How would you describe your body type?

This includes your height, body build, muscle development, and size. Are you tall, short, thin, stout, or thick? How would you best describe your body frame?
What effect do your eating habits have on your body weight?

Is it easy for you to gain or lose weight?
What is your skin complexion?

What's your hair type?

What is your sleep pattern?

Some people are light sleepers while others are deep sleepers. Do you awaken easily in the morning? Or do you struggle to get out of bed?
How would you describe your dreams?

How do you react to stress?

Stress is normal in our day-to-day lives. However, we each cope with stress differently.
How would you describe your temperament?

Are you easy-going and accepting or are you lively and enthusiastic by nature?
How would you describe your decision-making process?

Your ease at decision-making will vary depending on your dosha type. This may also influence how well you handle stress. Are you usually calm and collected or are you tensed at the slightest provocation?
How would you describe your energy type?

Different doshas exhibit different energies around them. You will observe that some people are more lively, talkative, or active than others.
How would you describe your sexuality?

What climate do you feel most comfortable in?

How would you describe your memory?

How would you describe your thought process?

What do you consider to be your shortcomings?

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