Our soul purpose refers to our mission or vocation in life. It relates to finding the true meaning of life and your contribution to the universe. Think of the times you contemplate where your life is going, or your natural yearning to grow.
This has nothing to do with buying a house, getting married and having kids, or building a business empire.
Instead, it can be your yearning to create, feel, care-take, achieve, or lead. Hence, once you know your soul purpose, you can align your thoughts and goals to achieve it. That way, you attain a sense of fulfillment and live a longer, purposeful life.
How Do You Identify Your Soul Purpose?
There are many ways to identify your soul purpose. They include: –
#1: Look Inwards
We all have what it takes to achieve our soul purpose. Yet, many of us have limiting beliefs or inner child issues. These are setbacks that make us feel that our lives are a mistake. Like we should be doing something else right now.
Yet, annoying as it sounds, we are where we need to be.
However, we should now pay attention to the soul when it speaks to us, giving us the urge to pursue a career, write a book, or go to a place. Identifying your soul purpose begins when you overcome these limiting beliefs and inner child issues and listen to your nudge to grow. Hypnotherapy and guided meditation are excellent tools that can help us in this.
#2: Practice Self Compassion

Are you living with a disability or a chronic illness that forces you to change your career path or live away from your loved ones? You can still find your soul purpose by first accepting such limitations. Indeed, looking beyond your restrictions allows you to be an observer and not a victim. Next, you express self-compassion and divert your goals in line with your constraints. This self-awareness helps you to notice opportunities available to you for being where you are at the moment.
#3: Focus on Purpose not Goals
Whatever goals you set should align with your ultimate purpose in life. Otherwise, once you accomplish these goals, you start feeling empty and seeing the grass is greener on the other side. In addition, anytime you set a goal, ask yourself what contribution it makes towards your true passion. For example, maintain a journal where you scrutinize what you plan against your desired purpose in life.
#4: Know Your True Needs
Do you know what you need? Are these your true needs? Often, we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, not realizing what we truly need. It could be the need to be significant, loved or connect, grow or contribute, or certain.
These are not materials needs like food, shelter, and clothing.
Then discover your true needs by attuning to yourself. Here, use such practices as Kundalini meditation and crystal healing to follow clues that your body gives you. That way, you can determine your true needs and improve your wellbeing.
#5: Have an Abundance Mindset

Having an abundance mindset is about focusing on what you possess right now to achieve your soul purpose. You see the beauty in your current circumstances. That way, you overcome your fear of lack and begin living with a positive attitude.
An abundance mindset shifts your perspective to see your current circumstances as an exciting journey rather than a stressful life beyond your control. Focus on what you have by practicing gratitude, volunteering your skills and time to a worthy cause, and choosing your words wisely.
#6: Take Charge of Your Life
Are fear and anxiety the driving forces of your current life choices? For example, do you pursue a career to please your parents? Or, are you in an unhappy relationship to portray a successful family person as per societal norms?
Any decision you make out of fear or anxiety drives you further away from your soul purpose.
Such options make you a victim of your circumstances. Yet, your circumstances are a result of your choices. Break this vicious cycle by focusing on solutions instead of short-term quick fixes. Also, notice your tendency to blame others or complain about your circumstances. Next, hold yourself accountable to others to overcome difficult situations.
#7: Focus on What Makes You Happy
Take stock of your life so far. What past experiences brought joy to you? It could be the time you secured that all-important client for your employer. Or, the moments you spend away from home with a loved one. That is where your true passion lies. Now, focus on turning that passion into a profitable career.
#8: Create a Personal Vision Statement
Your life vision statement summarizes your values, strengths, and goals. It is an inspiring declaration about how you see yourself in the future. It can be something like, “To help others overcome their limiting beliefs by overcoming my own and reaching my goals”, or “To inspire others in nurturing their creativity.”
#9: Have Some “Me Time”

Finally, you can identify your soul purpose by spending quality time away from the crowds to reflect on your life. As you do this, take deep breaths, seek more knowledge by reading books, listen to inspirational audios, exercise, and maintain a healthy diet.
Practicing self-care helps you appreciate yourself. It focuses on developing the best version of you that is fit for pursuing that soul purpose.
We all feel a force that pushes us towards a particular life direction. If this is the direction that you choose, then you are living your soul purpose. Otherwise, ignoring or assuming this nudging feeling may mean you are pursuing goals that leave you feeling empty afterward. Identify your soul purpose and the necessary life changes to achieve it.