In general, empaths handle everyday challenges in different ways. They internalize both the negative and positive vibes around them as their own. While it is hectic to live as an introverted empath, did you know that most of the empaths are indeed introverts? Yes, the virtues that empaths portray go hand in hand with introverts. Still, we have plenty of empaths who are extroverts. Then, how can you know if you are an introverted empath? Here are the telltale signs!
8 Sighs You Might Be an Introverted Empath
#1: They Lack Social Skills

An empath who is an introvert is often said to be shy. In real sense, it is an absence of necessary social skills. Think about it. If you are an empath, how many times does an opportunity present itself to interact with others? Do you tend to withdraw to a comfort zone away from the crowds? Then, you could be an introverted empath.
For example, most introverted empaths will find it challenging to go on dates. They get anxious thinking of what the other person will say or think about them. And, if in a relationship, they struggle to express their romantic feelings. Other social skills lacking in introverted empaths include the inability to solve conflicts and poor listening skills.
#2: They Prefer A Solitude Lifestyle
An introverted empath prefers to be alone most times. They struggle to fit into the pre-set social norms. Even so, interacting in social gatherings feels like living a lie. For example, do you know of persons who always complain that they are lonely? Yet, given a chance, they ignore anyone trying to befriend them?
They always feel crowded. The constant interaction with others overwhelms them. Hence, if you find yourself feeling out of place or always faking a lifestyle to fit into other’s expectations, you could be an introverted empath.
#3: They Avoid Being the Center of Attention

Are you an empath who dreads networking? Would you avoid any opportunity that will put you in the spotlight? It could be you are an introverted empath who finds it impossible to fake a friendship. Such networking sessions demand that you make small talk and be friendly to all. It gets complicated when the empath’s intuition urges him/her to stay away from certain toxic persons.
An introverted empath in a leadership position must come up with ways to cope. That is, the empath should minimize the time spent in meetings and social gatherings. Also, a daily meditation routine will help overcome the anxiety of being the center of attention.
#4: They Never Offer Help
Here is the thing: an introverted empath will feel the pain and suffering of those around him. More so, he wants to help them feel better. But this kind of empath will never offer help unless you ask for it. Yes, to them, they feel like trespassing when they get involved in other people’s lives. In contrast, they need help to help others.
What can you do to help those in need when you are an introverted empath? Try and visualize the impact of your help to the needy person. As you debate whether to help or not, keep the self-talk positive. Then, practice getting out of your comfort zone.
#5: Crowds and Noise Are Too Suffocating

Most introverted empaths hate being in shopping malls, open markets, beaches, or concerts. Such areas are draining to them. In turn, they often have to look for a quiet place to recharge their energies. For example, a simple ride in a public bus feels like an eternity to this empath. Yet, if you ask them why they think this way, they can’t explain it. It is the same case when in a place with strange odors.
#6: They Rarely Talk
Introverted empaths are quiet persons. Yet, their minds are exploding with conversations they would want to have with those around them. Even when they choose to speak, they find it hard to say precisely what’s on their minds.
And, replying to others in conversations is a battle of choosing the right words to appear relevant. In turn, such persons hardly engage in small talks.
Researchers say that introverted empath’s solitude lifestyle contributes to him not able to hold small talks. They fear being judged or misinterpreted by others. Hence, most times, such a person is the observer in the group.
#7: Obsession with Self-Improvement

Usually, an empath knows that his surrounding affects his emotions more like a curse than a blessing. Hence, being an introvert, he will try to make sure he makes the right decisions that are good for him. An introverted empath feels like perfection is an illusion that is too high to achieve.
It is this obsession to be right that makes an introverted empath always to want to improve himself. Only that, he seeks self-improvement so that he can please the other person, not for his benefit.
#8: They Are Their Worst Enemies
Now, when you sum up how an introverted empath behaves, his actions hurt him the most. For example, he has conflicting feelings of wanting to help and being too shy to do so. In turn, he moves around feeling guilty for not lending a helping hand.
In addition, the introverted empath will put himself down for his shortcomings. He even questions whether he is a true friend to his close circle. Yet, he assumes all his achievements, some of which are extraordinary.
Final Note: How Can You Thrive as An Introverted Empath?
Do the above telltale signs describe your personality? Then, you must find ways to live a healthy and fulfilling life in this fast-paced society. Do you struggle with anxiety and depression? Instead of wallowing in an addiction, seek help. Professional counselors and psychologists can assist you to overcome your self-doubt.
Does your introvert nature attract narcissists and energy vampires? Learn how to identify one. These toxic people take advantage of an empath’s vulnerable state to benefit themselves.
Finally, is your self-care routine all about those around you? It is time to heal yourself! Know that you can only be helpful to others when your mind and body are healthy.