Boost Your Prosperity With These Powerful Money Affirmations

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Everything you have in your life is a reflection of your thoughts and beliefs. You attract exactly what you radiate. Therefore, it is so important to remove any negative thoughts or programs from your subconscious mind and add positive ones. In this article, I’m going to share with you how to do it with the help of money affirmations.

Your Prosperity Starts With Your Mind

Imagine that you are surrounded by an invisible conscious ocean of energy. This ocean of energy can be called in different ways: the cosmic mind, the conscious universe, all religions give it their own names as well. No matter how we name it the essence does not change – we are not alone in the Universe. We operate these energy forces around us with our way of thinking and our behavior. We constantly remind It: “I am wealthy, I am full of abundance, I deserve the best in life!” And what happens? Life begins to “bend toward us”. In other words, our thoughts (intentions) start to transform our reality in a desirable way.

Your prosperity starts with your mind! Anyone who wants to become wealthy must realize this. Then the money will start work for you, not you for money! Your reality is a reflection of your thoughts. Look around carefully and you will see which thoughts prevail in your consciousness. Analyze what problems you are now most tormented – and you will find the most active fears, blocks, and limitations. There are no exceptions! All your actions, relationships, your whole life is a reflection of your thinking.

Everything that happens to you at the moment is a reflection of your thoughts, words, and actions, which your subconsciousness takes as truth and materializes. Reality is always a reflection of what is happening in your mind!

There Are No “Dead Ends” And Hopeless Situations In Life

When you face an unpleasant situation, unfair people or an unexpected problem, do not look for someone to blame! Everything that happens to you was created by you with your own thoughts. Since everything you have to the present moment is the result of your own thoughts, then, it is in your power to change everything that will happen in future.

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Believe me, there are no dead ends and hopeless situations in life. Even incurable diseases can be healed by the power of thought. And your financial difficulties can be solved with a power of your own thoughts. If you use the power of thought for solving any of your problems you will always find several solutions – and turn any problem to your benefit.

And now – attention! – I’m going to share with you the most magical affirmation that can change your reality forever. Just repeat it every morning and charge your whole day with its energy:

I choose only those thoughts that lead me to my prosperity! 

You have to realize that it is only you and no one else that can give direction to your life. Try to understand this thought as deeply as possible, feel it with all your heart, feel it with every cell. Now, at this very moment, you determine what events will happen in your life in the near and distant future, what people will surround you, what level of income you have.

Everything is in your hands, or rather, in your thoughts!

If you want to change something (otherwise you wouldn’t have read this article, right?), you are able to do it right now. The power of thought multiplied by the power of the present moment!

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I already hear a chorus of skeptical voices: “If only it was really that simple!” Well, I didn’t say that changes are quick and easy. They take time and patience. Just think: how many years your subconscious mind is poisoned by the negative attitudes inherited from parents, diligently brought up by your school teachers, mass media or even the flow of advertising! Obviously, it’s impossible for a week, a month and even a year to clear this ballast of negative programs from your subconsciousness completely. Everything takes time.

In the beginning, it seems like no changes occur. This is the first stage, when the work takes place only on a subtle plan, when the most impatient people say: “All this is nonsense, these methods do not work” – and give up practices.

But gradually you will feel that something, invisibly yet, has changed. This may be a call from an old friend, good news, great performance, good mood. This is the second stage of changes when a person begins to feel that his thoughts have actually created some positive changes in his life.

Finally, comes the time of miracles. This is when you get what you need, achieve success, meet the love of your dreams, have as much money as you always wanted. There comes a time when you say to yourself, “Wow! Everything I ever dreamed of became my reality! Everything was fulfilled, and even better than I expected!»

Money Affirmations For Attracting Prosperity

When you practice money affirmations you connect with the prosperity energy and become an energetic “magnet” for money.

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Now take a deep breath and say:

  • My world is full of abundance and prosperity! I am the personification of wealth!
  • My life is filled with abundance and prosperity; I am the embodiment of wealth!
  • Money comes to me easily!
  • I always have as much money as I need!
  • I love money and money loves me!
  • I attract big money into my life!
  • My money income is growing!
  • I always double my prosperity!
  • I allow the energy of abundance to fill up my life!
  • Universe’s love is expressed with the flow of abundance in my life!

Money Affirmations For Paying Bills

Most people when they have to pay bills feel negative emotions and get upset that they need to pay so much money for rent, electricity or taxes. Every time we feel upset about paying bills we attract money loss into our life. That’s why I decided to turn the process of paying bills into a fun ritual.

Every time I’m paying for something (even at the stores) I’m imagining that I’m a billionaire. And I’m looking at my bills through a billionaire’s eyes. At that moment I can’t hold a smile! My “inner billionaire” is paying off all my bills and it costs him nothing! Do you understand the concept? Instead of focusing on spending money I’m focusing on the thought that my bills cost nothing!

I like to assist my ritual with these affirmations:

  • I have all the money of the world! This bill costs nothing!
  • Everything is good! Money loves me!
  • Every dollar I spend comes back to me doubled!

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After paying my bills I usually tell my gratitude to the Universe and myself!

The Bottom Line

The most important thing in affirmation practice is to change negative thoughts to positive ones. In money affirmation practice we’re changing our thoughts about money lack to thoughts about infinite money flow. It is especially important to remember this when you’re paying your bills. Even a fleeting negative thought can destroy months of positive affirmation practice! Choose your thoughts carefully!