Ayurveda, the ancient holy science is very beneficial not only for our state of mind but for our bodies too. Here we discuss how we can detox using Ayurvedic ways.
Ayurveda is not just about nutrition or herbology, it has a unique tool for diagnosis, diagnosis of understanding the human constitution is different from person to person. Each one has a unique metabolic system. – Maya Tiwari
As you move forward in life, its time to let the past be behind. It is time for you to let go of all things negative – thoughts, words, and actions. It is also time for you to let go of the external contaminants that you were exposed to. This includes poor food choices and even pollutants in the environment around.
According to Ayurveda, our bodies contain Agni, which is a Sanskrit term for fire. It helps digest our food and everything around us that we experience. It also helps immerse in the emotions that we feel and experience. Our bodies are made up of doshas or energies, and they control the body and its functions – Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. With the help of Ayurvedic cleansing, the toxins will be drawn out of the body and excess energies will be removed from the doshas too, which helps create harmony and balance within the body.
Our bodies become blocked and imbalanced when it is exposed too much to the food of poor choices and external pollutants. Even what we touch, feel, hear and smell have an emotional association with our senses, and they get blocked too. This is often seen as physical manifestations – bad body odor or even foul breath, aches and pains, indigestion, lack of clarity of thoughts, lethargy and more.
Ask yourself one of these questions, which will tell you if you are in need of a reboot:
- Do you suffer from digestive problems?
- Do you crave for any specific food type?
- Do you feel exhausted or lack energy?
- Are your thoughts unfocused or unclear?
- Do you have trouble going to sleep?
- Are you always stressed or anxious?
- Do you feel ‘off’ but don’t know why?
As long as your illnesses are not caused by an underlying health concern, you must try an Ayurvedic detox routine which will bring balance and harmony to your mind, body, and soul. This will happen when the digestive fire is reset and will allow the body to detox and get the toxins removed. Ayurvedic detox tips must not be confused with weight loss, rather it is a time for the body to slow down and heal itself.
The duration of the cleansing ritual can be chosen by you. It all depends on the body’s balance and the level of commitment you have. If you feel like having a reboot after a holiday season or maybe after an unhealthy weekend, try a one or a two-day cleansing ritual. If you feel your body needs a full-time serious detox regime, a week-long cleanse would be good enough to try.
Steps to Do Your Ayurvedic Detox at Home
1. Gentle yoga

Before you place your feet on the ground, every morning, performing gentle stretches and yoga poses to get the life force or prana, moving within your body is a must. Move along with the breath you take and do what you feel is right for the body. You can focus on your neck, your arms, your wrist and more, and include yoga poses such as the Eka Pada Apanasana, a reclined twist, and a side body stretch to name a few.
2. Scrape your tongue
You must use a tongue scraper every morning to remove the film that coats the tongue. This should be done when you brush your teeth each morning. Scrape from the back of the tongue until all the residue build-up is gone. Use a copper tongue scraper, say Ayurvedic experts.
3. Warm liquids should be consumed

Early morning the first food that should touch your lips should be a glass of warm water with lime juice or lemon essential oil. In doing so, the body’s digestion system is reset.
4. Avoid caffeine and cold drinks
You must make sure that while the cleanse is on, you should not touch cold drinks or caffeine throughout the day. They interfere with digestion and are not good for the body at all.
5. Consume Kitchari
For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as much as possible, you must consume kitchari. There are many ways to prepare the same, but the normal kitchari is easy to make and simple to have. This is a dish that will remove the toxin build-up from the body and keep your hunger cravings at bay.
6. Stay away from processed foods

Processed foods disrupt the body’s digestion system, and this is why it is best not to have them when the Ayurvedic cleanse is on. Stick to organic produce, fresh fruits, and veggies through your cleansing ritual.
7. Try self-massaging
As a part of your bedtime ritual; you can do a self-massage every evening which will help bring out the toxins from the body. This is a massage that will let the muscles release out toxins. For the same, you should start the massage at your feet, and massage towards the heart. Use warm oils for the same. The joints should be massaged in a circular motion. Ensure that every part of the body is massaged, except the face. Allow the oil to stay on the body for around half an hour, before you head into the shower for a cleanse.
8. Write it out

When the day comes to an end, take time to reflect on your day. This should be your ‘me time’. Even if it is just for five minutes that you do it, do the same before the lights are turned off. At this time, you should ask yourself how you feel. How the day was and how the day made you feel as well. Be as honest as you can with yourself. As you pen down those thoughts, emotions, and feelings, allow them to let go and this will help you be mindful of your thoughts and feelings.
9. Do a system flush
If you have chosen to do a week-long cleansing ritual, your body will have gained a lot of toxins by the time you are on day four. To help get rid of these elements, you should try having a laxative. It all depends on the level of your digestive system and the state of it. You can have warm prune juice or half a teaspoon of Triphala which should be mixed with warm water.
So here were the nine tips on how to get an ayurvedic cleanse at home. If you are unable to do a full cleanse, no worries, you can start small and include the nine tips in the ritual. You will start noticing the benefits slowly and experience a positive effect on your body, mind, and spirit.
In a nutshell…
We hope this post on how to detox your body using the Ayurvedic tips comes in handy. Do remember to do your yoga asanas and stretch every morning, and also stick to the cleansing ritual as much as possible, even if it is a one or two-day cleansing.