Feng Shui mistakes in your house can provoke, and even strengthen, the negative energy of your house and negatively affect each person who lives there. Bad Feng Shui can lead to severe health problems, money loss, bad reputation, divorce, bankruptcy, scandals, disagreements, quarrels, losing a job, misunderstandings with family members, etc.
In this article, I want to share with you 10 indications that your house has a bad Feng Shui and ways to fix it. I promise to keep it simple so that even if you are new to Feng Shui, you will be able to easily examine your house and improve its Feng Shui.
Feng Shui Afflictions
Bad Feng Shui is something you should definitely take care of if you want to improve the quality of your life and attract good luck and prosperity to your house. The main rule is simple – you need to keep the energy (Chi) moving and never let it stagnate or keep it unbalanced.
Fixing bad Feng Shui requires you to stay alert to the physical affliction that bring bad luck that can usually be found in almost every house.
The arrangement of the home space is something that many people take for granted, focusing their attention purely on the aesthetic aspects of arrangement and decor. Thus, with insufficient consideration being given to Feng Shui design implications, correct Feng Shui inputs can improve the luck of almost every house, irrespective of the style of decoration.
Feng Shui afflictions create bad Feng Shui that leads to anger, loss, health problems, and even violence. The severity of bad Feng Shui depends on whether the negative energy is merely weak, or is negative to the point of being “killing”, or even worse, it may be “dead”. These three kinds of negative Chi bring misfortune and unhappiness. When we talk about bad Feng Shui, we mean that all three kinds of energy are present in the house and are causing problems.
The causes of such energy in your house should be addressed and attended to, otherwise you will continue suffering from misfortune, bad luck, and difficult times.
Here are 10 indications and ways to fix bad Feng Shui in your house for a happy and harmonious life!
10 Indications Of Bad Feng Shui
#1: Water To The Right Of The Door

When placing Feng Shui water cures or enhancers, never position them on the right side of the door into your home – by either the main entrance or near any secondary doors that are frequently used. The right side here refers to the right side when you are inside looking out.
When you have water to the right of the door it leads to infidelity of the man of the house and problems in marriage that can eventually end up with a divorce.
Water placed at the front of the house to the right of the front door can cause unfaithfulness in relationships. Also, make sure that any back entrances to your house are not similarly affected. Watch out for the accidental water features, such as empty pots or buckets left by the doors – if they fill with rainwater, they act just like a decorative installation, causing infidelity.
The solution – to remove the water object from the right of the door.
#2: A Mirror Reflecting The Front Door

If you have a mirror reflecting the front door, it will eventually lead to sickness and hostile competitive pressures from external malevolent parties. It also causes many obstacles to any projects, businesses, or career progress and blocks your path to success.
The mirror causes Chi to fly in and then instantly out of your house, especially if the surface reflects the road outside. A mirror that directly faces an entrance causes Chi energy to dissipate before it can benefit you.
However, there is no harm if the wall mirror is by the side of the foyer or entrance hall and does not directly reflect the door.
The solution: remove the mirror or position it in such a way that it doesn’t directly reflect the door.
#3: Unbalanced Furniture Arrangements

Now let’s look at the arrangement of the furniture in the main room of your house. It is essential step towards good Feng Shui in your house because the way the furniture is placed in living spaces has a direct bearing on the peace and harmony of your home.
Here are some important rules on the furniture arrangements for different areas of your home.
Foyers or halls
Nothing in the foyer or hall should block Chi energy from entering your house. When good Chi finds it hard to enter, the effect is a lack of vitality.
It is very important to keep the center of the front of the house not afflicted by the presence of the heavy pieces of the furniture.
Ideally, there should also be a door or a window in the foyer or hall.
Living rooms
Couches and coffee table should never block the path of Chi as it enters the house.
Avoid confrontational arrangements, such as couches positioned directly opposite each other, as this tends to encourage mental conflicts and arguments.
Dining rooms
Never place a dining table directly under a toilet on the floor above or directly next to a toilet.
Dining tables should not appear cramped. If the room is small use a wall mirror to extend the space visually.
Try to assign seating places for every person around the table according to their Kua number. This is an excellent arrangement for producing harmony at mealtimes. If you are new to Kua numbers, make sure to check out my article “Everyone Should Know Their Kua Number! Here Is Why”.
To learn more about Feng Shui of the dining room read my article “The Best Feng Shui Kitchen And Dining Room Tips“!
#4: Protruding Corners

Some of the most common harmful Feng Shui afflictions found inside the modern houses are protruding corners which create sharp, knife-like edges. The effect of such corners is aggravating and usually causes temper tantrums. Moreover, protruding corners slice through relationship within the home.
Anybody who happens to be sitting directly in the path of an edge will find that they are more susceptible to all the manner of stress, becoming easily provoked and having a low tolerance level.
This affliction breaks up the peace of the household, and voices tend to be raised in anger and frustration.
The way to overcome this problem is to place something in front of the knife-life edge to block its killing energy. This could be a plant, a screen, a high closet, or a cupboard.
#5: Overhead Beams

It is an indication of a really bad Feng Shui when overhead beams are sending killing energy downward from the ceiling.
Note that overhead beams that are a part of a ceiling pattern are less harmful than a single, structured beam cutting across the room. However, when the house lacks a ceiling and the crossbeams as well as the roof tiles are visible, the effect is also very negative.
Friends who visit your house turn soar and your friendships may face major misunderstandings and disagreements that tend to multiply, instead of getting better with time. Meanwhile, your relationship with your spouse will face incessant fights and arguments.
The remedy is to cover the beams completely, hiding them from sight.
#6: Mirrors Facing The Bed

Having mirrors (or other reflective surfaces, such as TV, computer monitor, etc.) directly reflecting a bed is one of the most common causes of a marriage breaking down. This reflection introduces a third-party outsider to come between husband and wife. Don’t wait until this affliction causes you or your partner to stray from marriage or to move out of the home altogether, for when it will be too late to do much.
Feng Shui Solutions
In Feng Shui, prevention is always better than cure, so it’s best to remove all mirrors from the bedroom. It is better to dress and put on your make-up in the bathroom or designate another room or annex for this purpose.
If you have mirrored closets that you cannot get rid of, cover the mirrors with a lightweight folding screen before you go to bed.
#7: A Window Behind The Bed

This is one of the most common Feng Shui taboos found in the bedrooms. A window behind a bed signifies bad Feng Shui.
A window behind the bed makes a sleeping person vulnerable to yin spirit formations. This disturbs the sleep, and, in turn, makes a person short-tempered and grumpy. Moreover, such an arrangement of bed also leads to disturbing dreams, nightmares, and astral attacks.
If it is possible, angle your bed so that its head is against a wall rather than under a window.
If it’s impossible to move your bed, then your best solution is heave curtains and solid headboard. At night when you are sleeping, close the window and draw heavy curtains across it to prevent outside Chi from entering the bedroom. It is also a good idea to display a Five Element Pagoda on the window ledge as protection.
#8: TV In The Bedroom

The TV screen is like a mirror and if it directly faces the bed, it could cause the couple marital disharmony. Also, the Tv emits energy that could be simply too strong for the bedroom.
The best solution is to remove the TV from the bedroom. However, if you are one of the many people who want the TV in the bedroom, then make sure that it is covered with a cloth or closed off in a cabinet when you sleep.
Also, make sure that the TV screen in not facing Southwest! The best place to put the TV is Northwest of the bedroom so that it’s facing Southeast. Note that in this orientation it does the least harm to relationships between the sleeping partners.
To find out more tips on bedroom Feng Shui, read my article “The Best Feng Shui Bedroom Tips For Love, Romance, and Happiness”.
#9: Toilets Near The Front Door

If you have a toilet located near your main front door, good luck flies out of your house! This can make your family very unhappy, as there will be misunderstandings between the partners and between parents and children.
Toilets that directly face the door cause all energy entering the house to become negative. And, depending on the direction of the toilet, it can affect different kinds of luck as follows:
- When toilet is Southeast of the door, wealth luck is afflicted;
- Romance and love luck are affected when the toilet is Southwest of the door;
- When toilet is West of the door, descendants luck is hurt;
- Career luck is disturbed when the toilet is North of the door;
- When the toilet is Northwest of the door, the luck of the father is affected badly;
- The luck of the mother is badly hurt when the toilet is Southwest of the door;
- When the toilet is East of the door, the health luck of the residents is afflicted;
- The good name and reputation of the family is affected negatively when the toilet is South of the door;
- When the toilet is Northeast of the door, study luck of the children is negatively affected.
Feng Shui Solution
The remedy for a badly located toilet is to keep its door closed at all times.
Toilets located above the main door bring severe bad luck to the whole family and therefore, to counter the negative effects, you need to shine a very bright light up at the ceiling to symbolically lift the Chi up.
#10: Toilets In Different Parts Of The House
A toilet in general is a representation of bad Feng Shui. Toilets in different parts of the house affect different areas of your life.

North Toilets
Toilets located in the North sector of your house cause problems with colleagues at work and your bosses. Also, it creates blocks and places obstacles in the path of career advancement.
Solution: place a large stone inside the toilet room. Also, make sure you keep the door closed at all times and do not decorate the room in blue or black!
South Toilets
Toilets located in the South sector of your house case gossip and backbiting. People living in such a house will become victims of slander and the good name/reputation of the family will be compromised.
Solution: place an urn of water inside the bathroom and keep the lights in the toilet dim.
East Toilets
Toilets located in the East sector of your house cause the sons of the family to become rebellious. Also, the health of residents will be affected.
Solution: place bright lights inside the toilet.
West Toilet
Toilets located in the West sector of your house will bring problems to the children of the house. If the family is childless, the conceiving of the child becomes difficult in such a house.
Solution: hang a painting of water (lake or waterfall) in the toilet.
Southwest Toilet
Toilets located in the Southwest sector of your house have a negative effect on the marriage and relationship between husband and wife.
Solution: place flowers or plants inside the toilet. Do not place crystals here!
Northeast Toilet
Toilets located in the Northeast sector of your house affect children’s concentration, making it hard for them to study at home.
Solution: place plants in the toilet and decorate it in green tiles.
Southeast Toilet
Toilets located in the Southeast sector of your house cause financial loss, a slowdown business, and a fall in profits. Residents of such a house always experience a shortage of cash.
Solution: place a curved knife in the toilet and decorate it in white tiles.
Northwest Toilet
Toilets located in the Northwest sector of your house hurt the father figure and affect all networking luck.
Solution: install bright lights here and keep them turned on for at least three hours a day to obliterate the bad Feng Shui effects.
To find out more bathroom tips, check out my article “7 Feng Shui Bathroom Tips, Taboos, And Cures”.
The Bottom Line
Your home should be a sanctuary that restores and renews your spirit. Bad Feng Shui does not contribute to creating a peaceful and harmonious environment in your home. The first step in creating good Feng Shui and a happy house is to be aware of all the physical afflictions that can cause misfortune, illness, and aggravation. By getting rid of all the above bad Feng Shui indications you smooth the flow of Chi around you and facilitate its movement within your space such that it will make you feel the calming bliss of positive energy.