Most people believe that we came to this planet with no “user manual”. Therefore they feel lost and don’t really know how to survive without destroying themselves. Nobody explained to us why we are here and what our mission is. However, each of us actually has a “user manual”. But this “manual” is hidden in our birth date which is called “Destiny Number”.
We all have a Destiny number which reflects our karmic debts and tasks. When you discover your destiny number you get a powerful tool that reveals your karmic lessons and opens up your inner potential. Only when you know your karma (that is, the “baggage” with which we came to this planet), can you unleash your potential and can create your desired life.
When you know your destiny number you are able to understand why you attract certain situations and people into your life, and why it may seem impossible to achieve your life goals. When you learn your karmic lesson, you are able to unlock the path to the realization of your life purpose.
In this article, I will share with you how you can easily calculate your destiny number, identify karmic challenges, and unleash your potential and hidden talents.
What Is Destiny Number?

In Vedic numerology, a destiny number is a number derived from the addition of the date of birth, month, and year.
The coding of the human bioenergetic matrix ranges from 1 to 9. In order to work with cosmic energy, it is necessary to take into account the vibrational structure of the first nine numbers. Each number has positive and negative vibrations and contains the energy of one of the nine planets.
The destiny number shows our nature. This number determines the initial encoding of our bioenergy matrix.
How to Calculate Your Destiny Number?
To calculate your destiny number you need to add all the numbers of your birth date: day + month + year.
For example, if you were born on September 11th, 1989. You need to do the following calculation: 9+1+1+1+9+8+9=38=3+8=11=2. Thus, you should get a single digit number from 1 to 9. Your destiny number is 2.
Destiny Number 1: Sun

1 is a very good Destiny number since it brings good luck. It is ruled by Sun. People with this Number consciously or unconsciously become important persons in their circle. They have a healthy mind and a healthy body which help them become leaders. Being able to clearly see the future and make appropriate plans, they achieve success without much effort. They suddenly receive money and spend it easily.
Number 1 makes people courteous, kind, ready to help and quick in judgment.
In periods of weak Sun (October, November, December) they can easily make more mistakes. This brings them disappointment but teaches patience.
They inspire their colleagues to strive for excellence and leadership. They are smart, always smiling, attractive
People with destiny number 1 are born missionaries and have a clear purpose in life.
Spiritual Development
Their strong qualities are temperance, patience, organizational skills, and perseverance. If they have spiritual inclinations, they become leaders of spiritual organizations and spiritual teachers – systematic, pedantic, devoted to the truth.
People with destiny number 1 can become good psychologists, astrologers, preachers or consultants.
They become leaders or leaders in their own circles, as they can clearly see the future and implement the relevant plans.
These people are great strategists who are able to create brilliant plans and gradually bring them to a logical conclusion.
Also, they usually become good assistants, consultants or deputies.
Women with Destiny Number 1

Unemployed women with destiny number 1 direct their energy to the household. These women create a good atmosphere for friends, guests, and family members. They help the poor and become great mothers. They are energetic, cautious, sensitive and face difficulties with dignity
If they work for a company, they usually hold important positions. They are sociable and have Regal manners. They have a strong character, they like order and regularity in everything.
Men with Destiny Number 1

These men are often engaged in a political career, become famous and reach high positions. They focus their energy on improving the lives of the poor. They are very ambitious and powerful.
Men working in an organization become the heads of their departments. If they are born in the period of the strong Sun or on the 28th of any month, they move up the career ladder even faster.
Entrepreneurs with this destiny number make fortunes between the ages of 35 and 49 and secure their future with real estate and Bank savings. Then they begin to spend their time and energy for the benefit of humanity.

People with destiny number 1 are not very romantic, and in matters of love and marriage, they are not too lucky.
Because of their bright logic they usually are not capable of deep and romantic experiences.
So often they are completely immersed in the activity of giving themselves completely to work. If they can not give their love to the family, they become good benefactors, support the needy, and in general in every way show their parental emotions towards the people in need.
Karmic lessons:
- Find a balance between material and spiritual.
- Focus on spiritual development.
- Develop romantic qualities.
- Invest time and energy into building a romantic relationship.
- You will achieve the greatest development through asceticism, charity, and abstinence.
- Develop moderation, patience, and humility.
Destiny Number 2: Moon
This number is controlled by the M

People with destiny number 2 experience great disappointments; luck literally slips out of their hands. They are often helpless victims of unpredictable change.
People with this number are born with a great sense of self-respect. They have good manners.
They love social life. For the sake of a good company, they can postpone an important job, a meeting, or a deal.
People with this Soul Number have to do a lot of things at least twice. It’s rare that they get anything on the first try. Therefore, they spend money and energy with less return.
Spiritual Development
After the age of 35, they become interested in Occult Science, philosophy and spiritual life. They are devoid of selfishness and do not expect a reward for good deeds.
People of this destiny number have strong intuition. They can literally read the minds of others. They can be good psychologists, creative workers, poets, writers, advisers, doctors, psychotherapists, actors or dancers.
Women with Destiny Number 2

These women are emotional and devoted to their partners. They are gracefully dressed, young looking, attractive. They are often accused of debauchery.
Men with Destiny Number 2
These men are not very successful in love affairs but successful in marriage and usually, they marry educated beautiful women. However, family life is often short.
Such intuitive abilities allow them to become good psychologists. They are well aware of the inner world of another person. Therefore they can easily put themselves in the other’s shoes.
Karmic lessons:
- Stay positive and optimistic no matter what’s going on in your life.
- Learn to identify your priorities and say ‘no’ to people.
- Develop patience.
- Direct your desire to learn to the search for knowledge of the absolute truth in order to measure your insights with true knowledge.
- Do not indulge in torrid love affairs. Moon karma is clearly not suited for such entertainment and brings a huge number of concerns.
- Learn to be loyal and reliable.
- You should seek salvation from your karmic depression in good relationships and in a friendly and loving environment.
Destiny Number 3: Jupiter

The destiny number 3 is one of the luckiest numbers since it indicates that such a person received the blessing or mercy of the spiritual teacher in his past life. This blessing from their past life saves them from many problems. Luck allows them to quickly solve all problems. Even in times of financial difficulties, they manage to get money quickly.
This number may indicate that in his past life a person studied spiritual treatises, learned a lot and shared his knowledge with others.
But with all these benefits Jupiter also imposes a great responsibility on present life. Jupiter forces people with destiny number 3 to work hard. As a result, sometimes these people overload themselves and may accumulate stress.
Spiritual Development
To continue their path of spiritual development and not to degrade is the main mission for the people with destiny number 3. It is very important for these people to always choose the most sublime type of knowledge, the purest motives, and the most worthy goals.
They should not waste this opportunity to fulfill foolish desires, but find a really spiritual, sublime dream and bring it to life, thereby bringing benefit to the whole world.
Possible problems:
- weakness for the opposite sex causes problems in the marriage;
- friends betray them;
- they fail in love affairs and sometimes earn a bad reputation;
- their egoism can hinder spiritual growth;
- bragging drives people away from them;
- pride deprives them of many opportunities in life
; wastefulness leads to financial crises.
Despite all these problems, these people are very lucky! When they need money, they always manage to get it. Their dreams come true. They are natural leaders, easy to succeed in politics and hold good positions in government.

They are good at publishing, advertising, teaching (especially philosophy), research and business related to travel, tourism, import-export. They can also work as jewelers and lawyers, serve in religious and philanthropic organizations.
Karmic Lessons:
- Learn to be more picky about your sex partners. It would be very favorable if you practiced tantra.
- Don’t brag! Learn to listen more than talk.
- Take your pride and ego under control.
- Invest time in your spiritual development and growth.
- Develop a friendly attitude towards others and strive to understand them better.
- Do charity. Help others unconditionally.
- Build an emotional connection with others. It will make you a wonderful spouse and friend.
Destiny Number 4: Rahu

People with destiny number 4 are influenced by Rahu. This destiny number is considered unfavorable karma.
The influence of Rahu can lead a person to rapid degradation or can be a blessing and raise him (her) to a higher spiritual level. Everything depends on the choice of the person, the direction of his development and his efforts.
Rahu makes the lives of people who are under its influence, unexpected and not stable. Sudden changes nullify all plans and dreams of the person that leads to dissatisfaction with life. Life seems bad, unfair, unbearable and nasty. Therefore, such people usually cannot enjoy their lives no matter what they’re doing.
It seems to them that they are not in their place, that everything should be changed and settled more calmly and reliably. Such people are under the constant supervision of Rahu, who jokes at them, confusing the cards of life every time it seems that this time everything will be calm and stable.

Rahu creates the effect of insufficiency in consciousness. Despite the fact that they can make pretty good money and reach a certain level of success, in their minds is the constant burning idea that for complete happiness they lack something. And since our mind manifests every thought we have into material reality, they themselves manifest all the negativity in their lives.
No matter how well they do their job, they feel that no one can appreciate it. This makes them suspicious and overly cautious, pushes them into isolation, and makes them feel lonely and abandoned.
Rahu brings into their lives a lot of enemies who act secretly, preventing them from carrying out their plans. In fact, there is always somebody around them making plans to spoil something they’re creating.
All this infuriates them and makes them act as quickly as possible to bring at least some business to an end.
They are not lucky in their family life. Their selfish, suspicious and secretive nature and inability to make quick decisions affect the relationships in a negative way
Therefore, they are encouraged to make continuous efforts to improve their relations with partners, family members, and friends. And in general, they need to cultivate a sense of friendliness and love for all. It will cancel the negative influence of Rahu.

These people usually have many sources of income, but they spend money easily. And if they do not curb their extravagance, then in old age they may have serious money problems.
Karmic lessons:
- Learn to adapt to sudden changes.
- Stop being suspicious and learn to trust people.
- Learn to be satisfied with everything you have at the moment.
- Ignore criticism.
- Develop patience.
- Save money.
- Stay positive, learn to smile more and radiate love! Positive affirmations and the Law of attraction practice will help them to overcome the negative influence of Rahu and bring happiness into their lives.
Destiny Number 5: Mercury

In general, 5 is a very good destiny number. It is ruled by Mercury, which gives people with this number softness, kindness, wisdom, intuition, insight, happiness, care, and luck.
These people are so lucky that they can even get wealthy through winning the lottery, inheritance or risky business!
Besides that, Mercury makes people logical, rational and systematic. They can easily become pioneers and innovators in any field.
Mercury also gives its “children” recognition of achievements in work.
These people are attractive, optimistic, and very successful in love affairs.
Often people with destiny number 5 live long abroad
Mercurian Consciousness
The distinctive feature of the Mercurian consciousness is that they act very decisively and effectively on the one hand, and on the other hand are very careful and cautious. You can’t buy them with pretty words. It’s not easy to convince them.

Destiny number 5 is most favorable for publishers, writers, lawyers, critics, actors and entertainers, scientists, speakers, sculptors, and astrologers.
Mercury gives these people a deep mind, so they are able to find a way out of any difficult situation. This creates a working atmosphere around them, in which everyone feels the ability to find a solution and achieve the intended result. For this reason, they become good entrepreneurs who are able to inspire any employee or companion.
Also, Mercury is the patron of travelers and all intellectuals in general, such as artists, teachers, lecturers, writers, politicians, astrologers, psychologists, and consultants. Therefore people with destiny number 5 may succeed in these professions as well.
Karmic lessons:
- Develop your inner wisdom.
- Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
- Don’t think badly of people.
- Learn to listen to people and try to understand the meaning of what they say.
- When communicating with people, remember that you should not constantly think about how to benefit from this communication. Remember, Mercury likes gratitude and good mood.
- You need to constantly work on your serenity and prudence.
- Do not impose your ideas on other people.
- In your eloquence do not cross the line between keeping people interested and enslavement.
- Control your anger! Remember that anger may lead you to impulsive actions that will make you act selfishly and unwisely, in spite of everyone else.
- Work in any field that requires speech activity. Usually, it is the karma of writers, journalists, actors, advertising or public relations workers.
Destiny Number 6: Venus

This number is ruled by Venus. Unfortunately, this number is not so lucky as a destiny number, especially for women. Venus creates a lot of problems, prompting people to enter into unnecessary love relationships.
When 6 is the soul number, the increased interest in the opposite sex is quite natural, because it is born on a spiritual level. But when 6 is destiny number, affairs happen by accident, almost without affecting the soul, it is a matter of external force – a fate – which in this case can and should be fought.
However, these people reach a good financial position due to good financial luck. Usually, they get everything they want, but if they do not marry in their young age then they can not find a suitable life partner for a long time
People of this destiny number are very independent, but sociable
They are good interlocutors and storytellers. As a rule, they travel a lot, enjoy life, love good and tasty food
These people are more sentimental than logical and tend to think a lot about the past.
Spiritual Path

Venusians are quite independent people, this causes some problem in the search for a spiritual path. Traditional directions of spiritual development seem boring to them. Therefore they often experiment, which can be quite dangerous.
They do not accept any bonds and obligations, violate laws and do not follow traditional religions. They are interested in such secret Sciences as alchemy, tantra, witchcraft and black magic.
It is easy for these people to understand a person and choose the right words, without slipping into criticism. Such abilities can make them great politicians or a wonderful family counselor.
They are generous and generously spend money on relatives and friends
They like to collect beautiful clothes, perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, and gemstones.
People of this destiny number are attractive, charming and youthful looking at any age.

These people may get addicted to sexual pleasures and are prone to sexually transmitted diseases.
If they do not marry in their young age then they can not find a suitable life partner for a long time.
Karmic Lessons:
- The main mission of these people is to bring back love to this world of enmity and violence. Therefore, the first karmic lesson is not afraid of difficulties.
- Stop thinking about your past.
- Learn to forgive people their natural weaknesses and behavior that does not fit into the framework of your understanding.
- Be a peacemaker. Help people to solve arguments.
- Help people without criticizing them.
- Do charity.
Destiny Number 7: Ketu

This destiny number is under the control of Ketu, which makes people universal favorites. Everyone wants to help them.
Their habit of underestimating their talents and abilities makes them humble, polite, and charming.
Ketu is a planet of wit that allows its ‘children’ to make interesting decisions quickly. This effective behavior makes them practical. If they direct these abilities to the public, then their natural unpredictability makes them good lecturers who are really interesting to listen to. Their brilliant practical ideas attract people like a magnet. They become good speakers and storytellers.
They travel to foreign countries and receive recognition in the field of art, literature or diplomacy.
People with Destiny Number 7 are witty, agile, quick to make decisions; unpredictable, constantly changing and always look young.
These people are good advisers: even enemies follow their recommendations. They radiate peace and tranquility and can calm people with their presence. It seems like they have solutions to all problems and know how to resolve disputes.
Philosophy of Life
People with destiny number 7 always try to get to the very essence of things. They don’t take anything for granted. These people rather develop their own opinion than accept someone else’s, even if it’s quite reasonable.
People of this destiny number always have intense thought processes which are associated with the past karma of the philosopher or transcendentalist.
This esoteric past often leads them to have unusual experiences such as deja vu or hypersensitivity. All this pushes them to the path of activity of the educator, philosopher or healer. But it should be remembered that they will be able to succeed only if they manage to cope with their introversion.
Spiritual Development

If these people are inclined to engage in spiritual activities, they can easily reach Samadhi, a state of deep meditation. If they are interested in Tantra, they acquire various siddhi (mystical powers). Between the ages of 30 and 45, the power of their intuition increases, and they are able to read other people’s thoughts.
These people have wonderful dreams that teach them a lot. Most of their bright original ideas come from dreams and daydreams (this is their favorite activity). They try to learn the secret of dreams and the subconscious and believe in the mystical power that can carry people into the past or future.
People with destiny number 7 achieve great success in the field of spiritual development, which requires the ability to effectively apply philosophy in their lives. If these people are not interested in authoritative spiritual philosophy, they can fall under the influence of mystical tendencies and get carried away with some dangerous esoteric practice.
Craving for the mysterious pushes them to experiment with their own consciousness and mystical forces.
They become known as artists, writers or diplomats. Sometimes they go in the legal direction. They can be good judges, peacemakers or spiritual leaders.
In addition, the area of consulting services for them is very interesting, as karmically their advice can be accepted even by obvious detractors.
Women with Destiny Number 7

Women of this destiny number are very sociable and sentimental. Usually, these women are more attractive than men with the same number. They are smart, assertive, and talkative. They are very focused on their career.
Such women are strongly attached to their mothers, and this can create problems in their married life.
These women are restless, they are always worried about the future. Because of this, they pay less attention to their husbands, which, of course, is not too good for a happy marriage.
Men with Destiny Number 7
Such men are advised not to marry until 28 years.

Both men and women with this number may have one or more extramarital relationships. This brings them a lot of problems in marriage life and related diseases.
Karmic Lessons:
- Reveal your hidden abilities and direct them to your development.
- Treat all obstacles and troubles philosophically. In other words, you should learn how to treat life as an educational process. This approach to life will make life rich and interesting, but not difficult and unpleasant. Difficulties should help you to delve deeper into the essence of the subtle laws of life that will allow you to help others overcome their difficulties. This accumulated and transferred knowledge will make you really happy.
- Constantly increase the circle of your acquaintances and friends.
- Fight your desire to experiment with other sexual partners besides your husband/wife.
- Learn to understand the secrets of life, soul, birth, and death.
- Do NOT plunge into secrecy, gloom, and loneliness. Such behavior will cause in society nothing but gossip about you, that will lead to a lack of friendly relations.
Destiny Number 8: Saturn

People with destiny number 8 are under the influence of Saturn. They become very wise over the years, though this wisdom is acquired by them through a sad life experience consisting of difficulties and troubles.
Saturn brings procrastination, obstacles, failures, humiliation, and makes life unpredictable.
Life challenges
These people like to be alone, but on the other hand, they experience great suffering from loneliness, which can lead to addiction or other bad habits.
Destiny number 8 makes people spoil their karma, meet failures on their way and suffer from premature aging. But through the sad experience of failure, they gain wisdom.
This karma often causes them to act destructively. They lose faith in kindness and justice, which pushes them to rash actions. Therefore, they often get exposed and cannot restore respect and trust for a long time. Especially if these scandals are connected with the opposite sex.
Strong Qualities
People with this destiny number receive power, recognition, and financial success. Diligence, resilience and the ability to take a broad view of things give them the ambition and additional qualities necessary to achieve their goals.
Their karma allows them to succeed in the field of scientific and social activities. They become famous either as innovators, eminent scientists, social reformers, or through their vicious activities. These people become known either as great spiritual figures or as real scoundrels and Libertines. Therefore, they should always think about moral appearance first, and only then about the goals and objectives.
People with destiny number are resistant to stress, they have increased adaptive abilities, and they quickly recover.

People with destiny number 8 develop in adverse conditions: the more difficulties they face, the brighter they shine.
The development of their consciousness takes place by the principle – the harder, the clearer. They are hardened in battle and then fear nothing.
Unfortunately, their karma is such that problems, humiliations, and difficulties follow them all their life.
Professional Life
The positive qualities fo these people are diligence and stability. This allows them to easily achieve success, and a fairly broad outlook allows them to occupy high positions both in the material and spiritual direction.
If they are interested in politics, they soon receive a high post. If they are interested in spiritual and occult sciences, they become leaders of spiritual organizations. But it is still very difficult for them to get rid of problems, confrontation, and humiliation.
They are very brave, ambitious and ready to endure hardships, which allows them to quickly adjust to any situation. Their consciousness is focused on taking the highest position on the career ladder and they are willing to spend all their energy and all their time on it.

Their personal life does not go smoothly. Often it does not last very long. They have the karma of breakups, abuse, and divorce. They are unsuccessful in matters of love and, due to scandalous revelations earn a bad name.
Saturn causes a negative attitude to those around them, especially family and friends. People with destiny number 8 need to know that their life will be so much easier and better if they respect their older relatives and their partners. In addition, they need to plan their lives as best as possible, which will slightly neutralize the negative influence of Saturn.
Karmic Lessons
- Perceive others with tolerance and understanding, to overcome life’s difficulties with dignity and humanity.
- Overcome obstacles and help others do it.
- Meet all the difficulties of life with a joyful heart.
- Use organizational talent for achieving goals. Moreover, Saturn does not tolerate small goals but it pushes on huge things and great achievements, that’s where the life landmark lies.
- Get involved in charity.
Destiny Number 9: Mars
This destiny number is ruled by Mars.

It gives people spirituality, perseverance, and humility. Their belligerent nature paves their way through controversy, public speaking, or through following difficult, self-destructive spiritual practices. Mars gives them closure and commitment to Holiness; and also, it gives them the courage and the spirit of competition.
Karma of Mars
This kind of karma is connected with the turning point of the soul’s life in this world. Its circle of samsara has reached a turning point and now it is decided whether a person will return to the spiritual world or continue his/her endless wandering through 8,400,000 forms of life in this material world.
Such a person came to the very top of the “carousel” of material life and now it’s time to get off it. Such people need to overcome their vices and go to their spiritual goal decisively, without turning on trifles on secondary roads. In this life they have to make a choice: either they follow a spiritual path and reach spiritual perfection or continue their eternal wandering on material dumps.
Karma of Mars says that this person is able to set a higher goal and implement it, whatever it takes. Therefore, the whole question is what goals they will set for themselves.
If they decide to focus the primary attention on the spiritual goals, their achievements will bring them magnificent spiritual and material benefits.
If they choose to focus on purely material goals they will experience nothing but disappointment, difficulties, and losses in life.
Spiritual Path

Mars makes people very sensitive to what is happening around them. This allows them to understand different kinds of art, strategy, tactics, psychology, and subtle human nature.
Therefore, they easily fit into an esoteric environment. Everything mystical is interesting to them, especially the sacred knowledge that they can apply to their life. However, they should be extremely careful with their sensitivity, not to become pseudo-psychics, otherwise, they will have to pay bitterly.
People with this destiny number can be interested in healing, ecology, music, singing, and painting.
These people should be careful with romantic relationships, as they often act in this regard as victims. Whatever the situation is they should not forget about their mission, otherwise they can waste many years of their life, trying to find a solution to some petty problems.
People with destiny number 9 were created to develop love for the whole world, not just for one person. Therefore they should use their attraction mostly for spreading the truth in all its glory.
Karmic Lessons
- Learn and understand everything new and unusual.
- Travel a lot.
- Stop being stubborn.
- Strive to be less attached to material possessions.
- Learn to express mercy and goodwill.
- Develop a sense of generosity and mutual help.
- Learn how NOT to be a victim in a relationship.
- Learn not to succumb to depression and doubt.
- Direct your spiritual practice to take control of your emotions.
- Focus on spiritual goals.
It is important to say that the intensity of the manifestation of favorable and unfavorable qualities of destiny numbers in a person’s life depends on his/her individual karma.
In this article, I shared with you just the basic characteristics of the strongest manifestations. However, it should be understood that for most people, these manifestations may not be as bright, although the general trends are always maintained.
I hope this article helped you understand your karmic challenges and lessons and gave you some helpful tips on how to overcome the negative karmic influences and uncover the positive ones.