The Full Harvest Moon 2021 will occur on Monday, September 20, 2021. The upcoming Full Moon is often called the Autumn Moon, Falling Leaves Moon, Leaves Turning Moon, Moon of Brown Leaves, Yellow Leaf Moon, Child Moon, Mating Moon, Rutting Moon. In this article, I will share with you what kind of energy, challenges, and spiritual lessons this Full Moon brings to us. Also, I’ll give you some helpful tips, recommendations, and spiritual practices that will help you balance this energetically powerful time so you can get the most out of it.
When Is The Full Harvest Moon 2021?
The full Harvest Moon will rise in the southeast just after sunset on Monday, September 20 – just two days before the fall equinox! This full Moon reaches peak illumination at 7:54 P.M. Eastern Time on the 20th.
The Full Moon In Pisces
According to Vedic astrology, the Full Moon takes place at 4 degrees of Pisces. The Full Harvest Moon 2021 occurs on the Pisces/Virgo axis (the Moon in Pisces, the Sun in Virgo).
The Sun in Virgo will give a tendency to hard work, pay attention to small things and details. Therefore, during this time, it’s good to make plans and follow them. However, there is a danger of getting bogged down in details. Perfectionism can interfere with the implementation of the result. Also, it’s not a good idea to bring others to nitpicking and petty remarks.
Keep in mind that Virgo is characterized by youth and lack of life experience. Therefore, the overall vision and determination to proceed with the implementation of the plan may decrease. It is worth having good support and guidance from more experienced people.
Pisces is a mutable sign ruled by Jupiter. Its element is Water. Pisces is a sign that is emotional, sentimental, intuitive, self-pitying, spiritual, compassionate, sympathetic, faithful, lacking boundaries, lacking initiative and self-confidence. This full moon may manifest these qualities in people. Many people may become more intuitive and even develop psychic abilities during this time.
Since many of us will feel that our intuitive abilities are greatly strengthened, we should use this time for creativity, art, meditations, spiritual rituals, and practices. Devote more time to studying your inner self, analyze it and highlight ideas that you could implement in the future.
The Full Moon In Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatras

According to Vedic astrology, the Full Moon takes place in the lunar mansions of Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatras. Let’s take a closer look at these lunar mansions and what kinds of energies they represent.
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is commonly marked by Denebola, denoting the end of the leonine tail in the constellation Leonis. It is symbolically associated with a hammock or rear legs of a cot. Its symbolism is associated with tranquil spaces, healing, and recuperation. Uttara Phalguni is a prestigious star for those wishing to return health to the sick or strength in the weary. This nakshatra is focused on global service which means providing for the individual on the understanding they also contribute for the benefit of all. It is also considered a nakshatra of union, which might be in matters of business or personal relationship. In general, it stimulates the need to heal, nourish, and serve. Uttara Phalguni is notable, generous, giving a quick mind and high honers, but has an association with the people of a bad reputation.
During this Full Moon, Uttara Phalguni wants us to focus on friendship and our service to others. This is a good time to develop and manifest such qualities as generosity and compassion. Also, we need to remember to take care of ourselves, focus on self-healing and self-love. During this time, we may feel extra emotional about wanting to alleviate the suffering in society and help others. However, we should keep in mind that this nakshatra gives a tendency to be controlling and very stubborn in your efforts. Therefore, it’s essential to remember to find balance in everything you do!
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is symbolically associated with the back two legs of a funeral cot. While this imagery is maybe unsettling, the energy of this nakshatra is considered to be grounding and stabilizing. It has meanings of a reorientation after a loss or the steps of integrating a changed reality following a shock. Located in the middle of Pisces, Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra shares some of Pisces’ quality of completion.
Uttara Bhadrapada is deemed fortunate in matters of legacy, that is, sporadic gifting from benefactors or profits from long-term investment. Real estate, heirlooms/antiques, and other fixed assets can also be considered. Since this nakshatra is also associated with a coiled serpent, there could also be tendencies to accumulate a ‘chance upon’ wealth, since secured or hidden treasures are typically associated with serpents/nagas. Additionally, people involved in any form of occult practice, including astrology, clairvoyance, or divining, may increase their income during this time. It is due to the fact that these are all deemed serpent’s talents.
In general, this Full Moon is an excellent time for signing legal documents or long-term contracts and giving advice. Rest assured that during the Full Harvest Moon 2021 people will have the necessary awareness for making proper decisions.
Health-related Issues
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra may cause weakness of the small intestine (ulcers), diseases of genitalia, injury to the lower spine, severe headaches, appendicitis, thrombosis, and inflammatory conditions of the liver. It can also cause health issues related to the outer thighs, liver, bowel, and navel.
Health-related issues of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra include weakness of feet, lungs, and teeth, anemia, fevers, digestive irritability, constipation, piles, and epilepsy. It can also cause health issues related to the sides of the torso, navel, ankles, feet, toes (including toenails).
How to Work With the Full Moon Energy?

If we do not live in the rhythm of the lunar cycle, we most likely will feel mood swings and fatigue during the Full Moon time. Moreover, our emotional and even physical condition may deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important to learn to live in harmony with the Moon, especially when it’s at the peak of its activity.
Spend this time during the Full Moon doing some introspective work. Don’t let your energy run rampant with trying to make things happen. Time spent in silence, prayer, and meditation will be karmically rewarded. No matter what’s happening around you, stay calm, grounded, and centered.
For harmonizing the influence of the Moon on our lives, we can perform Moon practices and adjust our lifestyle to the Moon’s vibrations.
Spiritual Practices For the Full Harvest Moon 2021
#1: Filling Up With Lunar Energy
This practice is especially recommended for those who have mood swings and unbalanced emotions.
- Place a glass of clean water on the windowsill (or next to the window) so that the moonlight reflects in it. Leave it there for the night.
- In the morning, drink that Moon water on an empty stomach. Tell your gratitude to the Moon. Chant the Moon mantra: OM CHANDRAYA NAMAHA (108 times).
#2: Full Moon Mantra Chanting For Attracting Abundance
During the Full Moon, go outside (backyard or patio), stretch your hands up to the Moon. When looking at the Full Moon, set your intention to attract abundance into your life and repeat the following mantra for 12 minutes: OM SHRAAM SHREEM SHRAUM SAH CHANDRAMASE NAMAHA
The Bottom Line
The Full Harvest Moon 2021 will teach us how to be more generous and compassionate towards others and ourselves. We, as a society, have been through big chaos, instability, and uncertainty lately. Now is a powerful time for nourishing our souls and healing our emotional traumas. We all need this break to slow down, reflect, heal, recharge so that we can move forward with courage and clear awareness of world events.
During this harvest moon Neptune was 11th and mars conjunct my own Neptune 2 degrees libra. This was a test of years of attempts to elevate and rise above suffering but not quite there. Ear phones music and bed. Thrown way off.