies, which over time will necessarily lead to problems on the physical plane.
The blocks can be manifested in two forms:
1. very tense muscles
2. too relaxed muscles
In this article, I’m going to tell you about physical blocks in the seven main segments of the avatar: eye, jaw, throat, chest, diaphragmatic, abdominal, and pelvic blocks.
Physical Blocks in the Eye Segment
This segment is represented by the scalp muscles and oculomotor muscles. We can get blocks in our eye segments because of the so-called social fears which include a fear of hearing and/or seeing an assessment about yourself from other people; fear of being offended by another person; fear of making a mistake.
Externally, the blocks in the eye segment may be formed for the following reasons:
- strong and consistent wrinkling of the forehead during a conversation;
- “surprised” raising eyebrows and making wide-open “naive” eyes;
- abnormally moving eyes;
- abnormally still look;
- severe frowning with the formation of a permanent wrinkle between the eyebrows.
When you have physical blocks in the eye segment you may feel
- pain in the eyes (since the vessels that feed the eyes are chronically “squeezed”);
- complaint of headaches (due to excessive tension of the eye muscles);
- difficulty crying (as markedly an abnormal state);
- conversely, constant tearfulness (as markedly an abnormal state)
Physical Blocks In the Jaw Segment
This segment is represented by the muscles of your chin, the lower part of your neck, and the upper part of your throat.
The blocks in the jaw segment can be caused by trying to block weeping, crying, and anger. In other words, these blocks can be formed when you don’s allow yourself to express your true feelings out loud.
Externally, the blocks in the jaw segment may be formed for the following reasons:
- addiction to chewing gum;
- permanently clenched jaws;
- constantly drooping lower jaw;
- trouble expressing out loud all feelings
Physical Blocks In the Throat Segment
These blocks are located in your tongue and neck muscles.
The blocks in the jaw segment can be caused by your inability (by not allowing yourself) to cry, to shout loudly in a loud voice, to express your true emotions, and resentment.
As a rule, this block does not exist by itself but goes “along” with the block in the jaw segment.
When you have physical blocks in the throat segment you may have:
- a constant neurotic cough, not caused by any infections;
- your voice is too quiet, the habit of involuntary gesture;
- you have a habit to hold your hand on the throat as if hugging it;
- frequent and involuntary swallowing (the result of feeling like there is something in your throat).
Physical Blocks in the Thoracic Segment
The thoracic segment is one of the two most important segments responsible for our discomfort in this world (the second, actually — pelvic).
These blocks are located in:
- the broad chest muscles;
- the chest muscles;
- the muscles of the shoulder blades;
- the shoulders’ muscles;
- the muscles of the arms.
Blocks in this segment most of all spoil our posture. In general, a person who has this kind of block doesn’t look happy.
These blocks appear when you don’t allow yourself to be passionate and to express your feelings openly. It can touch different aspects: sorrow, love, jealousy, the ability to get involved, the ability to follow your heart and live your dreams, etc.
These signs indicate that you have blocks in your thoracic segment:
- breathing problems;
- your hands are too cold, or too wet, or you always hold your hands in your pockets;
- abnormal position of your shoulders: they either permanently raised, or lowered limp;
- a protruding or “depressed” chest;
- the inflexibility of the body (for example, instead of just turning your head you have to turn your whole body because of the inflexibility of your neck);
- the tendency to dress in several layers of clothing, however always unbuttoned.
If you have blocks in your thoracic segment you may experience pain in the shoulders, sweating of the palms and breathing problems (lack of air).
The best healing for these blocks – any breathing exercises. You need to learn how “to Live, breathing deeply.”
Physical Blocks in the Diaphragm Segment
These blocks cover the muscles of the diaphragm itself, the solar plexus and those organs that are located in this zone. The diaphragm blocks are very similar to the chest blocks. These blocks also have such external signs as inflexibility of the body and breathing difficulties. But the reasons for the formation of physical blocks in the diaphragm segment are quite different and even unique.
The blocks in the diaphragm segment are formed as a result of the blocking your feelings of disgust. Imagine being forced to eat a worm or kiss a dead mouse. Visualize this situation in your mind. What muscles do you have tensed? Here it is – the block in the diaphragm in all its glory.
Well, now imagine that some people are forced to live and share a marital bed with a man whose smell and appearance makes them irresistible disgust. Chronic block in the diaphragm area is provided! Imagine another situation: a small child is forcibly stuffed with food, which causes him hysterical disgust. But his parents are forcing him to eat. And here he is choking, shoving into himself, let’s say, Brussel sprouts or springy particles of minced meat. This is how disgust and ability to vomit get formed in the diaphragm area.
Physical Blocks in the Abdominal Segment
These blocks cover the broad muscles of the abdomen, lower back and back.
The blocks on the back and waist form because of the carefully hidden fear that you will be attacked or caught doing something that you’re not supposed to do.
The blocks on the sides of your belly are caused by blocked emotions of anger and repressed hostility.
These are the typical signs of the blocks in the abdominal segment:
- lack of energy;
- apathy;
- lethargy.
Physical Blocks in the Pelvic Segment
This is the most important and the largest segment. It includes all the muscles of our body. This is the place where our vital fears live (when our whole body feels the threat of life – imaginary or real). Moreover, this is the place where tightly blocked sexual arousal lives. If a person lives with the idea that to feel sexual desires is wrong he has a huge block in the pelvic segment.
These external signs show that you have physical blocks in the pelvic segment:
- unsteady walk on the half-bent legs – you think that there is something that threatens your life and you’re absolutely constrained in sex;
- tense unflexible legs (like Heron’s legs), half – bent knees you lose a strong connection with the earth and normal stability.
The best practice that helps to heal this block is grounding.
The Bottom Line
I would like to note: usually people have several blocks. It’s a very common thing that one block is more pronounced than the others.
To remove physical blocks you need to start getting involved in any kind of physical activities: physical exercises, yoga, dance, whatever you like the most. If you exercise your muscles constantly it will help you to remove your physical blocks.
In addition, I recommend you to study the information from this article on your knowledge about the chakras. It will help you to get more detailed information on the blocks of the body and the course of energy. By performing physical and energy practices in synthesis, you can achieve faster and better results in removing your blocks.