What we say and think shapes our reality and affects the quality of our life. When we repeat the same thought-form multiple times it gets concentrated into a powerful force of intention. Therefore, affirmations are one of the most effective tools for manifesting your desired life. In this article, I will share with you my collection of the most powerful and effective abundance affirmations that can significantly change the quality of your life for better. The key is to be consistent with your practice since the reprogramming of the subconscious mind takes time and patience.
What Is Abundance?
So, what is abundance? Money? Successful business? Love? A large circle of friends? A big and happy family? Each of us has his/her own understanding of abundance. But its essential meaning is that you are solidly happy with who you are and no external event or situation – whether good or bad – can add or subtract from that happiness.
Our perspective about the world we live in is also very subjective. Some people believe that the world is a cruel place where only the strongest survive therefore their life looks like a constant fight for survival. But there are others who believe that the world is a wonderful abundant place where everything is enough for everyone. These people believe that all you need to do is to learn how to distribute endless benefits of the Universe and remember to notice the abundance in everything! Interestingly, in both cases, people find confirmation of their own beliefs.
Reality is subjective because it depends on the thought forms that influence our minds. It is our thoughts that shape our reality. And if you believe that life is a constant fight for survival you will find plenty of evidence that proves this, since your thoughts make life this way. Oppositely, if you believe that life is abundant you’re making it this way with your thoughts. Therefore, you will find lots of confirmation of your own beliefs. This is how we all can co-exist in the same world but see it from different angles.
Whether you believe in the abundance that surrounds us or not, the Universe always says “yes” to you and supports your beliefs.
How Do Abundance Affirmations Work?

Affirmations are positive statements that program your subconscious mind to fulfill all your desires. In accordance with this program, joyful and happy desired events will gradually enter into your life.
Most people can’t even imagine how effective affirmations are! Affirmations are your main key to reprogramming your consciousness. That’s why the trick is to keep repeating them again and again until they are firmly imprinted in your subconscious.
With the help of abundance affirmations, you can reprogram your mind from lack and competition to abundance and cooperation. If you learn to direct the energy of your thoughts to abundance and infinite possibilities you will eventually start attracting abundance into your life whether it money and success or love, health, peace, and harmony.
How To Practice Abundance Affirmations?
In abundance affirmation practice, the key to success is your consistency! Read the abundance affirmations in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening right before going to bed.
I discovered that the abundance affirmations work better when you’re reading them in front of the mirror looking directly in your eyes.
It is very important to combine reading the affirmations with your emotions. Use your own emotions to make the affirmation practice more powerful. You can even add moves and gestures. Your goal is to convince yourself that what you are saying is true! Therefore, use whatever helps you to achieve this goal.
However, if you are reading the affirmations without being convincing, your consciousness will never get the message. Remember that your entire body should work when you are practicing abundance affirmations!
Repeat the affirmations as many times as you want. However, I prefer to use the magic number 8! 8 is a symbol of infinity. Therefore, when you’re repeating the affirmation 8 times it is considered to be repeated an infinite number of times.
Abundance Affirmations
Here is the list of my favorite abundance affirmations.

- I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me!
- Every day I am attracting more and more abundance into my life!
- I easily access my abundant nature!
- I am surrounded by abundance!
- I live an abundant life!
- The world I live in is a wonderful place where everything is enough for everyone!
- I love my life and the world I live in!
- I am attuned to the frequency of love and abundance!
- I acknowledge and express gratitude for the abundance in my life!
- Every day in my life I find evidence of abundance!
- I create abundance through my actions and attitude!
- I am living my life in a state of complete abundance!
- I notice an abundance of opportunities wherever I am and wherever I am heading!
- The Universe is a generous source of abundance and I receive its blessings every day!
- I have generous amounts of resources, time, and money!
- Every day I create new opportunities for myself that open the door for more abundance!
- I am increasingly magnetic to health, wealth, abundance, prosperity, and money!
- I have an abundance mindset!
- I am abundance!
- I live in an abundant universe!
- I radiate abundance!
- Every day I find new ways to experience abundance!
Abundance Affirmations For Attracting Money

- My world is full of abundance and prosperity!
- I am the personification of wealth!
- My life is filled with abundance and prosperity!
- I am the embodiment of wealth!
- Money comes to me easily!
- I always have as much money as I need!
- I love money and money loves me!
- I attract big money into my life!
- My money income is growing!
- I always double my prosperity!
- I allow the energy of abundance to fill up my life!
- The universe’s love is expressed with the flow of abundance in my life!
Abundance Affirmations For Creativity

- I have genius ideas that create prosperity!
- All my ideas are very profitable!
- I use my creativity to gain abundance in my life!
- My life is a unique expression of my inner world!
- I freely and easily express my creativity and talents!
- I value myself, my gifts, and talents!
- I am the source of inspiration for myself and for others!
Abundance Affirmations For Love

- I radiate LOVE!
- There is LOVE inside and around me!
- My life is full of LOVE!
- I LOVE myself and the whole world!
- I am a source of LOVE!
- May my LOVE fill the Universe!
- I’m in LOVE with my life!
- I LOVE everyone I know and everyone who knows me LOVES me! I feel it!
- I LOVE the whole world and the whole world LOVES me! I feel it!
- I LOVE the whole Universe and the whole Universe LOVES me! I feel it!
- I’m in LOVE and I am LOVED! I live in peace and harmony!
- I am happy in LOVE!
The Bottom Line
The most important thing in affirmation practice is to change negative thoughts to positive. In abundance affirmation practice, we are changing our thoughts about the lack of abundance to thoughts about infinite abundance whether it’s related to money, love, creativity or success. It is especially important to remember this not only during your affirmation practice but also in your everyday life. Remember that even a fleeting negative thought can destroy months of positive affirmation practice! Choose your thoughts carefully!