Crystals have certain vibrations and a unique configuration of subtle energies. There are crystals that resonate with our energy centers that are able to harmonize and balance our chakras. The proper interaction with these stones and crystals can change the vibration of our cells and energy fields and improve our mental and physical health. In this article, we will share with you the most powerful crystals for chakras that can help you to balance and harmonize them.
Crystals and Chakras
Life is the circulation of energy. Energy flows through our bodies along the energy meridians and is concentrated in the energy centers – the chakras. Chakras are a kind of accumulator and at the same time generator of vital energy – Qi. Each chakra corresponds to the energy of its own frequency and of certain vibrations, such as color (wavelength) or the sound of a special mantra (frequency of sound vibrations).
The lower chakras (Muladhara, Svadhisthana, and Manipura) resonate with the lower frequencies of the earth, and the upper chakras (Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, and Sahasrara) respond to the high-frequency vibrations of the Cosmos. Thus, the human body is considered as an open system that is part of the general energy system “Earth-Human-Space”.

There are seven main chakras. Each of them is responsible for a certain sphere of human activity. Each chakra has its own color and is associated with a certain part of our body, as well as certain characteristics and aspects of our life.
Our chakras respond to the energy of the colors that we see during the day in nature, in food, and clothing. And when the chakras get into contact with the energy of stones, minerals, and crystals, they perceive it very actively. Therefore, so many healers use crystals for chakra balancing.
If you have a weak chakra and you feel a lack of energy in it, wear crystals that resonate with it as jewelry for its gentle healing and balancing. This is a gentle and safe method of chakra healing, which you can safely do on your own.
Stones and Crystals For Chakras
Root Chakra (Muladhara)

For Muladhara healing and balancing, use black, brown, and red stones:
- Red Jasper
- Red Aventurine
- Red Pyrope Garnet
- Red Calcite
- Black Tourmaline
- Smoky Quartz
- Carnelian
- Black Jasper
- Hawkeye Stone
- Dravite Tourmaline
- Pyrope
- Black Obsidian
- Rhodochrosite
- Hematite
- Jet
- Eudialyte
- Chiastolite (Cross Stone)
- Hematite
- Tektite
- Lava
- Black Onyx
- Black Jade
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

For Svadhisthana chakra healing and balancing, use orange, peach, and brown stones:
- Orange Spinel
- Carnelian
- Imperial Topaz
- Sunstone
- Amber
- Citrine
- Tiger’s Eye
- Sardonyx
- Fire Opal
- Apricot Botswana Agate
- Spessartine Garnet
- Peach Moonstone
- Orange Calcite
- Peach Selenite
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

For Manipura chakra healing and balancing, use yellow and gold stones:
- Jasper
- Citrine
- Yellow Onyx
- Yellow Topaz
- Golden Calcite
- Golden Tiger’s Eye
- Yellow Tourmaline
- Pineapple Calcite
- Yellow Sapphire
- Golden Quartz
- Yellow Selenite
- Heliodor
- Pyrite
- Golden Fluorite
Heart Chakra (Anahata)

For Anahata chakra healing and balancing, use green and pink stones:
- Green Aventurine
- Moss Agate
- Rose Quartz
- Alexandrite
- Emerald
- Amazonite
- Peridot
- Heliotrope
- Malachite
- Grossular
- Rhodochrosite
- Diopside
- Pink Calcite
- Unakite
- Uvarovite
- Watermelon Tourmaline
- Morganite
- Rhodonite
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

For Vishuddha chakra healing and balancing, use light blue, blue, and teal stones:
- Larimar
- Aquamarine
- Celestine
- Amazonite
- Angelite
- Blue Topaz
- Kyanite
- Blue Lace Agate
- Ajoite Quartz
- Blue Tourmaline
- Aqua Aura Quartz
- Turquoise
- Chrysocolla
- Blue Quartz
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

For Ajna chakra healing and balancing, use indigo and violet stones:
- Blue Aventurine
- Tanzanite
- Indigolite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Sodalite
- Labradorite
- Azurite
- Iolite
- Tanzan Aura Quartz
- Fluorite
- Shattuckite
- Blue Apatite
- Sapphire
- Blue Kyanite
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

For Sahasrara chakra healing and balancing, use violet, gold, white, and clear stones:
- Charoite
- Clear Quartz
- Amethyst
- Sugilite
- Fluorite
- Rhinestone
- Clear Calcite
- Selenite
- Apophyllite
- Ametrine
- Ulexite
- Spirit Quartz
- Stichtite
How to Use Crystals for Chakras?
If the chakra is not sufficiently supplied with energy, it always leads to physiological and psychological problems. The energy balance in the body is disturbed, general malaise is felt, diseases appear. Crystals can help to restore the energy level of the chakras, heal, and balance them.

Here are different ways you can use crystals for chakras:
#1: Crystal Meditation
Direct contact with the crystal allows you to raise the vibrations of body cells and energy fields. Meditation is the most profound form of communication with the crystal. Therefore, the best way to use the healing power of the crystals for chakras is to meditate with them. You can hold the crystal in your palms in front of a specific chakra or, if you prefer to meditate in Savasana, you can just place the crystal on the chakra.
#2: Crystal Jewelry
To restore the work of the chakras, you can wear talismans and jewelry with chakra crystals. For balancing your Root chakra wear crystal pendants. For your Solar plexus chakra wear a crystal belt. For your Heart chakra balancing, wear pendants with crystals. For the Throat chakra, wear crystal necklaces. Bracelets on the wrists affect all the chakras, so you can always wear them. If you wear a bracelet on your left hand – the main effect of the stone will be directed at you and if you wear it on the right hand – on the people around you.
#3: Massage
To activate the chakra and remove the blockage, a massage with healing stones or crystals for chakras is a perfect way to get a quick result. Just make sure that the massage of the energy centers is performed gently and safely.
#4: Crystal Charged Water
Healing water, charged with crystals, helps to purify the chakras. To charge the water with healing crystals, use a glass, ceramic, or porcelain jug or bowl.
Place a crystal in a jar, jug, or bowl filled with purified water and leave it for the night.
You can drink crystal-charged water in the morning, or use it for chakra ritual baths.
Don’t forget to cleanse your crystals before and after using them.
The Bottom Line
Crystals for chakras is a simple yet very effective way to balance your energy field and harmonize energy circulation in your chakras. By placing crystals on the chakra centers, the healing vibrations given off by the stone will correct imbalances within the chakra and restore your energy flow.