Who are the Archangels? What is their divine mission? Are there hierarchies? How to connect and communicate with Archangels? This article will explore all of these questions.
Who Are The Archangels?
Archangels are heavenly creatures that reveal the facets of the divine in our earthly life, helping spiritual awakening and transformation.
In translation from ancient Greek, “arch” means the main, chief; “angel” or “Angelos ” is translated as a messenger. In other words, an Archangel is the one who is the main messenger of God on Earth.
Let’s dive deeper into details of who these archangels are and how to contact them.
Angelic Hierarchies
Several types of angelic hierarchies differ slightly from each other. Ancient theologians mentioned there are 9 to 11 ranks in the hierarchy. This division is based on the sacred knowledge of the New and Old Testaments.
Let me introduce to you the Areopagite angelic hierarchy, with which the Archangels occupy the third sphere.
First sphere (according to old Testament sources)
- Seraphim
- Cherubim
- Thrones (included into new Testament sources)
Second sphere (according to New Testament sources)
- Dominions
- Forces
- Powers
Third sphere (according to the Old Testament and New Testament sources)
- Principalities or Rulers
- Archangels
- Angels
As you can see, in the 9th place in the hierarchy are Angels. In our dual world, they are close to us and always ready to help. But the first ones who are closest to us outside of the dual world are the Archangels. We can say that they are a link between Heaven and Earth. Together, Angels and Archangels represent our body and soul.
Religious View of the Angelic Hierarchy

Interestingly, Angels and Archangels are celestial entities that occur simultaneously in several religions. Even their names are very similar. Let’s look at who the Archangels are from a religious point of view.
Christians believe the Archangels are the highest rank of the Angels and call them Taxiarches which means “commander”.
The Eastern Orthodox Tradition mentions “thousands of archangels. However, only seven Archangels are venerated by name:
- Archangel Michael (in the Hebrew language means “Who is like God?” or “Who is equal to God?”): the Guardian of the Orthodox Faith and a fighter against heresies.
- Archangel Gabriel (means “God is my strength” or “Might of God”): the herald of the mysteries of God, especially the Incarnation of God and all other mysteries related to it.
- Archangel Raphael (means “It is God who heals” or “God Heals”): is depicted leading Tobit with his right hand and holding a physician’s alabaster jar in his left hand.
- Archangel Uriel (means “God is my light”, or “Light of God”): is depicted holding a sword in his right hand, and a flame in his left.
- Archangel Sealtiel (means “Intercessor of God”): is depicted with his face and eyes lowered, holding his hands on his bosom in prayer.
- Archangel Jegudiel (means “Glorifier of God”): is depicted bearing a golden wreath in his right hand and a triple-thonged whip in his left hand.
- Archangel Barachiel (means “Blessed by God”): is depicted holding a white rose in his hand.
These names were revealed in revelations to the monk Amadeus Mendes da Silva (Amadeus of Portugal), who lived in the 15th century.
In addition to Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, the Coptic Orthodox Church recognizes four more archangels by name:
- Archangel Suriel: “Prince of God”;
- Archangel Zedekiel: “Grace of God”;
- Archangel Sarathiel;
- Archangel Ananiel: “Rain of God”.
In Roman Catholicism, three Archangels are mentioned by name:
- Gabriel;
- Michael;
- Raphael.
The Protestant Bible mentions names for three archangels:
- “Michael the archangel”;
- The angel Gabriel (who is called “the man Gabriel” in Daniel 9:21);
- “Abaddon”/”Apollyon” (mentioned in Revelation 9:11).
Within Protestantism, the Anglican and Methodist tradition recognizes four angels as archangels:
- Michael the Archangel;
- Raphael the Archangel;
- Gabriel the Archangel;
- Uriel the Archangel.
In Judaism, each Archangel is associated with a particular planet. They are known as Azriel, Materiel, Jerahmiel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, Samael, and Reuel. The main guardian and protector of the Jews is undoubtedly Archangel Michael. According to legend, he is located in the heavenly Jerusalem, in the Temple where he performs sacrifices.
According to Kabbalah’s teachings, there are many Archangels that are presented as aspects of God on Earth. The main ones correspond to a certain element:
- Archangel Michael represents the Fire element and assists people with awakening them to pursue their spiritual truth, urging them to burn away their sins and seek holiness that will purify their souls, and sparking their courage to take the risks God wants them to take to become stronger and help make the world a better place.
- Archangel Gabriel represents the Water element and helps people with understanding God’s messages.
- Archangel Raphael represents the Air element and helps people with healing body, mind, and spirit.
- Archangel Uriel represents the Earth element and helps people with knowledge and wisdom.
Each Archangel has 12 Angels under his command.

In Islamic religious tradition, the archangels are mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah.
Islam preaches that the highest goal of Archangels is to be messengers between Allah and people. According to this religion’s teachings, archangels were created from a luminous origin by Allah.
The main Archangels according to Islamic tradition are:
- Gabriel (Jibrail or Jibril in Arabic): responsible for transmitting God’s revelations to all prophets;
- Michael (Mikail in Arabic): responsible for bringing rain and thunder to Earth.
- Raphael (Israfil in Arabic): responsible for signaling the coming of Judgment Day.
- Azrael (Azra’il in Arabic, also called Malak al-Maut, literally “angel of death”): responsible for taking the soul of the dead to heaven or hell.
The prophet Muhammad said that during the performance of prayer, all the Archangels make a plea to Allah for forgiveness and mercy of the person in prayer. And on the sacred night of Laylat al-Qadr, the heavenly forces descend to earth and their presence is felt everywhere.
Mission Of The Archangels On Earth
To answer the question: “Who are the Archangels?” we need to understand what their mission and powers are.
These heavenly forces manage groups of Angels and guide their activities. In addition, they are heavenly teachers and, as divine messengers, share sacred knowledge with people. Often these messages are transmitted through the Higher Self of a person, in the process of meditation, in solitude, during the practice of silence (when the mind becomes calm and does not interfere with hearing messages from the Higher realms).
Archangels occupy huge spaces in the Universe. They are powerful energy, a great force, the key to the unknown. It is difficult to understand and realize the full power of these divine beings since they vibrate at the ninth frequency. They are called Disembodied celestial forces. We, who are in the earthly incarnation, have bodies of the third and fourth densities and can raise our vibrations by spiritual practices to the fifth frequency.
In order to be able to communicate with the Archangels and identify them in the prayers, people invented images and assigned names to some of them.
The possibilities of the Heavenly Patrons are limitless. They never refuse to give their support. They are able to influence the natural forces and prevent natural disasters, help to solve interethnic conflicts and end wars.
According to ancient legends, Archangels could appear to people in human form. Since ancient times, they have transmitted their messages to people through their revelations to the chosen ones. They appeared before the prophet Daniel, Jesus, and the soothsayer Balaam.
It is clear that there are a countless number of Archangels in different traditions. However, let’s focus on the most revered ones that are described in various sources.
The most known Archangels are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Sealtiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel, Jeremiel, Sachiel, Zadkiel, Samuel, and Jophiel. Each of them has a specific mission that deserves closer attention.
Archangel Michael

Michael in the Hebrew language means “Who is like God?” or “Who is equal to God?”.
The people of Israel have always considered him their protector. Michael is the patron Saint of the military, sailors, merchants, police, and Lightworkers. But everyone can turn to him for protection and help.
This Heavenly Teacher can help you increase your self-esteem, discover your talents, solve difficult situations, realize the true path, overcome your fears, and protect you from physical and emotional dangers.
Michael has been depicted from the earliest Christian times as a commander, who holds in his right hand a spear with which he attacks Lucifer/Satan and in his left hand, he holds a green palm branch. At the top of the spear, there is a linen ribbon with a red cross.
Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel means “God is my strength” or “Might of God”.
He is the herald of the mysteries of God.
Archangel Gabriel is often depicted as follows: in his right hand, he holds a lantern with a lighted taper inside, and in his left hand, a mirror of green jasper. The mirror signifies the wisdom of God as a hidden mystery. He is clothed in blue or white garments. He can also be depicted carrying a lily.
Exegesis narrates that Muhammad saw Gabriel in his full angelic splendor only twice, the first time being when he received his first revelation. Gabriel was the angel who informed Zachariah of John’s birth, as well as Mary of the future nativity of Jesus. Also, Gabriel was one of three angels who had earlier informed Abraham of the birth of Isaac.
It is believed that Gabriel brings good news and shares secret divine knowledge. He helps with conception, heals infertility, supports parents and guardians, and helps people involved in creativity, journalism, and broadcasting.
Archangel Raphael

Raphael means “It is God who heals” or “God Heals”.
He is an archangel responsible for healing. It is this heavenly teacher who is most asked to heal, reduce, and relieve pain. He helps to heal not only people but also animals.
Archangel Raphael is a patron of medicine, medical workers, healers, the blind, happy meetings, nurses, physicians, and travelers. When a person is ready, Raphael can assist him/her with the third eye opening, the development of clairvoyance, and psychic abilities.
Raphael is said to guard pilgrims on their journeys, and is often depicted holding a staff. He is also often depicted holding or standing on a fish, which alludes to his healing of Tobit with the fish’s gall. Early mosaics often show him the clothing of a Byzantine courtier.
The color of Raphael’s energy is emerald. Therefore, for healing, you can visualize how the patient’s body is enveloped in a gentle, emerald energy cocoon.
Archangel Uriel

Uriel means “God is my light”, or “Light of God”.
In Hermetic Kabbalah, Uriel’s name is commonly spelled “Auriel”. He is regarded as the archangel of the North, and of the element of Earth.
Uriel helps people gain knowledge and wisdom.
He is intended to warn mankind of future misfortunes by sending information to people through the prophets. Thus, in ancient times, Uriel warned Noah of an imminent flood.
It is believed that it is Archangel Uriel who brought to earth the knowledge of alchemy.
Uriel provides assistance and support to researchers, writers, alchemists, people who have chosen the spiritual path, and those who study various sciences. He is considered an “educator of the mind”.
Archangel Uriel is usually depicted holding a sword in his right hand, and a flame in his left.
Archangel Sealtiel (Saint Selaphiel the Archangel)

Sealtiel means “Intercessor of God”.
He helps people interpret dreams, break addictions, protect children, preside over exorcisms, and rule over music in heaven.
Sealtiel is the Patron Saint of prayer and worship. He encourages prayer and, as an intercessor, prays for people, for their health and salvation. He is assisted by Prayer Angels. Together, they help our prayers and requests rise to the level of God.
He is depicted with his face and eyes lowered, holding his hands on his bosom in prayer.
Archangel Zadkiel (Sachiel, Zedekiel, Zadakiel, Tzadkiel, Zedekul)

Zadkiel means “Grace of God”.
Archangel Zadkiel is the archangel of freedom, benevolence, and mercy. He is the Patron Angel of all who forgives. Rabbinical tradition considers him to be the angel of mercy.
He represents divine generosity, mercy, absolute freedom, compassion, and justice. It was Zadkiel who stopped Abraham when he wanted to sacrifice his son.
Archangel Zadkiel helps to heal the soul and transform the negative emotions of resentment, condemnation, and anxiety into faith, compassion, and forgiveness. Zadkiel promotes unconditional acceptance, first of all, of yourself, your divine essence, and then other people. He helps in learning, research, improves memory.
He is usually depicted holding a knife or dagger.
Zadkiel is associated with the violet color.
In Jewish mysticism and Western ritual magic, Zadkiel is associated with the planet Jupiter.
Archangel Jegudiel

Jegudiel means “Glorifier of God”.
Archangel Jegudiel is the patron of all who work in some field of endeavor, and the crown he holds symbolizes the reward for successful spiritual labors.
Along with his subordinate angels, he is the advisor and defender of all who work in positions of responsibility to the glory of God, and as such is resorted to by kings, judges, and others in positions of leadership.
Archangel Yehudiel is known from the time when he helped Moses and the people of Israel who followed him on a 40-year journey through the desert.
His mission is to give strength to those who serve God, fulfill their vows, become monks, and go on pilgrimage.
Archangel Jegudiel is usually depicted bearing a golden wreath in his right hand and a triple-thonged whip in his left hand, as a sign that he can both pardon and punish.
Archangel Barachiel

Barachiel means “Blessed by God”. His name was heard from the revelations received by the monk Amadeus of Portugal in the XV century.
Archangel Barachiel is the chief of the guardian angels. He is a patron of family and married life.
Traditionally, Barachiel is associated with the month of February and the Zodiacal sign Pisces. He is also considered the ruler of the planet Jupiter and the zodiacal sign Scorpio.
He is depicted holding a white rose in his hand which symbolizes the reward for those who behave morally and pray hard. In Roman Catholicism, Barachiel is depicted holding a bread basket or a staff, both of which symbolize the blessings of children that God bestows on parents.
Archangel Sachiel

Sachiel means “the covering of God”.
Kabbalah associates him with the planet Jupiter – generous, helping in learning, creativity, and meditation. In the canonical texts, he is the conqueror of demons and evil.
Archangel Sachiel is associated with the zodiacal sign Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter.
He is responsible for matters involving money, finance, law, politics, and religion.
Archangel Jerahmeel

Jerahmeel means “God’s exaltation”.
He is an inspirer and awakener of exalted thoughts that raise a person toward God. His mission is to bring the lost back to God. Jerahmeel shares with humanity prophecies and revelations; helps to discover psychic abilities and clairvoyance.
He is depicted holding balance scales in Orthodox iconography. Scales symbolize harmony and divine justice.
Archangel Jophiel (Iophiel, Iofiel, Jofiel, Yofiel, Youfiel, Zophiel)

Jophiel means “beauty of God”, “divine beauty”.
Jophiel is a non-canonical archangel of wisdom, understanding, and judgment.
Archangel Jophiel represents divine beauty and patronizes people of art, gives inspiration, creativity, and a sense of beauty. Jophiel helps to create comfort and beauty in everything – at home, at work, in clothing, in relationships with other people.
Archangel Jophiel’s mission on Earth is to ignite a creative spark in people, to make the world kinder, more harmonious, and calmer.
Archangel Chamuel

Chamuel means “One who seeks God.”
He represents unconditional love and mutual understanding. Chamuel helps people find a purpose in life, establish relationships, find a job, move up the career ladder, and open your heart to love.
Chamuel is also considered the patron angel of people who have gone through relationship trauma (such as divorce), people who are working for world peace, and those who are searching for items they’ve lost.
How To Communicate With Archangels?
The heavenly teachers do not violate the freedom of people and do not affect their lives without their personal consent. They can help only in the case when the person consciously asks for help. And they are happy to respond to the call.
It is important to know that any person can communicate with Archangels, regardless of whether they belong to any religion, spiritual or esoteric traditions.
Archangels exist in the ninth dimension. Spiritual practices help to open a portal, gate, or corridor through meditation in order to gain access to this dimension. But you need to have a clear understanding of why you’re doing this and be aware of the responsibility of your actions.
Set up clear intention! The intention may be to re-connect with God-Consciousness, to learn unconditional love, to get answers to unsolved questions, to receive instructions for your spiritual development, and so on. Egoistic interest should in no case be at the heart of these intentions.
The simplest way to communicate is to call and pray. Your prayers can be either canonical or arbitrary, coming from the heart.
Helpful Tips On How To Communicate With Archangels:
- The most important thing is FAITH. Distrust can destroy any of your intentions.
- Do not offer “a deal” to Archangels, such as “if you help me, I will do this and that…”. You can only communicate with the Higher realms in the language of love and gratitude.
- Do not ask for revenge or punishment of anyone. Otherwise, all the negativity will come back to you.
- Choose a quiet, peaceful place to address the Archangel, where you feel safe and at peace.
- Don’t tell anyone about your intention. Let this be your little secret.
- It is desirable to cleanse before you communicate with Archangels. For a few days, give up non-vegetarian food.
- Take a shower or a salt bath before starting your communication.
- Be quiet and calm. Light a candle, incense. If this is not possible, then just imagine that you did it. Visualize how the light coming from the candle clears the space around you and in your mind.
- Sit comfortably. Place your hands in front of the Heart chakra with your palms facing each other. Read the appeal to the Archangel emotionally, heartfelt, and sincerely. Clearly indicate what you need help with.
The appeal may read like this: “Great and powerful Archangel (name), I call you into my life and ask you to help me restore my health (bring peace to my family, etc.). I accept your help and guidance with love and gratitude!»
After that, stay in peace and quiet for as long as you feel it needed. You should be in a meditative and peaceful state. Pay attention to the feelings, and emotions that fill you. You may receive some information or visions that you’ve never had before. Try to understand what they are telling you. At the end, thank the Great heavenly powers for their help!
Important! Everyone gets their own personal experience from such communication. There is no universal rules here.
The Bottom Line
Archangels are heavenly disembodied teachers and helpers who are happy to respond to our requests and prayers. Communication with them helps us to make our life more conscious, harmonious, and happy. They can help us to find our purpose, see the facets of the divine in our earthly life, spiritually awaken, and transform our consciousness to a higher level.