The heart chakra is a source of love and compassion. This energy center is responsible for intuitive understanding, healing abilities, cleansing the aura from negative energy and the ability to give and receive love. In this article, I want to share with you 8 signs of Heart chakra awakening that you could be having without even knowing. Hopefully, this article will help you to understand yourself better and what you’re going through.
What Is The Heart Chakra?
Your heart chakra is the fourth chakra located in the center of the body. It connects your physical and spiritual nature. It is located in the center of your chest and it is responsible not only for the heart function but also for the lungs, thymus gland, and the cardiac plexus.
In Sanskrit, the heart chakra is called Anahata, which means an unharmed, spiritual place where past resentment and experiences cannot hurt us anymore. Anahata is associated with the green color, which represents the transformation and energy of love.
The heart chakra is associated with the air element. As air fills everything, the Anahata chakra fills the entire human being with energy – prana. The energy of this chakra is the energy of love, it tends to grow and can be expressed on any scale – from self-love to love for everything in the Universe.
At the level of the physical body, it is connected to the heart and circulatory system. As the circulatory system carries nutrition and oxygen to every cell of the body, so the energy of the Anahata chakra feeds the entire human being – the physical and subtle plane, thus influencing both the physical body and the psycho-emotional and spiritual life of a person.
Anahata Symbology

Usually, the heart chakra is depicted as a circle surrounded by twelve green petals. The petals symbolize the movement of energy from twelve sources in twelve directions. In other words, twelve energy channels.
Inside the circle are inscribed two triangles – one point down, the other point up, forming a six-pointed star, symbolizing the five senses and the consciousness that can control these senses.
The triangle with the point downwards symbolizes the male principle, the male hypostases of the Trimurti: Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma; and the three paired male (Yang) energy channels (meridians) associated with them.
The triangle with the tip up symbolizes the feminine principle, the female hypostases of the Tridevi: Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Kali; and the three paired female (Yin) energy channels (meridians) associated with them.
The connection of two triangles is a symbol of mutual attraction, the unity of two opposites – male and female, earthly and heavenly, material and spiritual.
The Anahata chakra in the system of seven chakras is located in the middle. This is the center of balance. It balances and regulates the ascending and descending energy flows in the body. It controls the interaction of six pairs of opposite channels – Yin and Yang – meridians and, accordingly, regulates the work of twelve related systems of the body.
What is Heart Chakra Awakening?

Heart chakra awakening is the conscious awareness of the connection and communion of the person with the Divine.
—Tony Cuckson
Heart chakra awakening can be very challenging, and you have to reach a certain level of consciousness in order to experience it. It requires courage! But this is not the courage of the action rather than the courage of being open, vulnerable, and empowered in the service of Love.
In other words, Heart chakra awakening is not just about following your bliss but embracing your heartbreak.
Anahata awakening is only possible if your three lower chakras are aligned.
Heart chakra awakening starts when you turn within and are prepared to enter the unknown. From this place of unknowing and through the open heart in surrender to Love, you realize that you are not separated from the Divine anymore. You feel a constant connection with Divine love because you know that you are the tool through which it gets expressed.
8 Signs Of Heart Chakra Awakening
The transition of consciousness from the third (Solar Plexus chakra) to the fourth chakra (Anahata) is usually long and requires big changes in the mindset and world perception. Let me share with you symptoms and signs of Heart chakra awakening that you could be having without even understanding what you are going through.
#1: Silence

Heart consciousness cannot be reached unless your ego is dropped. Therefore, most people that experience Heart chakra awakening notice that there is no need to prove your point anymore. They stop dividing world into opposite polarities: black or white; hot or cold; democrats or republicans; etc. Instead they start seeing the middle point which is more balanced way to perceive the world.
If you feel that you are no longer interested in fighting and proving your point, protesting, and seeing the world as “them against us”, then it could be one of the signs of your Heart chakra awakening.
You may notice that your silence is more misinterpreted than usually and people try to get you involved in opinion sharing games and defending your beliefs. Maybe you even lost some of your friends because of this? Well, there are some side effects of the Heart chakra awakening, and losing toxic friends is one of them.
#2: Compassionate love

You feel compassion for everyone – both close friends and family members and people you barely know. You clearly understand that all the suffering of the world is due to the individual consciousness of people based on the lower principles and vibrations. At the same time, you do not judge anyone, knowing that everyone has the right to make a mistake, but, on the contrary, try to help others find the joy that the awakened Anahata chakra gives.
This level of consciousness requires well-balanced lower chakras, otherwise, the perception of suffering inherent in this stage of development can overwhelm you and, instead of being compassionate, you may begin to suffer yourself, increasing the amount of suffering in the world.
Overwhelming perception of suffering is another side effect of the Anahata chakra awakening. It can be especially intense if you are an empath.
#3: Unconditional love

Once you reach this level, you can’t help but radiate love. And this love is unconditional. It is not related to a sense of possession or passion. You don’t need people to have certain qualities in order to love them. Your love is unconditional. You give your love to others, to the whole world. Love is not just a feeling or emotion anymore. It is a process, your very essence. Your love is an inexhaustible source.
#4: Trust
Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.
Instead of trying to bend reality tp the way you want, you relax and allow the Universe to take care of you. You trust the process and that the Universe always leads you in the best way.
Life ceases to be a struggle for existence, as at the level of Muladhara chakra and competition, as at the level of Manipura chakra. When you’re going through the Heart chakra awakening, you start seeing the abundance of this world, that there is enough for everyone. You are not interested in any forms of competition anymore. Instead, you wish everyone the best. When the ego is dropped, there is no need to prove anything to anyone, even to yourself.
People reach this level of consciousness only when their trust becomes stronger than their fears. As the Anahata chakra awakens, your trust moves from dependency on the personality to alignment with the Universe.
#5: Feeling the unity

With all your uniqueness, you however see yourself as a part of the Universe. You start seeing/feeling the invisible connections between yourself and everything/everyone else – the unity of the world. In other people’s actions, you can see the reflections of your own shadow side. You know that everything we notice in others is a reflection of our own blocks.
#6: Taking personal responsibility
You stop blaming others for your problems. Instead, you take personal responsibility for everything that happens to you. You don’t enjoy playing victim anymore. Therefore, you take any negative situation as a karmic lesson that is essential for your spiritual growth and personal evolution.
#7: Taking care of others
At the level of the Anahata chakra consciousness, a person is able to accept others for who they are, take care of them, without demanding anything in return. You are able to give without thinking about how you will be rewarded. Love at the level of the Heart chakra is selfless, has no hidden motives.
Anahata chakra awakening begins with good deeds that a person does on a spiritual impulse, in a state of harmony, when there is nothing to worry about. As the heart chakra develops, states of harmony, joy, and satisfaction become stronger.
#8: Synchronicity

According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don’t bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous.
Deepak Chopra
Synchronicity is the language that the universe uses for communicating with you. It is where you are open to communion beyond the personal. This is Divine guidance!
However, at the very beginning of the Heart chakra awakening you may feel confused because very often the coincidences that arrive are not logical. Most people feel resistance. It might be fun, but the challenge is to honor what is being invited. This might mean change or leaving your comfort zone. And it can be very uncomfortable. However, you should learn to trust!
The Bottom Line
The above signs of Heart chakra awakening are the most essential and common ones. This list could be continued. If you found at least one sign that resonates with what you’re feeling then it means you are on a path of the Anahata awakening. Focus on love and compassion, trust the Divine guidance, and listen to your heart!