The Full Snow Moon rises on Saturday, February 27, 2021. The upcoming full moon is the second full moon in 2021. It’s often called the Hunger Moon, Snow Moon, or Storm Moon. It’s the final full Moon of the astronomical season of winter, which ends on the date of the Spring equinox – March 21, 2021. The last winter full moon of 2021 will occur in the sign of Virgo, which represents justice and order.
In this article, we will share with you everything you need to know about the Snow Moon 2021!
When Is The Full Snow Moon 2021?
February’s Full Hunger Moon reaches peak illumination on Saturday, February 27th, at 3:17 AM EST (8:17 UTC). The moon will rise around sunset, reach the highest point in the sky around midnight, and set around dawn.
Why Is It Called the “Snow Moon”?
The full Moon names used by The Old Farmer’s Almanac come from different places, including Native American, Colonial American, and European sources. Traditionally, each full Moon name was applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred, not just to the full Moon itself.
The “Wolf Moon” name comes from Native American tribes.
February’s full moon is is often called the “Snow Moon” because it occurs at typically the time of year when the largest amount of snow falls.

Alternative Names
Some alternative names for February’s full moon include:
- Hunger Moon or Bony Moon – due to the scarcity of food during this time of the year;
- Storm Moon – for the turbulent weather;
- Bear Moon – as bear cubs are usually born around this time.
Other names for February’s full moon are:
- Bald Eagle Moon or Eagle Moon (Cree);
- Ojibwe Bear Moon;
- Tlingit Black Bear Moon;
- Raccoon Moon (Dakota);
- Groundhog Moon (Algonquin peoples);
- Goose Moon (Haida).
The Full Moon In Virgo
The full moon in February 2021 will be under the sign of Virgo.
Business activity will be increased during this full moon. It’s time to devote yourself to work. This is the time for signing contracts, studying and preparing documents, making calculations and planning.
It is a good time to start learning new skills and studying something new, start professional training, and take exams. These days, you can borrow and lend, make out a loan, make deals. This is a good time for making smart and balanced decisions. Financial planning, solving business development issues, and thinking about business proposals should be the main focus during this full moon. This is a time of increased business and intellectual activity.
The full moon on February 27, 2021, is an extremely good time for buying anything new: clothes and shoes, appliances and furniture, vehicles, and so on. Also, during this time buying and selling real estate will be very successful.
It’s a good time for traveling and taking business trips.
The full moon on February 27 is the most optimal time to start a diet. The body most easily adapts to the new rules of nutrition.
The Full Snow Moon 2021 is a good time for performing money rituals, chanting money mantras, or practicing money affirmations.
How to Work With the Full Moon Energy?

If we do not live in the rhythm of the lunar cycle, we most likely will feel mood swings and fatigue during the Full Moon time. Moreover, our emotional and even physical condition may deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important to learn to live in harmony with the Moon, especially when it’s at the peak of its activity.
For harmonizing the influence of the Moon on our lives, we can perform the Full Moon bath rituals and adjust our lifestyle to the Moon’s vibrations.
The Full Moon Bath Ritual
For performing this Full Moon ritual, prepare a big jar, a silver spoon, three lemons, petals of three yellow roses (or a handful of dry Linden flowers, or chamomile), rose essential oil (or lemon, or patchouli, etc.).
The preparation part of the ritual should be performed out during the day before the Full Moon.
Early in the morning, pour clean water into the jar and put a silver spoon in it. Water should stand for at least 6 hours. Cut the three lemons into slices, put them in a jar, add rose petals (dried flowers must be brewed with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes), and essential oil. Put the jar on the windowsill so that it permeates the moonlight, and leave for the night.
The next day, in the evening, during the actual Full Moon, fill up the bathtub with warm water and slowly pour the contents of the jar. Then lie down in the bath, close your eyes and imagine swimming in a lake of moonlight, and visualize that you are absorbing lunar energy.
Take a bath for at least 20 minutes.
What Else Will Be Beneficial on Full Moon?
- Fasting.
- Staying connected with nature: walk in the forest, lie down on the ground, talk to the trees, hug them, etc.
- Wearing white clothes and pearls.
- Cooking for your family and friends will help to activate and balance the Moon energy.
- Charity.
- Dancing.
- Taking care of the plants.
Full Snow Moon 2021: Special Tips For Each Zodiac Sign

The Full Snow Moon 2021 brings you an opportunity to check in and spot the areas in your wellness routine where you could use some changes. This is a great time for Aries to examine their wellness goals, adjust their diet, create better work-life boundaries to allow time to rest, sign up for a fitness program, or start a yoga class.
The Full Snow Moon is the time that you should use to get more serious about your passions. You put lots of effort and self-discipline into your work, but now it’s time to apply the same to your hobbies and things you enjoy doing. You deserve time to indulge in the most enjoyable and pleasurable parts of your life, get creative, and follow your heart.
The Full Snow Moon 2021 is the time for decluttering. You need to embrace a major spring cleaning and get rid of everything that’s no longer serving you. It’s a good idea to plan a garage sale or bring a few boxes of your stuff over to the nearest donation station this Saturday.
And don’t forget about mental and emotional decluttering. If some old relationships, memories, thoughts, or old paradigms don’t serve you anymore, it’s time to let them go.
Use the energy of the Snow Moon to clean up your communications. It’s time to delete old messages, organize your email inbox folders, unfollow any social media accounts that don’t resonate with you anymore, revamp your Google calendar. By clearing away mental distractions, you’ll be able to focus more energy on what serves your highest purpose and people that add meaningful interactions to your life and help you grow.
The Full Snow Moon 2021 is the time to focus on planning your finances. Take a long, hard look at your finances. Do some planning, make a budget, and conduct a detailed review of your current bank statements. The full moon has the power to illuminate, so it will help you to see your spending habits more clearly which could help boost your savings in the long run.
During this full moon, you will feel outgoing and confident. Enjoy this time! The feel-good energy will help you to be authentic and reveal your unique qualities and your natural charm. Your sparking personality and self-confidence will make you stand out in the best way possible and attract new friendships and helpful people into your life. Just be yourself and let your light shine!
Use the Full Snow Moon as a “me time” dedicated to your spiritual practices and introspection. During this full moon, you need to slow down and connect with your personal sense of mysticism. Take your time for creating your personal spiritual structure that can help you to be more focused on your self-growth and honor your spiritual self more regularly. Schedule a time for daily meditations, pranayama, yoga practice, or mantras and prayers.
Use this full moon period to examine your friend circle. Are there toxic people or energy vampires in your circle? It’s time to set up some clear boundaries. Make sure the people around you are those who wish you the best, support your goals, inspire you, and genuinely care for you.
Examine your current social scene and assess whether you’re part of a community that lifts you up or holds you down. If you find yourself in a toxic social circle, then it might be time to distance yourself to make room for new connections.
The Full Snow Moon gives you an important chance to boost your career success, get a promotion, or come up with a great idea to take your professional skills to the next level. The main advice for Sagittarius during this time is to carefully plan your next steps in your professional life. This will ensure you get the exact results you’re looking for and reach the professional level you are desiring.
The Full Snow Moon gives you a voracious appetite for knowledge and growth right. All the paths you can take to pursue your current interests make you feel overwhelmed. The main advice here is to take a moment to ground yourself and make a plan before you eagerly enroll in some multi-year school program or expensive online course. Take your time to think through and plan what your next steps should be. Don’t let your impulsiveness and excitement mislead you. Remember that the best way to conquer your goals is to move step by step without any rush.
The Full Snow Moon gives you a chance to get introspective and check in with your intimate side. Think about the ways you can use to become emotionally balanced and live a stress-free life. Make sure you practice emotional hygiene and make time for meditation and breathwork. Journalling is a great way to express your hardest emotions and feelings and secrets that keep you stressed. Now is the time to open up, get things off your chest, and find your inner peace.
The Full Snow Moon spotlight is on your relationship. Now is the time to analyze seriously your reality. Think through and examine your relationship with your partner. Any relationships’ nature is the movement through development phases. Now is the time for thinking about what your relationship is moving forward? Maybe it’s time to make some changes or take it to the next level? Or maybe your relationship isn’t moving anywhere and it’s time to finish it for making space for someone new? This full moon will remind you of the importance to look over the details and make a decision about how you want to move forward in your relationship.
The Bottom Line
Let the full moon help you to rid yourself of all the things that you don’t want to take with you in the next phase of the year. Use this powerful time to let go of all the toxicity and stress that is clogging your mental space. It’s a perfect time for a spiritual cleanse. Welcome the new opportunities but stay centered. Remember to relax and enjoy the lunar vibes.