Aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds all living beings within the Universe. Each aura is unique and has its own colors and vibrations. By reading people’s auras you can tell a lot about their thoughts, habits, feelings, emotions, character, strengths, weaknesses, and even health. In this article, we want to introduce you to aura color meanings that may help you to understand yourself and others better and make your healing practice deeper and more effective.
How To See An Aura?
If you’re new to energy healing, you may not be able to see the color of your aura. In this case, you can book an appointment with an experienced and trustworthy psychic or healer.
Kirlian or other special cameras can also be used to photograph and view the aura.
There are many different methods and practices you can use to develop the skill of viewing auras. Of course, it takes time and regular practice but it’s definitely worth it! Meditation practice is one of the most effective ones. Also, you can do your own research on how to see auras.
What Does Your Aura Color Tell About You?
Aura colors reflect a person’s emotional mood and state of health. If you understand aura color meanings, you can learn about your hidden talents or even diagnose the disease. It can also give you an idea about the emotional and mental blocks you need to work on and the direction of your spiritual and personal development. By reading your aura you can tell a lot about your emotional state and healing progress.
Moreover, the aura also holds a multitude of information about our past, present, and future. Knowing the meanings of the color of your aura can help you dive deeper into the understanding of your karmic lessons and life challenges and find the right ways to learn and deal with them.
Now let us share with you our quick guide on the meanings of aura colors!
Aura Color Meanings
Red Aura

Red aura is a sign of highly developed leadership qualities. Such a person always takes responsibility for his actions and has great vitality. This is a brave and determined person.
Negative sides of an individual with a red aura: arrogance and irritability.
Such a person easily solves life’s problems if he directs his energy in the right direction.
Usually, people with red aura are mobile and active. Thanks to their charisma and charm, they attract and charm others. Such individuals become good speakers or politicians.
In romantic relationships, they are passionate and attractive. They always have a lot of admirers.
But it is worth considering that if red appears in the aura periodically, it may indicate acute diseases.
Red color also symbolizes irritation and anger.
Shades of red:
- Deep Red indicates a strong-willed, grounded, and realistic person.
- Muddy Red indicates anger.
- Clear Red indicates a powerful, sensual, passionate, energetic, and competitive person.
- Orange Red is a sign of confidence.
Pink Aura

Pink aura is a sign of a dreamy person who likes to make far-reaching plans. Such people are demanding, set big goals, but shows leniency to others.
People with pink auras are gentle and caring, but they do not forgive treason, lies, and betrayal. In any situation, they are ready to defend their point of view.
Negative traits are stubbornness and pride. Such people do not like to admit their mistakes and apologize. But with loved ones, such a person is always easy-going and soft.
In combination with the white color, pink aura indicates the purity of aspirations and thoughts, as well as spiritual closeness with God. But sometimes such individuals are too jealous and overbearing.
Shades of pink:
- Bright pink indicates a sensual, sensitive, and artistic person. It can also be a sign of affection, love, and compassion. Also, it can indicate clairaudience.
- Dark muddy pink is a sign of dishonesty, immaturity.
Orange Aura

Shades of orange symbolize cheerfulness and a positive mood. Such individuals are similar to people with a red aura but have a calmer character. They are always drawn to others, ready to help and listen, love to talk. These are vulnerable, sensitive people. Their mood changes dramatically.
The advantage of orange aura owners is their great vitality and stress resistance.
In personal relationships, people with orange aura are friendly and empathic, but sometimes they can isolate themselves from society.
Shades of orange:
- Bright orange aura indicates good health and vibrancy. Such a person is living life to its fullest. Also, it can be an indication of overcoming an addiction or a desire.
- Red-orange aura is a sign of great personal power and confidence.
- Orange-yellow aura indicates a person with a scientific mind and tendency of being a perfectionist. Such people enjoy detailed work and mentally challenging projects.
- Cloudy orange aura is a sign of arrogance and fussiness.
Yellow Aura

People with yellow aura are characterized by:
- optimism;
- benevolence;
- high activity;
- openness to others.
Such people are trusting and ready to help at any moment. But they often suffer from temptations. At a young age, they may have problems with alcohol or drug addictions.
This color is interpreted ambiguously. This is the aura color of spiritually developed people, but it can also be an indication of fraudsters.
Many spiritual mentors and gurus have yellow auras with a Golden hue.
Shades of yellow:
- Brilliant yellow aura can be a sign of spiritual awakening. Such people have a playful spirit.
- Dark yellow aura with tinges of brown often indicates students. Such people may feel pressured to achieve their goals and score high on tests.
- Lemon yellow aura indicates a person who has a fear of loss. This may be the loss of a job, divorce, a lifestyle change, loss of health, or the fear of losing control.
- Pale yellow or light yellow aura indicates a person who recently embarked on a spiritual journey, or discovered latent psychic abilities.
Green Aura

This color is associated with the forces of nature. If there are no extraneous shades or dirty impurities in the aura, a person has a highly developed compassion and love for the world. Sometimes such individuals have the gift of a healer. They become good doctors or diagnosticians.
In his personal life, such an individual is patient, responsive, and compassionate. But he is also a materialist who enjoys life.
They tend to protect weaker people. They can patronize and act as patrons.
Shades of green:
- Emerald green aura indicates a healer and a loving person.
- Yellow-green aura is a sign of communication, heartfelt, creative.
- Muddy forest green aura is a sign of jealousy, victim mentality, blaming others, insecurities, sensitivity to criticism, lacking personal responsibility.
- Dark green aura or cloudy green aura indicates a very jealous person who is also full of resentment. Such a person refuses to accept responsibility for his own actions and tends to blame others.
- Turquoise aura or greenish-blue aura meanings indicates a powerful healer. Such people help others discover their inner truths. Doctors, healers, and counselors usually have auras of this color.
Purple Aura

This aura color is typical for people with paranormal abilities. They are prone to mysticism, sometimes have the gift of clairvoyance.
These are independent people. They see the world in their own unique way. Such people are constantly in search for the highest truth. Their goals are big.
The purple aura color is characterized by sensitivity and responsibility.
Children with purple auras
Such children are very vulnerable and responsive. They have great creative abilities but adults should make sure that the child does not develop arrogance, big ego, and pride.
Black Aura

Such an aura indicates a person that is holding on to negative feelings. It is often a sign of an unwilling and unforgiving nature. This color can also indicate negative emotions or psychological trauma.
The black aura may also indicate the secretive nature of a person.
Other interpretations: past life problems, unreleased anger, grief, health problems.
Blue Aura

Aura of this color produces caring, loving, sensitive, and intuitive vibrations. People with blue aura like to help others.
Blue aura is common among introverts.
Blue aura indicates great willpower, a love of discipline, and prudence. People with such auras are usually serious and responsible but they also love fun.
Such people are usually happy with their lives. Sometimes they can be irrational.
In personal relationships, such people always remain faithful.
Shades of blue:
- Light blue aura indicates peacefulness, clarity, intuitve, truthfulness.
- Royal blue aura indicates clairvoyance, spirituality, generosity, openness to new opportunities.
- Muddy blue aura indicates the fear of expression, the future, and speaking the truth.
White Aura

White color symbolizes purity and sincerity of thoughts. This type of aura indicates the ability of extrasensory, magic, and spiritual teachings.
The white aura has strong protective properties and creates an energy field that blocks any negativity.
People with white auras easily attract positive energy.
White aura is an indicator of good health.
Character traits:
- caring;
- commitment to the development;
- empathy.
The white color of the aura is rare. A white aura can be found in highly spiritual people who’ve transcended the physical and are preparing to ascend. Religious history claims white auras were seen surrounding angelic beings. A white aura can also indicate souls that are very new to the incarnation cycle on earth, typically in a first lifetime.
Transparent Aura

People with transparent auras have a strong connection with Higher forces, can heal, and harmonize the space around them.
Negative qualities of transparent auras are changeability and inconsistency. This often leads to conflicts and misunderstandings with loved ones. Such people often need rest to recover and cleanse their energy.
Such people tend to live modestly and quietly, without causing harm to anyone. Usually, such people were born in loving and caring families.
Such people can read people’s minds and feel the energy.
Characteristics of the people with transparent auras:
- Sensitivity to the perception of the world. They respond emotionally to smells, colors, pain, or other people. Because of this, people with transparent aura are very vulnerable;
- The need for privacy. In a large group of people, they feel uncomfortable, so they need to be alone periodically;
- Deep connection with nature. They can communicate with nature spirits. It helps them to purify their energy.
People with transparent auras often feel the need of limiting their contact with the outside world.
These individuals are capable of unconditional love and can build deep relationships.
They are highly intuitive. Also, they are very insightful but not very talkative. Usually, they speak on demand, but always calmly and wisely.
Gold Aura

People with gold auras have strong leadership qualities. Thanks to their charisma and sincerity, they achieve success in the most daring endeavors. It is important for them to set high goals and work towards them.
A golden aura is usually common for managers who can motivate employees and are responsible for all work processes at once. Sometimes it can be an indication of people with creative abilities.
Gold auras are also common for technical professions, such as builders, engineers, or architects.
People with gold auras easily share their experiences with others.
A gold aura also pertains to divine protection and enlightenment. People with this aura color are encased in divine guidance and have wisdom, inner peace, intuition, and a spiritual way of thinking.
Silver Aura

An aura of silver color is the symbol of humanism and dreaminess. Usually, people with silver auras are very spiritual and have a good imagination.
Main character traits:
- a propensity to create;
- self-sacrifice;
- a large reserve of vital forces;
- selflessness;
- honesty and trustfulness;
- generosity;
- strong intuition;
- good imagination.
In everyday life, they rely on their feelings, not on logic. All their life choices are made in accordance to their intuition.
These people can forgive, but they don’t forget.
It is difficult for them to perform monotonous work, they perceive it as a punishment. Because of this, such people are not suitable for working in an office and following a strict schedule. They should choose a job related to travel and nature.
A lot of bright silver color in the aura may also indicate spiritual awakening.
Shades of silver:
- Bright metallic silver is a sign of a nurturing, intuitive person.
- Muddy gray indicates the accumulation of fear in the body. It can also be a sign of health problems (when seen in certain areas of the body).
- Dirty gray overlay is a sign of energy blocks of energy or skepticism.
Indigo Aura

Indigo is a mixture of purple and ultramarine. It symbolizes strong intuition and spiritual experience.
People with indigo auras are constantly in search of justice, they are revolutionaries and strong leaders.
They do not tolerate rudeness and attempts to submit to anyone. Freedom is extremely important for them.
At a younger age, they are difficult to learn, despite the great potential. This is due to the fact that Indigo look at the world differently and choose non-standard solutions.
Indigo aura is a sign of great strength of spirit and wisdom.
Most of all such people value trust and loyalty.
They are used to relying on their own experience, not listening to the advice of others.
In romantic relationships, Indigo people are loyal and gentle. Their partner should be a good friend and mentor. The best match for them are people with purple and white auras. Partners with red, yellow, and orange auras will not be able to relate to Indigo.
The Bottom Line
The ability to see an aura is a divine gift that you can develop if you are willing to give your time and energy to it. With the knowledge of aura color meanings, you will be able to obtain a greater understanding of yourself and others by giving a glimpse into hidden talents, thoughts, mental blocks, buried emotions, and long-forgotten memories. Once you apply aura color meanings to your healing process, you will be able to change things you previously didn’t recognize were holding you back.