Before you start performing money rituals I want you to ask yourself: “What is money for you? Bills and coins? The exchange equivalent of labor or goods?”. Only with an understanding of what money really is can you attract wealth and prosperity into your life!
What Is Money?
Money is a form of abundance, infinite universal energy. When you begin to perceive money as a form of energy you are taking a serious step towards infinite abundance.
Money should never be a goal but only one of the ways to achieve true success, well-being, prosperity, joy, etc. Also, money is a great tool for helping other people through charity work, through investing in innovative ideas, helping family members and friends, etc.
When you see money as an energy tool, it removes many stereotypes and limiting beliefs that prevent people from accepting money in their lives.
How Do Money Rituals Work?
Money rituals have been popular since ancient times in many parts of the world. But when performing such rituals you should not see money as banknotes and coins but as energy!
However, if you learn how to see money as energy you can control this energy and turn it into a magnetic force. It is the money energy that attracts money! Therefore, it is the money energy that you should use in money rituals in order to make these rituals work.
If you know how to work with energy you are able to control yourself, your health, your well-being, your life, and even your environment! This is how you become a real money magnet that attracts the energy of abundance and wealth!
Money Rituals For Abundance And Prosperity
Money Ritual #1: “Rice Bowl”

This is an ancient Chinese ritual for attracting money. As you may know, rice in China is a symbol of prosperity and growth. Therefore, it is not surprising that rice is used in the money ritual.
For performing this ritual you will need:
- a bowl;
- rice.
- Fill the bowl with rice about two-thirds.
- Put that bowl at the front door. Every day, coming home, put in a bowl of rice any coin. In this case, it does not matter the dignity of the coins. You can put even a handful of coins. The main thing is to do it regularly, every day for 27 days. For convenience, you can mark the date in the calendar.
- The most important thing is – when you put those coins into the bowl, mix them together with rice and say money affirmations. To learn more about the most powerful money affirmations read my article “Boost Your Prosperity With These Powerful Money Affirmations“.
- On the 28th day, take out the coins, and count them. 10% immediately set aside for donations and charity. You can give not only to the poor but also to donate this money to temples or churches. For the remaining amount, buy something for your self-development (for example, a Law of attraction book).
Money Ritual #2 “Money Pot”

To perform this ritual you will need:
- a clay pot;
- a green candle;
- coins of the same value.
- Place the pot in the hallway (if you’re sharing the apartment with a roommate then place it in your room). Every day for 7 days, put one coin into the pot.
- After 7 days, do the following: take an unlit candle in your right hand, and with your left hand take out 7 coins from the pot and place the coins around the pot.
- Now light the candle and say the following words: “I am attracting an infinite flow of money into my life! From now on I am financially independent! I am wealthy! I am happy! So it is!” Repeat these words 3 times.
- Put the candle in the candlestick.
- Sit back. Relax. Visualize the magnificent pictures associated with abundance and prosperity. Do not allow any negative thoughts about money – debts, credits, bankruptcy, etc.! Stay in this positive visualization-meditation for 10-15 minutes.
Important: Do not extinguish the candle! Let it burn out!
When the candle goes out, collect the coins, put them in the pot.
After performing this ritual, continue to put coins into the pot, but without counting them. Do it until the pot is full.
Once the pot is full give 10% to charity or donate. Use 90% of this money to buy something for your business or work (business card holder, a nice pen, money talisman, etc.). Whatever you buy using this money will be a charged with magnetic money energy.
You can perform this ritual as many times as you want. It helps to remove obstacles and financial difficulties.
Money Ritual #3: “Roses And Grapes”

For performing this a ritual you will need:
- yellow roses;
- a bunch of grapes;
- a yellow candle.
- After sunset, light a yellow candle. Put roses in the vase of water and place that vase next to the candle. Place the grapes next to the roses and the candle.
- Focus on the candle flame. Think about what you want to attract into your life, imagine your well-being and prosperity.
- Say aloud: “I’m attracting the cosmic energy of abundance and asking it to re-connect with me. I’m asking the elements that create the world to manifest the abundance around me. I affirm my willingness to accept abundance. It comes to me fast and easily. And so it is!”
- Sit still a bit, looking on the flame. Let the candle to burn out. Eat some grapes. And thank the Universe!
Ritual #4: “28 Candles”

In Feng Shui, the number 28 has a very favorable meaning. The number 28 symbolizes “fast and easy money”. The fact that the sum of numbers 2 and 8 equals 10. And 10 is the number of Abundance.
If you have a strong intention to attract money for some needs, try to do this money ritual. The most important thing is to be absolutely confident that everything will work out for you, that you are worthy of everything you are asking for.
This ritual should be performed on the waxing moon.
For performing this ritual you will need:
- 28 small candles;
- mint or bergamot essential oil;
- amethyst crystal;
- clearly stated intention.
- Grease 4 candles with essential oil from top to bottom, that is, from the wick to the base. While greasing candles think about your intention.
- Then light these 4 candles and place the amethyst crystal right next to them.
- Affirm aloud: “A flood of money is pouring down upon me from a superabundant source in heaven. I openly and gratefully accept the energy of Abundance and give it the opportunity to quickly manifest itself in my life. I am wealthy! I am wealthy! I am wealthy!” Repeat these words 3 times.
- Look at the burning candles and visualize that your financial intention has already come true. Enter a state of peace, tranquility, quiet joy and gratitude. Let it last for 10-15 minutes or more.
- Let the candles burn out.
In the next 6 days, repeat this ritual, and soon you will notice that money is more easily coming into your life! Don’t forget to thank the Universe!
In order for Feng Shui to work in full power, it is necessary to adjust your inner Feng Shui. For doing this is, you should cultivate a good heart, pure intentions, compassion, and love for all living beings.
Money Ritual #5: “Full Moon Money Ritual”

This ritual should be performed during the full moon.
For performing this ritual you will need:
- 8 small candles;
- cedar or patchouli essential oil;
- a clay pot wrapped in green matter or foil;
- silver coins (if you don’t have silver coins you can use regular coins) equal to your material desires.
- Grease the candles with the essential oil and arrange them in a circle.
- Place a clay pot in the middle of that circle.
- Light the candles.
- Take one coin and say your intention (what do you need money for?). Put it back to the circle.
- Repeat this procedure with the remaining coins.
- When all the coins are laid out, visualize the fulfillment of all your material desires. Feel the joy and gratitude.
- When the candles burn out, put the coins in the pot.
- Now every time you come home, make a commitment to put all the change you have into that pot.
- If the pot overflows, take out some money. Give 10% of the money to charity or donate. The rest 90% spend on something nice. Remember-the pot should never be empty!