Black magic is dangerous and can ruin your health and welfare. In some cases, it can even lead to killing or the forcing of a person to commit suicide. If you suspect that you or someone you know can be a victim of black magic, this article was written for you. I’ll share with 8 symptoms of black magic that will help you find out whether you’re a victim of a black magic attack or not.
How Does Black Magic Work?
Black magic affects the chakras of the victim, reducing or fully blocking their energy potential. As you may already know, if a chakra is not working properly, it begins to manifest various imbalances on a physical and psychological level.
A person who has been exposed to such effects may be completely unaware of the presence of black magic, blaming everything on illness and personal problems. But if there are more and more negative symptoms, and there are simply no obvious reasons for their occurrence, there is every reason to suspect that you’re experiencing a black magic attack.
Symptoms Of Black Magic Attack

There are lots of different symptoms of black magic attack but in this article, I will share with you the 8 most common ones.
#1: Losing Yourself
First of all, the dark spirits try to affect the Crown chakra, which invariably affects human behavior. The victim becomes withdrawn, begins to be afraid of everything, to doubt everything, and is afraid to move forward with his/her life. He/she sees the negativity in everything, and the more he/she resists this phenomenon, the deeper he/she plunges into darkness.
Under the influence of black magic, such a person develops a deep depression, he/she can not find himself, can not find any incentive for life. As a result, he/she begins to have thoughts of suicide.
#2 Dreams Turn Into Nightmares

When black magic affects the Third eye of the victim his/her dreams gradually turn into nightmares. Nightmares don’t allow him/her to rest which leads to depression. The victim can see corpses, stinking places, people who are trying to kill him/her, as well as snakes, scorpions, spiders, etc. in the dreams. It is not surprising that after such dreams a person wakes up in sweat and chills. After such nights the day of the victim passes in constant oppressive expectation of something bad and inevitable.
#3 Emotional Imbalance and Mental Instability
When black magic affects the head of the person it leads to disruption of the entire nervous system. Exposed to the black magic attack the person becomes nervous, irritable and unrestrained. He/she provokes conflicts with others and rejects any arguments. Because of the growing wave of negativity, the victim of a black magic attack ruins relationships with colleagues and loved ones, increasingly staying alone.
Mental Symptoms of Black Magic:
- apathy;
- unwillingness to work or/and communicate with others;
- lack of vitality;
- frequent thoughts of death, possible suicide attempts;
- increased aggressiveness, nervousness, conflict;
- mood swings;
- inability to control emotions;
- increased craving for bad habits, alcoholism, drug addiction;
- claustrophobia;
- depression, feelings of hopelessness or self-doubt;
- an inexplicable fear;
- a constant sense of anxiety.
#4 Health Problems
Negative effects of black magic affect not only the mental state of a person but also may affect his/her physiology.
Physiological Symptoms of the Black Magic Attack:
- Deterioration of health for no apparent reason, the disease is difficult to diagnose;
- Traditional medical means and methods do not work in the treatment of illness caused by the black magic attack;
- Constant weakness;
- The pain of unknown etiology;
- Sudden weight loss, anorexia;
- Sudden weight gain;
- Frequent injuries and fractures;
- Difficulty conceiving a child, sexual dysfunction;
- Constant drowsiness or insomnia;
- Reduced concentration.
Women may suffer from additional symptoms of black magic attack such as:
- menstrual disorders;
- skin deterioration;
- increased nails fragility;
- hair loss.
#5 A Loss of Creative Inspiration

When a person is experiencing a black magic attack he/she becomes completely exhausted, both physically and mentally. He/she becomes inactive. When waking up in the morning feels tired. All this has a negative impact on the work. Such a person loses inspiration and the desire to work. He/she gives up and doesn’t have any ideas about the development of the projects or business, which can derail a career.
#6 Lack of Joy
When a person is experiencing a black magic attack he/she can’t find joy in anything. Everything he/she does seems meaningless and unnecessary to him/her. He/she is not interested in hanging out with friends anymore, doesn’t want intimacy with anybody, not interested in reading a good book, etc. Such a person loses interest in literally everything. At the same time, he/she increasingly moves away from others, spends days alone, in his/her own thoughts and it seems like he/she gradually fades.
#7 Inadequate Reactions of the Pets

Pets are very intuitive. They can feel and see what most people can’t. Therefore you should watch how pets react to a person who you suspect is being attacked by black magic.
If in the presence of the particular person the pets begin to behave inappropriately – bark, growl, bristle or plaintively squeak and seek refuge, then most likely you’re dealing with a person who is experiencing a black magic attack. Usually, it’s pretty obvious since the pets will look scared and try to protect themselves from such a person.
#8 Financial Problems
If you always had a pretty stable income but all the sudden you started experiencing serious financial problems, got fired or maybe even lost your business you might be dealing with a black magic attack.
If you are familiar with these symptoms of black magic attack then there is every reason to believe that you may be experiencing the influence of black magic. In this case, you need to think about cleansing your aura, your house and effective methods of protection. In this case, I suggest you check out my following articles:
Aura Cleansing: 8 Simple Ways To Do It
The Most Powerful Energy Cleansing Bath Ritual
Simple Ritual To Cleanse Your House Of Negative Energy
33 Signs Of A Psychic Attack And Powerful Ways Of Protection