In this article, we want to share with you our pick of 5 Ayurvedic herbs for immunity to support your immune system, calm your mind, and reduce anxiety during the coronavirus epidemic time. The recommendations below are not designed to treat COVID-19 rather than support your immune system and mental health. If you’re experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 ask for professional help.
The Ayurvedic Theory Of Immunity
The Ayurvedic theory of immunity is called Beej-bhumi, which literally translates as “seed and land”. According to this theory, the body is seen as the fertile land in which infections or harmful “bugs” can grow.
If the body is out of balance, and full of toxins – viruses and harmful bacteria will find fertile soil for their growth in it.
According to Ayurvedic teachings, the source of immunity is the subtle essence of all body tissues called ‘Ojas‘. It controls all the functions of the body and if it is depleted, the entire body suffers. It is a subtle substance that nourishes and unites the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. If it is depleted, the immune system is reduced, and we can get sick.
The immune system can be reduced not only because of the weakening of the physical body but also because of the weakening of the emotional, mental, and spiritual spheres of our lives.
Therefore it is important to be focusing not just on supplements that can help you to boost the immune system but also on those that can help you to stay calm and reduce stress and anxiety. And, of course, regular meditation practice will help you to always stay present and connected to your soul and purpose.
Top 5 Ayurvedic Herbs For Immunity And Serenity
Now let’s take a look at what ayurvedic herbs can help us stay calm and immune to the viruses!
#1: Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb known for helping the body manage stress and reduce anxiety.
It was proven that it has a calming effect on anxiety symptoms. The journal Phytomedicine published the study which showed that ashwagandha had the ability to reduce anxiety levels.
Other Ashwagandha benefits:
- increases the body’s resistance to harmful effects;
- improves concentration;
- increases energy levels;
- reduces blood sugar levels;
- decreases cortisol levels;
- reduces inflammation;
- improves brain function, including memory;
- decreasing pain;
- improving thinking ability;
- preventing the effects of aging;
- lowers blood pressure.
Pregnant women should avoid using ashwagandha because it can cause early delivery.
#2: Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most popular ayurvedic herbs for immunity! It is a natural way to help bolster the immune system by increasing the immunomodulating capacity of the body.
Turmeric is rich in antioxidant compounds, which block free radicals. In other words, the compounds stimulate your body defenses.
Does quarantine lockdown make you feel depressed? Then you should know that turmeric helps reduce symptoms of depression. Chinese medicine practitioners have been using turmeric as a treatment for depression for thousands of years!
Turmeric contains compounds that are able to stimulate the nervous system while providing positive effects on overall mood, and helping to balance all the consequences that come with stress.
Turmeric also contains natural anti-bacterial agents making it the perfect spice to promote quick healing.
Have you tried Golden milk latte yet? This is a perfect way to include turmeric in your quarantine diet!
#3: Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Holy basil (or tulsi) has an almost God-like status in India. People in India, keep it in their courtyards and temples. Some people even start their day with a prayer and offering of water to this holy plant. They add it to teas and tinctures and consider it a magical herb.
Holy Basil is one of the oldest herbs known to mankind. Its healing properties have been the most treasured knowledge across the world.
It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect that may help lower the risk of heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel conditions. Consumption of basil could also soothe a fever, headache, sore throat, cold, cough, flu.
Holy basil is able to strengthen and support the immune system, helping it to restore itself.
It also helps to reduce stress and lift the mood, as well as calm and balance.
Add Tulsi seeds to your cup of herbal tea to enjoy its health benefits!
#4: Neem Extract

This is another natural antiviral agent that helps restore the epithelial cover of the gastrointestinal tract, where most of our immunity is located.
Neem helps boost your immune system while cooling down your body internally. It has both anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Also, it purifies the blood. It helps clear toxins and impurities from the blood leaving you with a strengthened immune system.
Neem benefits:
- stimulates the immune system;
- reduces inflammation;
- improves liver health;
- alleviates pain;
- preserve eyesight;
- protect against heart disease.
Also, neem helps with a number of health problems, including:
- Asthma;
- Cough;
- Diabetes;
- Constipation;
- Gastric ulcers;
- Periodontal disease;
- Indigestion;
- Urinary tract infection.
#5: Gotu Kola

Pegged as the “herb of longevity,” Gotu kola is a staple in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It is considered an Ayurvedic herb that may help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as improve memory and a variety of skin conditions.
In one study, people with a generalized anxiety disorder reported less stress, anxiety, and depression after replacing their antidepressants with Gotu kola for 60 days.
Gotu kola may also be used to treat insomnia that sometimes accompanies anxiety, stress, and depression. This ayurvedic herb can be a safe alternative to prescription medications used to treat insomnia and other sleep disorders.
Gotu kola also has an antioxidant effect which is beneficial for the immune system.
Don’t use Gotu kola if you:
- are pregnant
- have hepatitis or other liver diseases
- are breastfeeding
- have a scheduled surgery within the next two weeks
- have a history of skin cancer
- are under 18 years of age
Talk to your doctor before use if you:
- have liver disease
- are taking diuretics
- have diabetes
- are taking medications such as sedatives for sleep or anxiety
- have high cholesterol
The Bottom Line
Use the above suggestions as natural holistic ways to boost your immune system. It’s always good to have these ayurvedic herbs for immunity at home so you always have extra support. We are wishing you to stay healthy and calm during this uncertain time!