Have you heard of gezellig yet? Well, you better learn this word because it is about to become your new motto! While the rest of the world can be crazy and chaotic, you can build a happy balanced life and enjoy your cozy lifestyle at a relaxing pace. In this article, I will share with you the Dutch secret to happiness that may change the way you think and live in a better way.
What Is Gezellig?
The word “gazellig” can’t be translated in English, it can only be described.
Gezellig is a major part of Dutch culture and tradition which can be described as a vibe, a situation, or a location that makes you feel good and in which you are able to relax, be yourself, and have a good time.
Relaxation is not the gezellig itself but a result of gezellig. This term can be used for describing the good time of hanging out with your friends or quality time spent with your partner. Even a person can be described by the word gezellig which means that they are vibrant or easy and fun to talk to and you feel good in their presence. Your environment, a room or space around you can be described as gezellig too, even if there are no people around you.
In this article, I refer to gezellig as a Dutch lifestyle that implies a quiet and pleasant time with family and friends, as well as creating comfort, warmth, and peace in your home. This trend is perfectly suited to the winter season when we all need a little more warmth than usual. What can be more pleasant than lighting candles and getting comfortable under a warm blanket with your loved ones?

Gezellig philosophy reminds people that you should not rush and hurry, you need to have time to enjoy life. This philosophy reminds us of how important it is to surround yourself with positive energy and pleasant company, as well as to please yourself with tasty goodies and cozy decor every day, and not just on holidays.
Gezellig includes all those little things that make a cozy and warm nest out of ordinary housing. They are very important for our daily life. And now during this global pandemic when we spend more time at home than ever, we can really benefit from gezellig.
The Dutch gezellig typical components are homemade stroopwafels, sweet tea, the warmth of the fireplace, and beloved family members close by. Gezellig is not about buying expensive things and showing off the luxury of your house, but more about what real happiness, family values, and home warmth are.
Now let me share with you a few tips on gezellig for living a happily balanced life even during uncertain times!
5 Tips On Gezellig Living
#1: Use More Soft Fabrics

When it’s cold and chilly outside, what can be better than to curl up under a soft blanket on the couch with a cup of tea or cocoa? Knitted and woolen plaids are must-haves for a cozy “stay home” time, but to create a truly cozy atmosphere, take a closer look at soft decorative pillows and long-pile carpets. This set will definitely brighten your life, even when it’s snowy, rainy, or cloudy and foggy outside!
#2: Get More Plants and Flowers

If you want to create an oasis of peace at home (which is exactly what gezellig is), then feel free to add as many different plants and flowers as you want. It can be anything: bright bouquets or simple small plants. Don’t forget to get colorful vases and pots for your flowers and plants. These simple items will help to refresh the space and make it brighter, even despite dull weather.
#3: Light More Candles

To light up the dull winter days, use scented or regular candles. This is the easiest and most affordable way to create comfort, warmth, and coziness which will turn your home into a real paradise. Just imagine how calm and peaceful you will feel when you light candles in the evening, wrap yourself in a warm blanket, add logs to the burning fireplace and make yourself comfortable with your beloved family members in the living room.
#4: More Gatherings And Dinners With Family And Friends

In winter, the best way to get all your household members together is to make a tasty dinner and drink some tea or cocoa with a delicious dessert. Prepare a hot soup and stew to keep warm, and serve them in bright dishes that will cheer up the whole family. And for a typical Dutch dessert, you can prepare Stroop waffles with caramel syrup and tea!
#5: Learn to Relax

Gezellig is a state of mind. It’s a vibe. You can’t get there when your mind is mired in stress. You’ve been taught to hustle since the day you were born, and it could take some time to learn how to switch your hustle mode to relax mode.
Start slowly by adopting some relaxation techniques like meditation, pranayama, mantra chanting, or yoga. Spend more time with people you love. The more you exercise your gezellig mode, the easier it will become to get there when you need it. Learning to relax may seem hard at first. But it’s 100% worth it!
The Bottom Line
Sunny days are a rarity in the Netherlands. Most of the time, it’s cloudy and gloomy there. Therefore, gezellig was invented there. It can be a vibe, a lifestyle philosophy, an interior design trend, or something else you feel especially good about. This philosophy can be adopted by anybody who needs a little cheering up during depressive, mood,y, or cold days. Make a list that makes you feel good and live you own gezellig!