There is a belief that our ancient ancestors could feel the approach of an enemy or dangerous beast at a distance and predict certain events. Physically, people are weaker than wild animals, therefore highly developed intuition was an important condition for survival back in the day. Today, many scientists recognize the existence of psychics and even hold the strong belief that with strong intention and sufficient effort, anyone can develop psychic abilities. If you are interested in reading other people’s thoughts, predicting the future, this article was written for you! I’ll share with you very effective tips on how to tap into psychic abilities.
Is It Dangerous to Develop Psychic Abilities?

Some people can recognize their psychic abilities from early childhood. Others have to spend a lot of time training in order to see tangible results. However, exercises for the development of psychic abilities can sometimes be dangerous for mental health. We are surrounded by many different beings hidden from the eyes of ordinary people. When you begin to train your psychic abilities, be ready to see these beings. Some of them are quite terrible and vile, so before you embark on the path of clairvoyance, think about whether it will withstand your psyche, whether you can keep your consciousness in a balanced state. You also need to learn how to protect yourself.
Another danger you may face is seeing visions of your past or future. These visions can be pretty scary and you need to learn how to stay balanced and not allow these visions to destroy your peace.
Psychic abilities will also force you to see people’s “true faces”. And sometimes it’s not a pleasant experience. You may see how your friends betray you behind your back or say negative things about you. In this case, you need to learn to forgive and let it go. If you will take this too personally you will eventually lose all your friends. You need to accept the fact that we all make mistakes, we all gossip or saying things behind other people’s backs that we are not supposed to be saying but it doesn’t mean that we don’t love these people and don’t wish them well. Therefore we just need to learn how not to take things personally, especially if the recognition of these things comes from your psychic abilities.
Most Effective Tips On How To Tap Into Psychic Abilities
How to Feel the Aura?

Each person is surrounded by an energy field. In order to predict the future or feel the energy of people, learn to feel and understand your own energy first. Therefore the very first tip on how to tap into psychic abilities is learning how to feel the aura.
Almost every person has experienced a feeling of negative energy coming from another person. For example, you are sitting next to a person who is depressed, stressed, and anxious. In a couple of minutes, most people would start feeling this negativity and also get infected with a bad mood. It happens because in such a situation your biofield would be reconfigured and synchronized with the person’s biofield. Therefore it’s so important to develop the feeling of your own aura because in this case, you would be able to consciously control your energy field.
This simple exercise will help you learn how to feel the boundaries of your energy field and, also feel the changes that happen when you are letting someone into it.
Spread your arms out to the sides as far as you can. This is the approximate boundaries of your energy field. Pulling your hands forward in front of you, you will work like a magnet. Use the same exercise mentally when the other person is sitting in front of you to develop the sensitivity of this magnet. Try to tune in to the person’s energy wave to feel his/her energy.
How to See the Aura?

It is not difficult to learn to see the etheric bodies of animals and people. All you need is a little patience. This exercise is suitable for those who are just starting to take the first steps towards the development of psychic abilities.
To perform it you will need a partner. The training is held in a dark room, the arms of the second participant should be bare. Ask your partner to stand with his/her back to the wall. You have to stand sideways to him/her at a distance of three feet.
Next, you need to take a deep breath ten times and look at the edge of the partner’s arm with lateral vision. If the result is successful, you will see his/her aura. If it did not work – after 5-10 minutes, repeat the above steps.
How to Develop Clairvoyance?

Another tip on how to tap into psychic abilities is to develop clairvoyance.
To see the events that already occurred or those that will occur at a certain time is possible with the help of the backside of your eyelids – it’s your own psychic monitor. If you are a beginner, the following exercise will help you.
Sit down so that it is comfortable, close your eyes. Relax, stay completely still. Look at everything that appears on the back side of your eyelids. Imagine that you are in a movie theater and expect to see a movie. At first, you will see blurred lines and outlines. Pay attention to how they change, where they move.
A little later you will be in a state of a kind of hypnotic sleep. After about 20 minutes there will appear clearer images in front of your closed eyes. With persistent daily training, you will be seeing clearer pictures and get answers from your subconscious to any questions.
How to Develop Telepathy?

Anyone can develop telepathy with the help of special exercises. The only condition is that these exercises should be performed regularly.
For performing this exercise, you will need the help of two or three friends.
On a blank sheet of paper, you need to draw three shapes that are easy to remember – a circle, a square, a rectangle, a star, etc. Choose one of the shapes, close your eyes and try to visualize it clearly. After it “pops” in front of your closed eyes, you need to inform the other participants about its appearance with some kind of code word, for example, “holding”.
Next, your friends have to say the first word that comes to mind. This is the essence of telepathy. Then you switch roles for this exercise.
To prevent deception of the selected figure make sure to mark the shape and after the completion of the exercise, you need to show it to other participants.
When the result of guessing will be 90 percent or more, you can move on to other more complex exercises. For example, you go to another room, the others decide what you need to do when you return back (to sit on a chair, to turn off the light, to wipe the table, etc.) without telling you what they decided. The moment you enter the room, participants need to visualize what they want you to do.
How to Develop Telekinesis?

Another tip on how to tap into psychic abilities is to develop telekinesis.
Everyone can master the ability to move objects at a distance if there is sufficient desire and effort. To do this, it is necessary to master the skills of increasing the energy flow and direct it through energy channels, which are actively used in various Eastern practices.
Important notice: You should not perform this exercise until you learn to relax and accumulate energy. Regular meditation can help with this.
First, rub the palms, feel the energy heat, mentally direct it to your arms, feet, to your head. After mastering this skill, prepare a small piece of paper and a match. Take a deep bowl, pour water, drip vegetable oil, and place a match on top of the oil. Bring your hands closer to the match, try to feel it at a distance. Try to hook the object with the energy flow and move it in the desired direction.
How to Develop Prophetic Dreams?

This is one of the best ways to predict the future as the brain at this time is devoid of thoughts about work and every-day problems, so it can very effectively interact with your energy field.
For developing the ability to see prophetic dreams try to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts before going to bed and think about what you want to see in your dreams. Focus on the question you seek to be answered. This will help to develop your ability to see prophetic dreams.
Don’t rush to give an interpretation to everything you see in your dreams. Give yourself time to observe information that you have received from your dreams. Sometimes the answers can be pretty clear but most people see certain symbols and signs in their dreams. Our dreams are very symbolic and our goal is to learn how to interpret these dreams right. The best way to figure out the symbology that your subconscious mind uses is to write down your dreams in your dream journal every morning.

Lucid dreaming is another powerful tool to tap into prophetic dreams and reveal the unknown facets of your potential.
Example of Prophetic Dreams Experience
One friend of mine was practicing this technique every time she was going to pass an exam. A night before the exam she was focusing on the process of passing the exam. She asked her subconscious a question: “What question is the examiner going to ask me?” or “What questions are going to be included in my test tomorrow?”. And she fell asleep after that. In the morning she already knew what topics she needed to repeat before her exam because she saw the exact questions she was going to get! She wasn’t a psychic but she was simply using the power of her subconscious mind and always got the information right!

It is very important for everyone to learn concentration and focus. The fewer vain thoughts we have in our heads, the easier it is to find answers to the questions about the future or any other information. Meditation is a great tool for this! Moreover, I can assure you that without meditation it is impossible to learn how to tap into psychic abilities.
There are different types of meditation you can use:
- Kundalini Meditation;
- Zen Meditation;
- Walking Meditation;
- Tantric Meditation;
- Guided Meditation; etc.
If you have never meditated you may find it useful to check out my article “Meditations For Beginners: Best Ways To Start Your Practice”.
Every person is very unique and has to find the right type of meditation which suits him/her the best!
How to Choose a Mentor?
You can learn how to tap into psychic abilities faster by signing up for special courses or becoming a student of a real psychic. Experienced teachers have strong energy, they will share their knowledge and experience, prompt the most effective methods and practices. It is important to avoid frauds who will manipulate your mind and take as much money from you as he/she can.
It’s not too difficult to recognize the true psychic. He/she will not talk much but will demonstrate his/her skills as soon as he/she has a chance.
Frauds usually talk a lot about how superb their psychic abilities are and how many people they’ve helped. As a rule, their services are pretty expensive, but for the money you pay, you will not receive anything but disappointment. Why? Well simply because they can’t teach you what they haven’t mastered themselves. And when you’ll tell them that you still don’t feel like you have any psychic abilities after training with them all they can do is to force you to buy some additional books, courses or services from them.
Therefore, choose wisely! Sometimes it’s best to do it yourself than to sponsor some fraud that may do more damage than good.
Psychic abilities are a gift that can help you overcome difficult situations, find answers to the most important questions, and improve the quality of your life. In one way or another, all people have it, and if desired, everyone can develop the ability of clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, and even healing. Listen to your intuition, be patient believe in yourself, practice every day, and then after a while, you will be able to tap into psychic abilities!