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Feng Shui Astrology for July: the Month of the Water Goat
Feng Shui astrology is based on the Chinese calendar. The dates of the beginning and the end of the months are different from those generally accepted in the Gregorian calendar. According to the Chinese calendar, the sixth month of the year starts on July 7th, 2020, and ends on August 7th, 2020. Therefore, all the recommendations are given […]
6 Steps to Start a Meditation Practice: A Clear & Easy Guide
Mindfulness is no longer considered a “soft skill,” but an essential part of overall health care among conscious people. Taking a few minutes to focus your mind each day can reduce stress, anxiety, pain, depression, and more. Meditation practice is getting more and more popular all around the world because without mindfulness it’s really hard […]
Brahma Muhurta Time: A Powerful Period For Manifesting
Setting an intention is important. But how do you stay focused on your goals and not lose your motivation? For accomplishing our goals, we need four components: clarity, energy, calmness, and inspiration. In this article, I will share with you how to stay focused, grounded, inspired, and energized by using the Brahma Muhurta time period. […]
3 Tips On How To Get Excited About Life Again
Do you feel like life isn’t exciting enough? That maybe you’re missing out on something because you just can’t get motivated for anything? Turns out you’re not alone. Most people find it’s more difficult to feel motivated and be excited about life in uncertain times. Therefore, we came up with 3 helpful tips on how […]
50 Spiritual Awakening Quotes To Support Your Spiritual Journey
In this article, we collected 50 spiritual awakening quotes to support your spiritual journey and inspire you to move beyond your limits. Spiritual awakening requires moving beyond your limited perception of reality and gaining a broader and clearer perspective. When you raise your consciousness onto a higher level, you become more aware of reality as […]
Ayurvedic Guide To Allergies: Prevention Measures And Healing Principles
Along with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, allergies top the list of ailments that are difficult to treat. Western medicine is focused on relieving the symptoms with antihistamines and avoiding contact with allergens. The oldest health science on the planet – Ayurveda – believes that allergies occur due to an imbalance of doshas and impaired energy […]
Gyan Mudra: the Key to Deep Meditation
Gyan Mudra, or Mudra of Knowledge, is one of the most important mudras. It symbolizes openness to the wisdom of the Universe. Gyan Mudra practice stimulates wisdom and knowledge and evokes the most expansive version of the self, so you can flow through your life lessons with ease and calm. In this article, I will […]
7 Things You Should Not Justify To Other People
In this article, I want to share with you 7 things you shouldn’t justify to other people. Why do we justify ourselves to other people? One of the best things about us, human beings, is that we are all different. We have our unique experiences and influences that have shaped us the way we are. […]
Heart Sutra: Hidden Meaning Of the Sacred Text
Heart Sutra, also known as The Essence of Wisdom is a popular sutra in Mahayana Buddhism. Recited daily by many Buddhist practitioners, this is the shortest of the Perfection of Wisdom texts. Heart Sutra practice opens the connection between the understanding of emptiness and the five stages of the path to enlightenment. In this article, […]
Aura Color Meanings Reveal Your Hidden Potential
Aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds all living beings within the Universe. Each aura is unique and has its own colors and vibrations. By reading people’s auras you can tell a lot about their thoughts, habits, feelings, emotions, character, strengths, weaknesses, and even health. In this article, we want to introduce you to aura […]
10 Zen Stories That Will Expand Your Consciousness
For centuries, Zen masters have used Zen stories, tales, koans, and paradoxical riddles, to help students understand Zen principles, expand their consciousness, and become more mindful and self-aware. Zen stories provide enlightening perspectives on a variety of topics and help you to find your own ways on how to deal with the problems of daily […]
60 Yogananda Quotes To Inspire Your Self-Realization
Paramahansa Yogananda was an Indian yogi who played a significant role in spreading Kriya yoga in the West. His powerful words, spiritual lessons, and life-changing teachings influenced and inspired millions of people all around the world. George Harrison, Krishna Das, Steve Jobs are just a few examples of people who followed Yogananda’s guidance through his […]