Wayne Dyer was an internationally renowned self-help author and a motivational speaker. Dyer wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. He created many audio and video programs and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dyer inspired millions of people all over the world. In this article, we’ve collected the most inspiring Wayne Dyer quotes that will help you to see life and problems from a different angle. These Wayne Dyer quotes can serve you as a powerful tool for self-discovery and self-transformation.
Here they are the most inspiring Wayne Dyer quotes!
55 Inspirational Wayne Dyer Quotes
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”
― Wayne W. Dyer
“With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.”
― Wayne Dyer
“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I’m going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy.”
― Wayne Dyer

“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.”
― Wayne Dyer
“All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won’t succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.”
― Wayne Dyer
“You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.”
― Wayne Dyer
“The more you see yourself as what you’d like to become, and act as if what you want is already there, the more you’ll activate those dormant forces that will collaborate to transform your dream into your reality.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Conflict cannot survive without your participation.”
― Wayne Dyer
“When you are able to shift your inner awareness to how you can serve others, and when you make this the central focus of your life, you will then be in a position to know true miracles in your progress toward prosperity.”
― Wayne Dyer
“If you knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Not only do you become what you think about, but the world also becomes what you think about. Those who think that the world is a dark place are blind to the light that might illuminate their lives. Those who see the light of the world view the dark spots as merely potential light.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Once you believe in yourself and see your soul as divine and precious, you’ll automatically be converted to a being who can create miracles.”
― Wayne Dyer
“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
― Wayne Dyer

“Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you.”
― Wayne Dyer
“No one can create negativity or stress within you. Only you can do that by virtue of how you process your world.”
― Wayne Dyer
“When you squeeze an orange, you’ll always get orange juice to come out. What comes out is what’s inside. The same logic applies to you: when someone squeezes you, puts pressure on you, or says something unflattering or critical, and out of you comes anger, hatred, bitterness, tension, depression, or anxiety, that is what’s inside. If love and joy are what you want to give and receive, change your life by changing what’s inside.”
― Wayne Dyer
“When you abandon making choices, you enter the vast world of excuses.”
― Wayne Dyer
“There is a story concerning the Buddha, who is in the company of a fellow traveler who tests this great teacher with derogatory, insulting, disparaging, and bitter responses to anything the Buddha says. Every day, for three days when the Buddha spoke, the traveler responded by calling him a fool and ridiculing the Buddha in some arrogant fashion. Finally, at the end of the third day, the traveler could stand it no more. He asked, “How is it that you are able to be so loving and kind when all I’ve done for the past three days is dishonor and offend you? Each time I am disobliging to you, you respond in a loving manner. How is this possible?” The Buddha responded with a question of his own for the traveler. “If someone offers you a gift, and you do not accept that gift, to whom does the gift belong?”
― Wayne Dyer
“You must become the producer, director, and actor in the unfolding story of your life.”
― Wayne Dyer
“You are always a valuable, worthwhile human being – not because anybody says so, not because you’re successful, not because you make a lot of money – but because you decide to believe it and for no other reason.”
― Wayne Dyer
“We are not human beings in search of a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings emersed in human experience.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Remind yourself daily that there is no way to happiness; rather, happiness is the way. You may have a long list of goals that you believe will provide you with contentment when they’re achieved, yet if you examine your state of happiness in this moment, you’ll notice that the fulfillment of some previous ambitions didn’t create an enduring sense of joy. Desires can produce anxiety, stress, and competitiveness, and you need to recognize those that do. Bring happiness to every encounter in life, instead of expecting external events to produce joy. By staying in harmony on the path of the Tao, all the contentment you could ever dream of will begin to flow into your life – the right people, the means to finance where you’re headed, and the necessary factors will come together. “Stop pushing yourself,” Lao-Tzu would say, “and feel gratitude and awe for what is. Your life is controlled by something far bigger and more significant than the petty details of your lofty aspirations.”
― Wayne Dyer

“Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Not being offended is a way of saying, “I have control over how I’m going to feel, and I choose to feel peaceful regardless of what I observe going on. When you feel offended, you’re practicing judgment. You judge someone else to be stupid, insensitive, rude, arrogant, inconsiderate, or foolish, and then you find yourself upset and offended by their conduct. What you may not realize is that when you judge another person, you do not define them. You define yourself as someone who needs to judge others.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Never underestimate your power to change yourself; never overestimate your power to change others.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Whether it’s your health, wealth, happiness, or any other element of your entire life experience, it is essential to keep in mind the importance of the movement of your attention. You must be obstinate and persistent in not allowing the viewpoints or information of others to alter your inner world. You know what you wish to become and what you would like to manifest for yourself.”
― Wayne Dyer
“When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Which snowflake is the most magnificent? Is it possible that they are all magnificent – and that, celebrating their magnificence together they create an awesome display? Then they melt into each other, and into the Oneness. Yet they never go away. They never disappear. They never cease to be. Simply, they change form. And not just once, but several times: from solid to liquid, from liquid to vapor, from the seen to the unseen, to rise again, and then again to return in new displays of breathtaking beauty and wonder. This is Life, nourishing Life.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Your children will see what you’re all about by what you live rather than what you say.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Disease doesn’t exist. Instead of thinking of it as a disease – I’d like for you to think of it for a moment as energy, with a frequency. It is energy with a frequency that is inhabiting your body that is not in harmony with the frequency at which your body was created in association with God. It’s just an incompatible frequency that’s all it is. It’s just a frequency that if it continues to occupy your body, your body cannot survive.”
― Wayne Dyer
“The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.”
― Wayne Dyer
“When expectations are shattered, practice allowing that to be the way it is. Relax, let go, allow, and recognize that some of your desires are about how you think your world should be, rather than how it is in that moment. Become an astute observer…judge less and listen more.”
― Wayne Dyer

“Feelings are not just emotions that happen to you. Feelings are reactions you choose to have.”
― Wayne Dyer
“When you’re connected to the power of intention, everywhere you go, and everyone you meet is affected by you and the energy you radiate. As you become the power of intention, you’ll see your dreams being fulfilled almost magically, and you’ll see yourself creating huge ripples in the energy fields of others by your presence and nothing more.”
― Wayne Dyer
“I am thankful to all those who said no. It’s because of them, I did it myself.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Successful people make money. It’s not that people who make money become successful, but that successful people attract money. They bring success to what they do.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Focus on understanding yourself instead of blaming others.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Everything shows up in Divine time. We get what we need on the schedule of a force much larger than ourselves. This invisible force moves the pieces around in its own way, in its own time, to harmonize with the perfect precision that defines every cubic inch of space and time.”
― Wayne Dyer
“You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you.”
― Wayne Dyer
“The creator has planted within every creature a fragment of himself, a spark, a spirit of the same nature as himself and, thanks to this spirit, every creature can become a creator. And this means that, instead of always waiting for their needs to be satisfied by some external source, human beings can work inwardly by means of their thought, their will, and their spirit to obtain the nourishing healing elements they need. This is why the teaching I bring you is of the spirit, of the creator and not of matter.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Heaven is a state of mind, not a location.”
― Wayne Dyer
Spend an hour, a day, a week, or a month practicing not giving unsolicited advice. Stop yourself for an instant and call upon your silent knowing. Ask a question, rather than giving advice or citing an example from your life, and then just listen to yourself and the other person. As Lao-Tzu would like you to know, that’s “the highest state of man.”
― Wayne Dyer

“You feel good not because the world is right, but your world is right because you feel good.”
― Wayne Dyer
“You get to a place where you begin to be guided by something greater than yourself. You stop fighting and striving (indeed the need to expend this type of energy is often a strong indicator that you are not in flow and where you are meant to be) and instead, surrender to your higher purpose and be guided from there, allowing things to happen, trusting in source, focusing on your why and letting go of the how.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Any problem, and I emphasize “any” problem, represents our inability to consciously connect to our Source in the moment.”
― Wayne Dyer
“When you live at or below ordinary levels of awareness, you spend a great deal of time and energy finding opportunities to be offended. Today we’re going to examine how you can stop allowing yourself to be offended by others and instead respond positively with love and forgiveness. A news report, an economic downturn, a rude stranger, a fashion miscue, someone cursing, a sneeze, a black cloud, any cloud, an absence of clouds — just about anything will do if you’re looking for an occasion to be offended. Along the extra mile, you’ll never find anyone engaging in such absurdities. Become a person who refuses to be offended by anyone, any thing, or any set of circumstances. If something takes place and you disapprove, by all means, state what you feel from your heart; and if possible, work to eliminate it and then let it go. Most people operate from the ego and really need to be right. So, when you encounter someone saying things that you find inappropriate, or when you know they’re wrong, wrong, wrong, forget your need to be right and instead say, “You’re right about that!” Those words will end the potential conflict and free you from being offended. Your desire is to be peaceful – not to be right, hurt, angry, or resentful. If you have enough faith in your own beliefs, you’ll find that it’s impossible to be offended by the beliefs and conduct of others. Not being offended is a way of saying, “I have control over how I’m going to feel, and I choose to feel peaceful regardless of what I observe going.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Remind yourself that you cannot fail at being yourself.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Release others’ expectations. If you focus on what others expect of you, you’ll continue to act on and attract more of what they desire for you. But when you can shift your inner thoughts to what you intend to create and attract into your life, you will no longer have to give mental energy to what others want for you.”
― Wayne Dyer
“It is the space between the notes that makes the music. Without that emptiness, that silence in between, there is no music, only a noise.”
― Wayne Dyer
“It’s through giving that we receive; it’s through acts of kindness directed toward others that our immune systems are strengthened and even our serotonin levels increased!”
― Wayne Dyer
“A belief system is nothing more than a thought you’ve thought over and over again.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Your past history and all of your hurts are no longer here in your physical reality. Don’t allow them to be here in your mind, muddying your present moments. Your life is like a play with several acts. Some of the characters who enter have short roles to play, others, much larger. Some are villains and others are good guys. But all of them are necessary, otherwise, they wouldn’t be in the play.”
― Wayne Dyer
“Don’t allow the approval and attention of others to destroy you. Remain humble and grateful for all your accomplishments, and know that a force greater than your ego is always at work in your life.”
― Wayne Dyer
We hope you are inspired by these Wayne Dyer quotes as much as we are!