One of the most important properties of crystals is their ability to accumulate and store energy and information. Therefore it’s essential to know how to cleanse crystals from negative energy and old information that doesn’t serve you anymore. In this article, we will share with you the 8 most effective ways to cleanse your crystals.
Why do We Need to Cleanse Our Crystals?
One of the key properties of all crystals is the ability to absorb and store the surrounding energy. And when you get a crystal, you should understand that it already carries certain information. That is why physical and energetic cleansing should be carried out before use.
When Should We Consider Crystal Cleansing?

You should consider crystal cleansing when you:
- have just bought a new crystal from a store;
- received a crystal as a gift;
- have inherited a crystal or gemstone jewelry (usually, such a crystal carries the energy of the former owner);
- just found the crystal (since you don’t know what happened to the crystal, who owned it, and what events and information it captured, you should consider cleansing it before using it);
- use crystals for healing or cleansing the energy of the house (healing crystals must be cleansed regularly);
- had a negative person touching your crystal;
- feel that the crystal has lost its properties and power (if you often use your crystals, they overflow with different energies and need to be cleaned);
- didn’t use your crystal for a while (even in this case, the crystal still continues to absorb the energy surrounding it).
In all these cases, crystals can accumulate and store a huge amount of old information and stagnant or negative energy that not only adversely affects the owner but also minimizes the crystal’s healing and other properties.
How to Cleanse Crystals?
There are many ways to cleanse crystals. You can choose the most suitable option or use several methods at once. It is best to cleanse crystals on the waning moon – the moon’s power will make the cleansing especially effective. But if you don’t want to wait, do it anytime you need it.
Here are the 8 most effective methods to cleanse your crystals.
#1: Sea Salt Cleanse

One of the most effective methods of crystal cleansing is sea salt cleansing. Sea salt has the ability to pull out all the negativity.
How To Cleanse Crystals With Sea Salt?
To do this, you will need a glass or ceramic container. Put your crystals in this container and cover them with salt completely. Leave the crystals in the salt for a day. After that, you should throw out the salt, and rinse the crystals in water.
IMPORTANT! Use dry sea salt! Salt solutions can damage the appearance of your crystals. Not all minerals can be allowed to directly come in contact with salt!
If you are unsure how the salt will affect your crystals, you can use an alternative sea salt cleanse option. Pour salt into a deep container. Wrap your crystals in a piece of cloth and just fill it with salt. Or simply put a napkin on top of the salt, and place your crystals and jewelry on it. This method is no less effective and will help avoid troubles with your crystals’ appearance.
#2: Water Cleanse
This is the easiest and most affordable way to cleanse your crystals. It would be ideal to wash your crystals in spring water. But even regular water is also suitable for this purpose.
How To Cleanse Crystals With Water?
Just hold the crystals under cold running water for 10-15 minutes, and the water will carry away the extra heavy information that has accumulated in them. It is good to combine such cleansing with visualization. Imagine that water is washing out all the negativity from the crystals. After that, put the crystals on a dry surface but do not wipe them.
Important! Not all crystals go well with water. Before you choose this method of crystal cleansing, make sure to check the list below.
Never cleanse these crystals with water:
- Angelite
- Calcite
- Carnelian
- Galena
- Halite
- Hematite
- Labradorite
- Lepidolite
- Lodestones
- Malachite
- Mica
- Moldavite
- Muscovite
- Obsidian
- Opal
- Pearl
- Pyrite
- Selenite
- Turquoise
- Ulex and some others.
3. Fire Cleanse

Did you know that fire has a powerful cleansing effect? Therefore, it’s very effective to use fire for crystal cleansing.
How to Cleanse Crystals With Fire?
Take a candle of the color of the crystal you want to cleanse (for example, for cleansing rose quartz, you will need a pink candle). Light it and draw a couple of circles with a candle over the crystal, and then move the crystal over the candle. If it’s possible to hang the crystal on a chain, then you can move the crystal through the flames a couple of times.
When performing the fire cleanse, visualize how all negative energy and information burn in the flame of fire. Then put your crystals next to the candle until it burns completely.
#4: Crystal Cleansing With Earth Element
Another effective way to cleanse your crystals is to use the power of the Earth. Earth is the home for all stones, the place of their birth, so in their native element, they are not only cleansed but also gain strength.
How To Cleanse Crystals With the Earth Element?
To cleanse your crystals with the Earth element, bury the crystals in the ground for 3 to 7 days. The energy of the Earth resets all the information accumulated in them. If you don’t have your own yard, then you can use a regular pot with soil in it. Bury your crystals in the soil. After a few days, dig up your crystals and wash them with water.
#5: Fumigation

How To Cleanse Crystals With Incense?
To cleanse your crystals, you can use incense sticks or dried herbs. Suitable options: lavender, sage, incense, juniper, myrrh, wormwood, and cedar. Light the incense and while it’s burning, carry your crystals through the running smoke several times. Then put your crystals next to the burning incense stick until the incense is completely burned. Do not forget to ventilate the room after this cleansing ritual, to get rid of all the negative energy after cleansing.
#6: Sound Cleanse
Sound can create certain vibrations that purify and balance the energy around. For these purposes, you can use singing bowls or bells.

How to Cleanse Crystals with the Sound?
Arrange crystals in a row or in a circle, and then play the singing bowl or ring the bells to create a sound vibration.
#7: Cold Cleanse
Cold cleansing or freezing is another simple way for quick cleansing.
How to Cleanse Crystals with Cold?
To do this, put your crystals in the freezer for 2-3 hours. After this simple action, the negative information contained in your crystals will be destroyed with cold.
#8: Crystal Cleansing with Other Crystals
Yes, you read it right! You can cleanse your crystals with the help of other crystals with cleansing properties. For this purpose, you should use transparent crystals of a pointed shape.
How to Cleanse Crystals With the Help of Other Crystals?

Place your cleansing crystals around the crystal that you want to cleanse. Make sure that the sharp ends of the cleansing crystals are pointed at the crystal that needs to be cleansed. Leave the crystals in this position for at least 6 hours.
The Bottom Line
You can choose any of the methods above or use several of them at the same time. The most important thing is to perform crystal cleansing regularly. If you constantly wear crystals in the form of jewelry, you should consider cleansing them every 1,5-2 months. If you wear crystal jewelry from time to time, you can cleanse it every 6 months. If you use crystals in your healing work, then you should cleanse them each time before and after the session.