Grounding is when you create a stable connection with the Earth. It’s your personal connection to the planet we live on. It’s a connection to her rhythms, and her energy. Properly grounding yourself allows you to recharge and access the energy necessary to implement your intentions on the material plane.
When you lose grounding, you seem to “fall out” of reality, immersed in a world of fantasy and airlocks, lose clarity of thinking and focus. But, more importantly, you lose the ability to manifest in reality what you want. The energy of your ideas and thoughts accumulates around your head but never seem ground, in order to anchor into the earth and be realized in a three-dimensional physical reality. At times like this, you are like an inverted pyramid, unstable balancing on its edge.
If you feel like you have millions of plans but minimal results then you should consider including grounding techniques into your everyday life.
In this article, I want to share with you eleven very simple yet effective grounding techniques that will help you to reconnect to Mother Earth and realize your inner potential in 3D reality on the highest level.
Why Do We Need Grounding?
A grounded person is always in contact with his center, in balance with himself and with his body. He stands firmly on his feet. The one who knows how to successfully ground himself will no only be able to obtain a large portion of joy, and various intangible benefits, but he will also be able to obtain financial, health success more easily.
If you don’t ground yourself daily you lose a lot. But don’t get upset – you can always catch up. You just need to know that grounding techniques should be done every day. And it is especially important to practice grounding daily in cases where unforeseen circumstances arise and you begin to feel the lack of harmony in the body.
Here are some negative effects that not-grounded person can experience:
- Dizziness
- Inability to maintain a stable concentration
- Light and frequent fatigue
- Increased emotional lability and irritability
- Insomnia or Vice versa – increased drowsiness
- Forgetfulness
- Lethargy and apathy
- Lack of appetite or, conversely, uncontrolled eating behavior
- Exacerbation of somatic diseases
- Temporary lack of interest in anything whatsoever
- Imbalance of the body
- The feeling of “soaring in the clouds”
- Lack of understanding of your role in the creation of three-dimensional reality on this planet and at this time
- Lack of manifestation of desires, i.e. inability to create/attract in reality what you want
- You have a lot of plans, but you do not dare to realize them, and if you try to make the dream come true, it does not work
- Lack of understanding of your purpose and mission
- The lack of joy in life
11 Grounding Techniques
1. Physical exercises
Any physical exercise activates your physical body. At that moment, the mental energy gathered around your head descends lower and spreads throughout your body.
2. Massage and patting
One of the easiest grounding techniques is getting a massage or at least patting yourself. If you can’t book a massage session right at the moment you can pat every part of your body with an open hand. Thus, you “turn on” the body and accelerate the energy blocked in it.
3. Bath with sea salt
When you lose grounding, your ethereal field extends far beyond the physical body. That’s why you feel like you’re losing touch with reality. Taking a bath with sea salt narrows the boundaries of your ethereal field, returning you, literally, to your physical body.
Note: This method is highly recommended after any energetic and meditative practices.
4. Root crops in your meal
Everything that grows in the ground has a stable natural connection with the earth, so, helps you to be grounded. Therefore, eating root crops will help you to stay grounded. For this purpose, it’s good to eat potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips, etc.
5. Red/orange fruits and vegetables
“Losing ground” is the result of your Muladhara and Svadhisthana chakras being imbalanced. Including red and orange fruit and vegetables in your meal will help you to balance these chakras and feel more grounded.
6. Pure water
Drinking water helps to conduct energy in your body. Moreover, it cleanses your body of toxins and harmful substances.
7. Interacting with Earth
There are different ways to interact with Earth. It can be gardening, making crafts of clay, barefoot walks on the ground or sand, etc. Choose whatever you like and do it! And do not forget about conscious walks when you switch your mind from everyday thoughts and direct your attention to the ground under your feet, to its roughness, pits, puddles, etc.
8. Communication with nature
A nice walk in the park, forest or beach calms you down, slows you down and energizes you. You can choose any outside area near your home or office and make it the sacred place that you can use anytime for harmonizing and balancing yourself.
9. Grounding visualization
If all of the above methods of grounding are not available to you due to certain circumstances (for example, you are at work or in transport), try to do this simple grounding technique.
Take a vertical position. Make sure that you stand firmly on both feet, imagine that from your feet down into the ground grow powerful brown roots, penetrating deeper and deeper. Imagine that you are a tree with thick branches, stretching up to the sky, and with strong roots reaching to the ground. You are not afraid of hurricanes and storms, because your roots penetrate deep into the soil.
You pass through a stream of cosmic energy that passes through your body and flows down the roots into the earth.
10. Energetic grounding
Imagine that from your Muladhara chakra (if you’re a man) and from your Svadhisthana chakra (if you’re a woman) an energy cord going down into the center of the planet. This cord connects you with the Earth’s core.
The more you visualize this cord, the more energy you direct downwards, the stronger and thicker this cord becomes, the stronger your connection with Earth becomes.
11. Prithvi Mudra
It is believed that the Prithvi mudra is capable of increasing the earth element within the individual, which strengthens and heals the physical body.
If you feel deterioration of the psychophysical state of the body, the state of mental weakness, stress, this mudra will help you to heal and find the balance.
The fulfillment of this mudra improves the objective assessment of self, self-confidence, and also provides protection from negative external energy influences.
For performing this mudra connect your ring finger and thumb to the tips, with slight pressure. The remaining fingers straightened.
The Bottom Line
Since the Earth is a living organism, ready at any time to support you, to guide you in the right direction and to envelop with love, do not forget to “acknowledge” it and give your love and gratitude. Thank Earth for its generosity and unconditional love for all its creations in general and personally for you!