Are Crystals for Protection Effective? The Different Types Vs. Their Uses

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Do you use crystals for protection? We live at a time when negative energy saturates the world. The media, the government, and the general public seem to glorify bad vibes in place of good energy. Living in such environments can easily suck out our positivity without knowing.

How can you protect yourself in a natural way? In this article, I will share with you the information about different natural crystals for protection that you can include in your lifestyle to diffuse all the negative energy around you. But first, why use crystals?

The Basis of Crystals for Protection

Crystals have various healing and protective properties that can be tapped into depending on what situation you are dealing with.

For example:

Some crystals for protection block the negative energy from reaching you.

Others redirect the energy to another location.

Yet, other crystals may have little impact on you because of your natural tendency to impute the negativity.

Understanding your personality, therefore, helps you to pick the best crystals for protection that will resonate with you. However, you can experiment with some gems before settling for one.

Popular Crystals for Protection

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline Image

Do you work in a highly stressful environment? Are you in constant interaction with persons going through depression or anxiety? Wear this gem around your neck or wrist and watch this negative low vibes bounce off.

Are you surrounded by many electronics that produce harmful electromagnetic energy? Place a black tourmaline crystal next to your computer, TV, or stereo and it will absorb the negative energy around you.

We use the black tourmaline crystal for metaphysical purposes. Its protective ability boosts your immune system and attracts good luck. However, the stone’s protective properties are limited to accidental negative energy. You may need to try labradorite instead of black tourmaline for bad psychic powers intentionally directed to you.


Labradorite stone image

The labradorite crystal not only protects you from negative psychic energy directed towards you, but it also shields your positive energy from leaking out. Upon getting this crystal, users tend to have an immediate positive reaction to it. This is because of the stone’s power in instantly dealing with evil spirits.

Wear this crystal as a pendant and you will not have to worry about other people’s panic and nervousness rubbing on to you. Similarly, place it under your pillow to wade off evil spirits that cause you to have nightmares and hallucinations at night. The stone will calm you down almost instantly.


Amethyst protection image

Are you dealing with people who have unresolved anger problems? Use the spiritual protection of amethyst to keep off such negative energy. Amethyst crystals have high-frequency vibrations that clean and protect your surrounding energy. These crystals work through the third eye and the crown chakra to boost your intuition.

This stone will also help you keep off from peer pressure, depression, and drug addictions. Use this beautiful purple crystal for meditation. When faced with confusion, this gem comes in hand to clear your head allowing you to reason rationally while under pressure. It not only protects but facilitates the healing of depression and anxiety.

Black Obsidian

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The black obsidian is another stone with metaphysical properties similar to those of black tourmaline. It helps us to control our feelings and movement. Black Obsidian crystals were initially used for scrying. However, these crystals will also cleanse and protect your aura from negativity.

I wear this gem to deflect any form of fear, anger, or disharmony brought about by injuries and diseases. If your mind tends to wander into having negative thoughts, carry the black obsidian in your purse.

This stone works through the root chakra to block an incoming psychic attack and to clear your mental tension. Most people who find this appropriate for them are quickly drawn by its strong cleansing vibes.


Amber stone image

This warm gem is neither a stone nor a crystal but a biological product of light and life preserved by nature for millions of years. Amber has physical, mental, and spiritual protective properties. It purifies the body from disease-causing negative energy. In addition, it neutralizes any curses and spells spoken against you.

Similarly, if you are prone to having phobia attacks and the fear of the unknown, keep amber near you to wade off the attacks and uplift your spirit. Amber’s age-old properties will get rid of your negative moods and keep you free of anxiety and stress.

In addition, if your work environment makes you prone to depression, the amber gem will help you through by stabilizing your emotions.

Eye Agate

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Eye Agate is a rare crystal with energies that connect to the universe. These stones restore the equilibrium of mind by balancing the energy around you. They are powerful must-haves when you go through anxiety attacks. Also when surrounded by strangers or in a new work environment. Or even when you face imminent danger.

Use Eye Agate for strength to quit bad habits and replace them with healthier ones. Pair Eye Agate with other crystals to bring balance to your chakras. By correcting whatever energy that is over stimulating your internal organs, this crystal puts you through a path of healing. It also helps to heal digestive problems, strengthening of the yoni, skin disorders, and other physical diseases.

Black Amber

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Also called the jet stone, black amber offers physical, emotional, and spiritual protection from negative energies that affect persons who are naturally empathic. This is because whereas being empathic is a natural virtue that is desired by many, such an empathic character makes us prone to absorbing negative energies from the persons we are trying to comfort.

Carry this gem to your workplace or school to draw out any negative vibes that you absorb unintentionally. Moreover, complement the good properties of black amber by combining its use with hematite or any other crystals for protection.


As you seek to get the best crystals for protection, remember to regularly cleanse your crystals and recharge them under the sun as they dry. These crystals have several benefits that are relevant in our fast-paced lifestyle.

Choose one or more crystals for protection that matches your lifestyle and personality. Adorn them as pendants, include them in your interior décor, bathe in them, or use them in your daily meditation: whichever option that works for you.