Whether we like it or not, in the modern world, money is a powerful tool that opens up lots of opportunities in life – freedom, comfort, authority, success, enjoyment, etc. But the most important benefit that money can give is financial freedom. When we don’t need to worry about financial problems anymore we have more energy and time to invest in our projects, self-development, spend more time with family and friends, travel the world, etc. The more money we have the more people we can financially help, the more lives we can improve. Therefore money should be taken as the key that opens the door of financial freedom.
The biggest problem for most people nowadays is that they get attached to money. They see money as an ultimate goal but not the tool for reaching freedom and improving the world. This article is not for these kinds of people. My article is for people who believe that everything is energy and we can only attract what we radiate. The Feng Shui wallet tips described in this article are for those of you who consciously live in harmony with the Universal laws and seek to receive financial freedom.
Where Does Your Money Live?

I bet nobody asked you this question, but I did because this is the key to your financial freedom. You read it right – your money needs a home and this home is your wallet! Just by looking at the wallet of a person I can always say either he/she suffers from financial problems or not. You don’t need to be a psychic for this.
I know that most of us use credit cards and don’t feel like it’s necessary to carry a wallet with them. But you should always have cash in your wallet along with credit cards.
So now it’s time to take a look at your wallet and attentively scan everything you have in it. Does it look attractive to money energy? What kind of energy does it radiate? How old is your wallet?
So here is the main Feng Shui wallet rule – you should buy a new wallet for every new year! If you didn’t do it you can do it now. But before you buy your new wallet check out the Feng Shui wallet tips below to find out what kind of wallet you should be looking for.
Feng Shui Wallet Tips
Tip #1: Wallet Color
It’s very important to choose the wallet color properly. There are colors designed to attract abundance. Here are some characteristics of the wallets of these colors:
Red Wallet
Designed for energetic and positive people. If you spend money fast and usually do not save them then choose a red wallet! Red is the color of the money activation.
Gold Wallet

This wallet brings money luck from unexpected sources.
Green Wallet
This wallet is suitable for those who tend to save and invest money. If financial stability and rational investment of money is your prerogative, such a wallet is designed for you.
Yellow Wallet

This wallet is perfect for those who are not very smart with spending money and tend to waste money.
Brown Wallet
This wallet brings financial stability.
Black Wallet
This wallet is suitable for stable and confident people. This color gives courage and attracts money.
Pink Wallet

Not only does it attract money but if you’re single it attracts financially successful partners into your life. And if you’re in a relationship, then your wallet also helps your partner to become financially successful!
White Or Silver Wallet
Both – white and silver wallets – attract money like a magnet.
You can buy a wallet of one of the above colors and every time you open it imagine that it is part of the cosmic energy of abundance, which spreads its effect on you when you every time you open it.
This Feng Shui wallet tip is very simple and everyone can use it. The wallet of one of these colors will attract financial luck and help you to save money.
Bad Colors For Your Wallet

Blue is definitely a bad color for your wallet. The thing is that blue represents the water element. And the water element is not suitable for storing money. Water washes away finances. Therefore never buy a wallet of this color.
Tip #2: The Inside Of The Wallet
Take a look at your wallet – how does it look like?
If it is shabby, with greasy corners, there is a complete chaos inside – old receipts, discount cards, and photos of loved ones (children, pets, husband, wife, parents) then such a wallet says that its owner leads a disorderly financial life, that he/she is not financially successful and does not know how to properly manage money energy.
If the wallet is expensive, exquisite color, fresh looking, all the money is organized in order of value then this wallet is destined to attract money.
Never keep receipts, business cards, discount cards or photos in your wallet! Keep business cards and discount cards in separate storage.
Remember that wallet is designed only for keeping money and credit cards in there.
Tip #3: Carefully Choose The Banknotes That You Put In Your Wallet
Strive to ensure that only clean banknotes get into your wallet. If you are given a dirty, crumpled banknote at the store, require replacement.
Tip #4: Don’t Keep Coins

Do not carry in your wallet tons of coins! Hand it out. Strive to keep bigger bills in your wallet. Let your wallet radiate abundance!
Tip #5: Keep Your Wallet Clean
Regularly clean your wallet from crumpled papers and receipts.
Tip #6: Put a Mint Leaf In Your Wallet
A mint leaf is a wonderful talisman for your wallet. Mint has the ability to attract money and financial luck. Instead of the leaf, you can drip a couple of drops of Mint essential oil in your wallet.
Other scents that attract money are grape, neroli, and cinnamon.
Tip #7: Put Chinese Coins In Your Wallet

Chinese coins are a powerful money magnet! Place three Chinese coins tied with a red string in your wallet so the money energy in your wallet will get activated.
Tip #8: Charge Your Wallet With Money Amulets
There are special Feng Shui money amulets designed for wallets.
For example you can put God Of Wealth card in your wallet.
Another talisman card you can use for your wallet is Yellow Tara card. Yellow Tara is associated with wealth, business, and prosperous luck. By carrying this card in your wallet you activate all these benefits.
White Dzambhala talisman card can be put in the wallet to increase wealth.
The Bottom Line
When using Feng Shui wallet tips, don’t forget to do it with a strong intention. Even when you’re going to buy a new wallet keep in mind that you’re doing it for activating abundance energy in your life, for achieving financial freedom, etc. While purchasing your new wallet repeat money affirmations in your mind so financial luck knows where to flow – right inside your new wallet!