An empath child is very unique and special. However, initially, most parents don’t understand how to deal with them. Therefore, this confuses the child even more. You see, the child is going through new emotions and strange things. They need time to understand, appreciate, and deal with all this. As a parent, the best gift you can give an empath chid is supporting them emotionally and assuring them that it’s normal for them to be different. As they grow older, teach them how to harness their empath abilities and make use of them.
How Do You Identify an Empath Child?
They Are Overly Emotional and Sensitive
Does your child cry when another kid is in pain? Do they react strongly to criticism? Empath children are highly sensitive to other people’s emotions. They also don’t like being corrected harshly.
However, you don’t have to raise a spoilt brat just because they possess empath qualities. Just try to understand why they do what they do and correct them with love. Sometimes you can ignore wrongdoing but make sure you have a candid talk about such behavior later on.
They Have Strong Connections with Nature and Animals

Naturally, empath kids don’t make friends with their age mates easily. They stand out as too mature for their age. However, they have a strong bond with animals. If your kid prefers to take a stroll in the neighborhood with their dog, let them be.
Occasionally, they will describe to you several aspects of nature after such strolls. For example, they want specific flowers growing in your garden. Or they will ask why particular trees appear like they are whistling. Empath children can be full of surprises. Wait till they tell you they talked to a tree!
They Don’t Blend Easily in Crowds

Does your little one scream aloud when you suggest going to the public park to play? Do they prefer to stay locked in their room instead? Don’t worry. She’s/he’s an empathic child. Generally, empaths find crowds to be suffocating. When in such places, their brains are working full time trying to process all the mixed energies in their surroundings.
Over time, an adult empath learns how to cope with such situations. But this is not always the case for a child. This sensation is a thousand times harder for a child because they are still discovering new things in their surroundings.
They Love “Me-Times”

As your empath child fights off the overwhelming energies of a crowd, they find it peaceful staying indoors. This tendency should not worry you. If your child loves spending time on his/her own, make his/her surrounding welcoming.
Fill his/her room with interior decorations and the colors she loves. Encourage him/her to discover his/her creative side. Above all, let him/her know that it is okay to spend his/her time on his/her own.
They Can Be Control Freaks
Most parents of empath children always expect them to be moody and oversensitive. However, they never imagine them as control freaks. Well, they can be.
Think about it. Does your empath child like everything to be done in a particular order? Do they get agitated when you challenge their ideas? Or, do you notice your child counterchecking the door locks or washing their hands too many times? That is normal for empaths.
They Like to Develop a Routine
Often, an empath child knows the things that get him/her anxious. In turn, they develop an obsession for control to keep the anxiety triggers away. This way, they can easily cope with the anxiety build up.
If your child happens to be a control freak and anxious most of the times, try to look at situations in their perspective and sympathize with them. Develop simple routines that will reassure the child.
How to Master Your Emotions and Use Your Energy to Empower an Empath Child

As long as you are not a narcissist, you are the best gift that your empath child has. However, you need to understand when to correct them, when to let it go, and when to teach them. Sadly, with an empath child, most of the time you as a parent are the one learning, not the other way round. If you can keep your emotions in check, it is simple to have a child-centered educational approach. Let me show you how.
Learn To Listen More
As your empath child discovers his/her likes and dislikes, always offer a listening ear. At this stage in their lives, the children will have many questions without proper answers. Some of these questions may look petty to you. However, never dismiss empath children when they approach you.
Instead, let them know that they can always run to you to express the way they feel. As a parent to an empath child, you need to be their cheerleader as they go through the motions of life.
Teach them to Use Affirmations

Do you enjoy starting your day with meditation? Why not do it with your little one? Teach your child to be grateful for the little things that happen in their life. Let them know that their sensitivity is a gift which they can use for the benefit of others and themselves. Let them learn to accept and love themselves through constant affirmations.
Finally, Enrol Them in the Right Education Programme
Empath children thrive best in child-based curriculums such as those offered in Montessori systems. The reason is that they like being in charge. If you enroll them in schools that push them around to do what the school dictates, that child might never realize their full potential.
They might also lead a very boring school life. Yes, most of us hated school anyway, but we were never really depressed by the curriculums offered, right?
The Bottom Line
I hope the above discussion has shed some light on how to handle your empath child. Nurture them from their tender ages and support them emotionally. And when you feel like giving up, remember that the empath child feels even more weight than you do. So hang in there! Once they understand their unique personalities, they will be easier to handle and mentor.