8 Simple Tips On How To Harness the Power Of Your Sacral Chakra

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If you are often mistaken in your choice of sexual partners, have difficulty in achieving your goals, have problems with the reproductive functions of your body and sexual life, you find it difficult to achieve success or to make life changes, you doubt your attractiveness, or you have a lack of confidence, then you should consider a Sacral chakra healing. In this article, I’ll share with you simple yet powerful tips on how to harness the power of your Sacral chakra.

This information will be most useful if you:

  • don’t know how to achieve your goals;
  • can’t intuitively feel what kind of person you’re dealing with;
  • are never in the right place or right time;
  • suffer from mood swings, stress or depression;
  • suffer from guilt;
  • do not allow yourself rest;
  • don’t allow yourself to feel pleasure;
  • addicted to sensual pleasures;
  • like idleness;
  • have excess weight and problems with your liver, kidneys, pancreas;
  • suffer from lumbar pain and have problems with the spine.

If you have any of these problems then you have imbalanced Sacral chakra which needs some healing.

The Functions Of the Sacral Chakra

Svadhisthana Chakra Test Image

Svadhisthana (Sacral chakra) is located between the pelvic bones, in the lower abdomen area. Like any other energy center, this chakra is responsible for the health of certain organs and psyche. The color of this chakra is orange.

Sacral Chakra Functions:

  1. responsible for the health of the lymphatic system, kidneys, reproductive system and all organs located in the pelvis;
  2. this is the place of sexual energy concentration;
  3. responsible for the reproductive functions of the body and sexual life;
  4. provides the conception of children and the pleasure of sex (imbalanced Svadhisthana is responsible for infertility, frigidity, impotence);
  5. affects the psycho-emotional state;
  6. responsible for accepting yourself, others, the world, and for any kind of social interaction;
  7. affects the perception of yourself as a person of a certain sex and sexual orientation;
  8. responsible for the choice of sexual partners, sexual desires and emotions that a person experiences in the course of an intimate life;
  9. associated with physical beauty and naturalness;
  10. responsible for the formation of stereotypes imposed by society in the process of socialization and education;
  11. responsible for the manifestation of creative potential;
  12. gives energy for self-expression;
  13. motivates to reach success;
  14. gives the ability to make life changes;
  15. provides energy for achieving goals.

The Formation And Development Of The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral chakra is developed between the ages of 3 to 8 years. At this time, how people treat you is especially important – if your family members express their love, respect and accept you. At this age, it’s also very important to see your parents treating each other with love and respect and having a harmonious and happy family.

Inner Child Image

If a child grows up without love, is exposed to frequent punishment, criticism, and condemnation by parents, his (her) Sacral chakra will be blocked and bring lots of problems into their adult life. The Sacral chakra can also become imbalanced when a child lives in an incomplete family.

Society plays an important role in the development of the sacral chakra. It is our environment in our childhood that affects the quality of our physical intimacy and the type of sexual partners we choose in adult life.

How To Unblock the Sacral Chakra?

Unfortunately, nowadays there are few people with adequate self-esteem. Many of us were criticized as children, some grew up in single-parent families or in an environment where there was no love and happiness. One way or another, most of us damaged our Sacral chakras in our childhood years. Therefore, most of us need to unblock, balance and harmonize our Svadhisthana chakras. Here are some tips on how to do it.

1. Mantra Therapy

Chanting mantras is my favorite way to start chakra balancing. Mantra for Svadhisthana chakra is “VAM”. By chanting or singing this syllable, you’re unblocking your sexual (creative) energy that was blocked in your Sacral chakra. This helps you to heal your emotions, traumas, and guilt, and to open up your creative potential. You can repeat this syllable aloud or in your mind during meditation.

2. Aromatherapy

It’s a very simple and accessible way to balance your Sacral chakra. The best essential oils you can use are Jasmine, sandalwood, rosemary, ylang-ylang, Clary sage, cardamom, and ginger. With the help of essential oils, you can balance the energy emitted by this energy center.

3. Yoga

Yoga is another powerful tool for balancing your Sacral chakra. It’s best to practice dynamic Ashtanga yoga, forward bends, asanas that help the hips open. For more yoga recommendations watch the video below.

4. Meditation

Visualize how a ray of white light descends along your spine to the base and then begins to rise. Stop it at the second chakra, two fingers down from the navel. Imagine how the energy changes its color to orange. Bathe in this color, feel the vitality and energy, and your own magnetism. Experience the awakening of your own sensuality. All five senses have acquired a new life. As you exhale, send magnetic, joyful energy into the world.

5. Crystals

Best crystals for sacral chakra healing are moonstone, carnelian, apricot agate, orange garnet, fire opal, orange sapphire, sardonyx, carnelian, sunstone, aventurine, calcite, fire agate and orange spinel. To heal your Sacral chakra, you can meditate with a crystal, holding it in your hands. You can also wear a ring with one of these crystals on your pinky finger.

6. Food

9 oranges ritual for cleansing of negative energy image

Svadhisthana color is orange. Orange shades symbolize activity, a joy of life, hope and self-confidence. Based on this, our main task is to activate the energy of this chakra. To achieve this goal we can use the food of this color: carrots, pumpkin, pepper, peaches, mangoes, tangerines, oranges. There are also orange spices that have a beneficial effect on this chakra, for example, cumin and turmeric. Therefore, when preparing food, be sure to use these additional ingredients.

You should be aware that all orange food not only helps to develop and maintain the performance of the chakra but also has a beneficial effect on the whole body. For example, orange fruits contain the essential vitamin C. And orange spices and vegetables are able to saturate the body with the necessary antioxidants.

7. Affirmations

Here are some powerful affirmations that can help you to balance your Sacral chakra:

  • I enjoy the abundant living and appreciate what I have.
  • I easily learn all my life lessons and turn them into my advantage.
  • I say “YES” to all my dreams.
  • I’m thrilled with my amazing sexuality! I am very attractive!
  • Each day my life gets better and better.
  • I am in harmony with the whole world.
  • I go through life easily and joyfully.
  • Abundance constantly comes to me so I can relax and enjoy my life.
  • I am a unique and creative person.
  • I love and appreciate myself.
  • I openly express my feelings and emotions.
  • I allow myself to receive all the gifts that the Universe sends me.
  • I allow myself to enjoy my life, to love and be loved!

8. Ritual Baths

Abundance Bath Image

Ritual baths are not only a very effective, but probably one of the most pleasant ways to heal your Sacral chakra. All the details of this magical procedure and all the instructions you can find in my article “Ritual Baths For Chakra Balancing”.


It is very important what you fill your life with, what emotions, people, events and activities prevail in it. If it is mostly negative thoughts, unpleasant environment, and tedious work, then most likely your Sacral chakra healing will take a very long time. If you want to move faster in your healing then consider filling your life with what brings you pleasure. Make sure that everything you do is filled with creativity and joy. Choose wisely who you communicate with. If you noticed that there are people who steal your energy and manipulate you then consider changing your environment! Surround yourself with positive, like-minded people. Distant yourself from energy vampires. In other words, take life easier and don’t forget to enjoy it!
