Does it often feel like something goes wrong in your life? Do you face lots of obstacles on your path to your dream life? Do you have health problems? Is there a lack of inspiration in your life? Do you feel like troubles and misfortune follow you everywhere you go? Well then perhaps it’s time for you to find out what karma is and how to purify it.
In this article, I’ll share with you the most effective life-changing ways to purify negative karma and build the life you dreamed of!
What Is Karma?

Karma represents the cycle of cause and effect. According to the theory of Karma, everything that happens to us happens because we caused it with our own actions. Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma, happier future, and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to negative karma, an unhappy future, and unhappy rebirths.
Our actions can be both conscious and unconscious. Any of our actions in one way or another have an impact on the environment. Any outward manifestations encourage the space to react accordingly to our actions.
Good And Bad Karma
In cases where our actions create a positive effect on our environment and do not harm what surrounds us, the universe, as a rule, does not send us karmic lessons wrapped in the negative circumstances but gives us positive experiences instead.
If our actions cause destruction or irritate the environment, the Universe gives us its negative response. However, it may not happen immediately, but with some delay. Usually, the speed of the Universes’s response depends on the accumulation of a critical mass of negativity. It is the excess of the critical mass of negativity that triggers the mechanism of karma.
However, even if as a result of your negative actions, no reaction followed, it does not mean that you will not be not responsible for what you did. The fatal consequences are sure to overtake you in the future. Unfortunately, these negative “savings” can even spread to your children and grandchildren.
Even if you create negative karma unconsciously and do not realize that you’re doing something wrong in your life this does not relieve you of responsibility for what you have done. Karma is ruthless and fair, and all are equal before its Law.
Ancient Indian sages knew this concept. All actions they divided into “positive” or “negative”. Positive actions create good karma and negative – bad karma.
“Positive” action is performed according to the order of the Dharma – a set of laws, following which a person is insured from erroneous negative actions that weigh down his karma. In fact, the “positive” action is always “unconditional”.
“Negative” actions are usually manifested as the result of selfish aspirations.
So as you can see, “positive” or “negative” karma arises as a result of a particular action and becomes its consequence.
Speaking of karma in simple terms, we can say: do good and it will come back to you. If you do evil it will come back to you sooner or later.
How to Diagnose Karma?

Take a piece of paper and draw 3 columns.
In the first column, write down all spheres of life: health, love, money, property, education, career, success and recognition, social status.
In the second column, write down the points of your satisfaction with this sphere of life from 1 to 10.
And in the third column, describe in detail your dissatisfaction, problems or the excitement of each sphere.
Once you have made a list by filling in all the columns, analyze it. The spheres that have fewer points are the ones that bring you the most karmic lessons. The spheres that have the most points are the ones that show your good karma.
Problem Flow
If you’re facing problems, difficulties, troubles, misfortunes in some area of life, then you’re experiencing karmic lessons that you need to learn.
Why does it happen? This happens because in your past or even in your past life you intentionally or unintentionally committed bad acts – for example, took someone else’s money, destroyed a family by seducing someone else’s husband or wife, slandered a person, etc. Now, according to the Universal Laws, this action has returned to you and you are reaping the fruits of your bad karma.
It’s very easy to see the fruits of good Karma – rich people have done something very significant and deserve this wealth. If a child was born in a rich family it means this soul came into this life with good money karma from the past life. Perhaps this soul was doing lots of charity in its past life and now it’s experiencing the results of these good actions. Of course, if these people are now dishonest in doing business, they can later experience poverty (maybe in the next life). But now they are deservedly doing well. The same goes for health, love, success, etc.
What Is Karma Purification?

The accumulated karma for all incarnations of the Soul includes all crimes, mistakes, sins, dishonest actions, negative thoughts, debts, not fulfilled obligations, every broken promise, negative action, etc. In General, absolutely all violations of the Universal Laws leave a mark on the soul and fate of a person, in the form of certain prohibitions, wounds, diseases, suffering, insanity, failures, etc.
People will continue to suffer, to feel pain, to be hurt, to be sick, to be poor and unhappy until they learn karmic lessons.
But if you don’t want to spend your entire life paying for your past mistakes there is a way to stop this suffering – to purify your karma NOW.
Karma purification means that a person on the way of his/her spiritual development, step by step, hones all the best facets of his/her soul, reveals divine qualities and power, gets rid of vices, weaknesses and bad habits, realizing and eliminating all the negative actions that he/she did in the past (in all past lives + this life).
6 Ways to Purify Your Karma
#1: Good Deeds
To bring good into the world is the best way to purify your karma. The more good deeds you do, the more positive changes you will attract into your life.
How to determine what positive actions need to be done?
To do this, pay attention to the reason for your biggest suffering in life.
Do you suffer from any disease? Or you easily get sick and your immune system is weak? So, you need to take the time to help sick people. For example, you can donate money for the hospitals, come to the nursing homes and care for the elderly helpless people, help homeless animals, become a healer and help people to be healthier.
Do you experience a money problem? Do some charity work! For example, buy toys for orphans. Feed the homeless dogs. Important note: do not give money to adults who are able to provide for themselves – this kind of actions only worsen karma since you’re taking their bad karma on yourself! You can help these people differently – help them to find a job, for example. Or ask them to do some work for you for money or food exchange.
By using an analogy, choose other good deeds. And remember – you need to do them from the heart, do not wait for gratitude or any other rewards.
#2: Stop Behaving In a Destructive Way
It also happens that a person does good deeds in one area, but at the same time harms people, animals, and the environment. Therefore, to purify your karma you should stop doing any harm to others!

Some Helpful Tips On How To Stop Doing Harm:
- Stop polluting the environment! Have you ever thrown garbage past the trash can? Or maybe left a mess after camping with friends? Do you practice an environmentally friendly lifestyle? Treat nature with love and gratitude! This is a big impact on your good karma!
- Put in order the relations with your family. Do you treat your parents with respect and honor? Do you fight with your partner or kids? In order to purify your karma, you have to stop quarrels, conflicts, grudges, mutual reproaches, and claims. And it’s very important to treat each member of your family with love, respect, and compassion.
- Do you use profanity in your speech? Even if you’re doing it in a joking way it worsens your karma. Replace profanity words with positive and loving words.
- Don’t participate in sponsoring cruelty and harm! Stop buying products that were tested on animals. Rethink your diet – is your satisfaction worth animals’ lives that were taken for your dinner? Choosing a vegan lifestyle you invest in your good karma!
#3 Mantras
The Universe always hears us and fulfills our requests. Spiritual practices make it possible to establish maximum contact with the Universe and increase the chances of being heard. Therefore, it is very beneficial from the Karmic perspective to refer to God, to the Universe and Higher Powers through prayers, mantras, and meditation.
The power of words and sounds is really great!

Mantra is the energy concentrated in the vibration of sound. It is the carrier of the special spiritual power and the code, which is encrypted with the Supreme knowledge. All the sounds of the mantras have great potency and power.
By chanting mantras a person finds inner peace, harmony, fearlessness, satisfaction, and health.
Many describe mantra as a prayer, a formula of worship, the mystic syllables and so on, but such definitions show only the superficiality of knowledge of those who say that.
Ordinary prayer can be just a sound, but the mantra is a powerful driving force and therefore it contributes not just to the realization of all wishes but also the elimination of duality of perception and liberation.
A mantra is a syllable, word, or verse that has the ability to influence a person’s consciousness and helps in spiritual development if they are chanted properly.
To learn more about rewriting your fate with mantra practice read my article “How To Rewrite Fate With The Mul Mantra Practice”.
#4 Purification Through Austerity
If your life situation is critical, if it threatens your life and you feel like you can’t take all these life challenges anymore then you should consider the most intense, toughest but also a most effective way to purify your karma which is austerity.
Different ways to practice austerity:
- The austerity of food: give up meat, eggs, and dairy. If you’re already a vegan then give up bread, sugar, and salt. Or you can give up any food you like the most. You can do this for a year or for life.
- Celibacy – which is sexual abstinence. It is especially effective for those who have problems in controlling sexual desires, does not have a permanent partner or have multiple partners.
- The austerity of speech: be truthful, don’t spread rumors, don’t gossip, don’t criticize, refuse to use abusive, or profanity words in your speech.
- The austerity of mind: take your thoughts under control! Choose your thoughts wisely: focus on those ones that are positive, inspirational and kind and get rid of negative ones! Don’t criticize others even in your mind, don’t judge anybody and don’t think badly of people.

All of the above is better to do at the same time. The ascetic way of life for even a short period of time gives tremendous enlightenment, karmic purification, harmonization of the inner state.
#5 Reading the Sutra Texts
In Buddhism, sutras are canonical scriptures, many of which are regarded as records of the oral teachings of Gautama Buddha. When we are reading the Sutras we actually affect our karma in a very positive way. For this purpose, you can read, for example, the Diamond Cutter or the Perfection of Wisdom.
#6 Meditating On Emptiness
Meditation on emptiness is considered one of the most difficult. The difficulty lies in the fact that ideally, this meditation involves complete thoughtlessness.
It takes a lot of time, patience and effort in order to achieve a complete restructuring of negative destructive thoughts into positive constructive ones. To banish anger, pettiness, irritability, and resentment from the heart and transform them to love, generosity and compassion is not easy, but possible.
At the same time, don’t forget to do good unselfish deeds. But when doing these deeds don’t forget that you should be doing them not just for the sake of improving your own karma, but for the sake of increasing the amount of good in the world. Only with this attitude is it possible to achieve the desired effect!