Setting an intention is important. But how do you stay focused on your goals and not lose your motivation? For accomplishing our goals, we need four components: clarity, energy, calmness, and inspiration. In this article, I will share with you how to stay focused, grounded, inspired, and energized by using the Brahma Muhurta time period.
What is Brahma Muhurta time?
The Yoga Sutras mention the time of day called “Brahma-muhurta” – a 48-minute period that begins 1 hour 36 minutes before sunrise and ends 48 minutes before sunrise.
Brahma means ‘knowledge‘. Muhurta means ‘time period‘. Brahma Muhurta considered being the time period perfect to perceive knowledge.
The literal translation of Brahma Muhurta is ‘the hour of Brahma‘ or ‘Creator’s Hour‘.
Brahma Muhurta is the best time for meditation, yoga practice, or any other spiritual practice because at this time the receptivity is increased, the mind is naturally calm and does not resist the guidance from “above”.
The interaction of our planet’s energy with the energies of the Sun and the Moon creates certain physiological changes in the human system at this time. Medical science has even found that the waste material in your body, such as urine, for example, has certain qualities at that time which it does not have at any other time of the day.
Your entire body is immersed in a certain conducive atmosphere. The melatonin level is increased, which boosts the pineal gland’s activity. Therefore it is so beneficial to use this time consciously.
Why is the wake up time so essential?

Have you noticed that sometimes even after a seemingly full and prolonged sleep, you do not feel rested, fresh, and full of energy? The whole point is that at certain times of the day, certain qualities of energy (gunas) dominate. And depending on when and how we start our day, the certain quality of energy will prevail in us and, as a result, it will form the level of consciousness we will have.
You may have noticed that people who like to sleep longer often have such personality traits as inertia, passivity, infantile, laziness, and negative thinking.
Most often, these people are dissatisfied with their lives and deeply unhappy, and during the weekend, the first important thing for them is to sleep in as long as they possibly can. These are the signs of the predominance of the Tamas guna (ignorance) in the consciousness. And the reason for this is the regular late rise.
If you take a closer look at people who wake up early you will notice that most often such people have an active life position and a positive mindset. This is a sign of the Sattva guna (harmony) consciousness. This guna is active until sunrise, and if a person wakes up at this time, he will be full of strength, energy, and positivity.
There is the third quality of energy – Rajas guna – guna of passion and manipulation, which is active about 4 hours after sunrise.
What is the best time to wake up?

In the period before sunrise, there is a special time that is not affected by the influence of any of the three gunas. This time is called Brahma muhurta, or ‘the Hour of Brahma’.
To be precise, this is not exactly an hour, but 48 minutes. These 48 minutes, when there is no influence of any gunas, are considered the most beneficial for awakening.
The fact is that all three energies (Gunas) have both positive and negative qualities, and being influenced by any of them for too long will lead to imbalance. There are no bad or good energies. Each of the three (Tamas, Rajas, Sattva) can be beneficial. For example, Tamas is necessary for falling asleep; and Rajas is essential for being active.
But to keep our consciousness in a state of harmony and balance, we need to wake up at a time when there is no influence of these three energies or, at the very least, when such influence is minimal.
Brahma Muhurta time is ideal for spiritual practices. Serious spiritual practitioners all over the world, get up at this time to devote themselves to prayer and meditation.
It may sound hardly believable but a person who gets up during the Brahma Muhurta time period will be much more energetic, cheerful, and productive than someone who slept for a few hours longer. It’s due to the fact that it’s not the amount of sleep that matters, but the quality of it. And you can sleep effectively even for just 4 hours if you go to bed and wake up at the right time.
5 Thing to Do During Brahma Muhurta Time
#1: Meditation

There are many different ways to meditate. You just need to choose the method that feels right for you. Let the practice bring you joy and balance.
Wrap yourself in a soft blanket or a fluffy sweater. Take a few deep breaths. Feel the support of the earth, and stretch up through the top of your head as if you are a conductor between heaven and earth (because you are!!).
Then experiment with different types of meditation and choose the one that resonates with you the most.
When your thoughts begin to slow down, you will create space for inspiring ideas to appear. By the end of your practice, you will begin to understand the next steps that you need to take towards your goals.
- calm mind;
- relaxation;
- anxiety and stress relief;
- creativity boost;
- inspiration;
- increased focus;
- ability to concentrate on daily tasks.
#2: Free writing or journaling

If you have room in your life for only one daily habit, let it be this one – writing down the stream of words that constantly revolve in your head. Over time, you will be able to hear your own inner guide with amazing clarity.
If you make a daily habit of cleaning out your inner reservoir of resentments, worries, and even thoughts about current affairs by pouring them out on paper, you will soon discover that free writing is like the process of cleaning up your internal space and preparing it for something new to come.
Also, use journaling for writing down your ideas, intentions, goals, and gratitude.
- thoughts become clearer;
- solving problems with less effort;
- your timing is getting better;
- you become more open to inspiration;
- increased ability of hearing the inner voice and follow inner guidance;
- receiving answers to your questions.
#3: Reading spiritual literature/Sacred texts

During Brahma Muhurta time, it is also very beneficial to read spiritual literature or Sacred texts. Sometimes it gets difficult to fully understand spiritual texts with our “material” minds. But when we read such texts during Brahma Muhurta time, it gets much easier to understand the information written in spiritual books. Moreover, the understanding itself will be much deeper than if you were reading it at any other time of the day.
Such a deep understanding of spiritual principles will open up your mind to a better understanding of your daily challenges and of the best ways to manifest your intentions and live according to your true purpose.
#4: Affirmations

Brahma Muhurta is the best time to work on removing your subconscious blocks and manifest your goals! Affirmation practice is the best way to re-program your mind and tune it in with your desired reality.
Here are some examples of affirmations you can use:
- I love and approve of myself!
- My life is magnificent!
- I follow my inner call and fearlessly share my gifts with the world!
For more information about affirmations, read the following articles:
How To Create Powerful Law Of Attraction Affirmations
Abundance Affirmations: A Powerful Tool For Creating Abundant Living
Self-Love Affirmations That Really Work!!
Powerful Gratitude Affirmations for Health, Joy, Love and Success
Activate Romantic Luck With These Powerful Love Affirmations!
Boost Your Prosperity With These Powerful Money Affirmations
Alternatively, you can also chant mantras.
#5: Movement

During Brahma Muhurta time, it is beneficial to perform:
- yoga;
- walking meditation;
- the Five Tibetan Rites;
- Qigong.
What NOT to do during Brahma Muhurta?
There are 2 things that are not recommended doing during this time:
- eating – because during Brahma Muhurta causes illnesses;
- stressful activity – because it may reduce your lifespan.
According to Ashtanga Hridaya, only a healthy person should wake up during Brahma Muhurta time. It is not recommended to do it for:
- pregnant women;
- children;
- aged people who have not been waking up in this period for a very long time (or never);
- people suffering from any physical and mental illness.
The Bottom Line

Awakening during Brahma Muhurta time will have a very positive impact on your life and significantly accelerate your progress in spiritual practice and increase your manifesting power.
However, it should be noted that it’s not good to change your daily routine abruptly. If, for example, you usually wake up at 8 am, do not immediately shift your wake-up time to 4 am. This will be a big stress for your body. The body will not be able to adapt to such a sudden change in your daily routine, and most likely, you will return to your previous routine very quickly.
Experience shows that it is much more effective to make changes to your daily routine gradually. And if you need to move your wake-up time from 8 am to 4 am, it is better to get up earlier every week by half an hour. This way the body can gradually adapt to the new daily routine, and over time it will become a steady habit.