You can’t practice Feng Shui effectively without a proper Feng Shui Energy Clearing first. Everyone who practices Feng Shui should know that Feng Shui Energy clearing is the most important component of Feng Shui.
Therefore before you start organizing the space of your house according to Feng Shui rules it’s vital to learn the method of Feng Shui energy clearing which includes 3 main phases. In this article, I will tell you about these 3 phases and as a bonus, I will give you some effective tips on how to fill in your house with positive vital energy.
Why Is It Necessary to Do Feng Shui Energy Clearing?

Before I start sharing information on how to do Feng Shui energy clearing let me explain to you why it is so important. Without understanding this you will not be able to practice Feng Shui effectively.
I call Feng Shui energy clearing practice “safety” Feng Shui. Why did I choose to use this word? Well, imagine what happens if in a dirty dusty room with cobwebs in the corners we turn on a powerful fan and a bright light. All this dirt and dust will start flying around, getting into our eyes and noses, etc. The same thing would happen if you start practicing Feng Shui in a dirty room from an energy point of view!
The basic law of Feng Shui says: If you want to get something new, you have to get rid of something old!
If you want to attract something new (abundance, opportunities, success, love, health, etc.) – make room for it! Therefore, I strongly recommend that you do not neglect the preparatory stage – Feng Shui energy clearing – before you start making any changes according to Feng Shui rules.
I decided to systematize this practice so it’s easier for you to follow. There are three phases of Feng Shui energy clearing you need go through. Let’s get energy clearing started!
Phase 1. Get Rid Of Old And Useless Stuff
While getting rid of old beliefs, do not forget to get rid of old and useless things! Clean up your house, throw away all the trash and mess that has accumulated in the cabinets, drawers, boxes, and shelves. By clearing the space, you release stagnant energy and get actively involved in a flow of life. There is no better way to activate the abundance energy (and any other type of positive energy) in your life than cleaning! Yes, it’s as simple as that!
Clean your closet, cabinets, shelves, boxes, and drawers
First of all, honestly assess the degree of clutter in your home. Get rid of everything useless that doesn’t serve you anymore. Audit all the shelves? cabinets and drawers on the subject of useless, broken and unnecessary.
Often, in order to just cheer yourself up, it is enough to disassemble and clean one or two boxes in the closet. Try it, you will like it! Getting rid of old and useless stuff is accompanied by such joy and a sense of liberation that sometimes exceeds the pleasure of buying. Go through and keep only those things that you really like. If you haven’t worn those green pants for over a year, then their time has passed. Make room for the new pair in your closet and for the new energy in your life!
Through Away Photos You Don’t Like
People tend to keep not only their own photos but also the archives of their relatives. Look at the pictures you keep in your house. Choose only those that are dear to your heart, those on which you look healthy and happy, and the ones that awake negative feelings throw away without regrets! It’s not good to have pictures of sick people and pictures from the funerals because they infect your house with negative and unhealthy energy.
Clean And Repair Your House

Now attentively look at your house and honestly answer the question: does it need a good cleaning or even repair? If so – it’s time to spend time on good cleaning and maybe even spend some money on the repair.
When doing a wet cleaning, add some sea salt to the water: it cleans the space perfectly. Clean every corner, and pay special attention to hard-to-reach places.
Do you know what’s important in this cleaning? Your own intention! When you’re cleaning your closet with the intention like, for example, that you are clearing space for the arrival of abundance, you bring yourself invaluable benefits. Your intention and actions will lead you to your desired life!
Check All the Light Bulbs In Your House
It is very important to make sure that all the light bulbs in your house work properly. Replace all the light bulbs that do not work with new ones.
Check Your Plants

Are there any dry and dying plants in your house? If there is, without regrets get rid of them immediately! Otherwise, your house will keep lots of pathogenic energy of withering.
Get Rid Of Broken Things
If you have broken vases, cracked mirrors, chipped dishes and other broken stuff you should get rid of them immediately! Remember that if there is something broken in your home, it means something is broken in life.
After you spend a complete cleansing of your living space, do not forget to maintain order and cleanliness, do not let the energies stagnate!
Phase 2. Energy Clearing
When the cleaning part is finished, you can start working on clearing the energy of your living space. This should be done to avoid stagnation of energy, “cheer up” and refresh it.
I recommend performing energy clearing at least once a month, ideally during the full moon.
First open all the windows in your house, doors of the rooms, and closets. This is necessary in order to make all stagnant energy to leave your house and to replace it with new and fresh energy.

Energy clearing requires a certain attitude – positive, joyful, optimistic. You must be healthy, energized, and active. Women should not perform energy clearing during their periods!
The main thing you should think about is the new pure life-giving energy to support you and the changes associated with it. After all, you are making a significant step closer to your well-being and happiness.
Prepare in advance everything you need for cleansing:
- a bouquet of fresh flowers and a beautiful vase;
- candles (the quantity of candles depends on the size of the house: the more space for cleansing, the more candles you will need);
- a pack of sea salt;
- a bronze bell;
- a sheet of paper and a pen.
For performing the energy clearing practice you need to take off all jewelry and watches. Turn off your phone, so that nothing distracts you.
Step 1. Light The Candles

Cleansing begins with lighting the candles throughout the house. It is better to use small candles. They do not burn for too long, which is more suitable for our purposes since the lit candles should burn down to the end. You basically need to place one candle in each room, including the pantry and bathrooms. Also, make sure to lite the candles in the hallway and at the front door.
When lighting each candle, say some positive affirmations. These words will help you tune into the sublime mood and give additional meaning to your actions.
Step 2. Flowers
Take a few flowers from the bouquet that you like the most and arrange them nicely on a separate dish. Place a lighted candle in the center of the dish.
Step 3. Setting the Intention
Concentrate, take a breath and write down the following intention:
“Today (…date) I (…your name) am clearing the energy of my home from negative energy. I’m doing it with a pure heart and the best intentions to fill in my home with vital energy. With this energy clearing practice, I’m getting rid of hard feelings, memories, and resentments and enter a new, fresh and positive stage of my life. I’m attracting the energy of love, joy, success to my home and my life. I’m performing this energy clearing ritual for my Highest good and for creating my beautiful world. “
You can also add your personal wishes to this intention.
After writing down your intention, mentally ask for support from the Universe.
Step 4. Energy Clearing Procedure
You should always start the process of energy clearing with the front door.
Sea Salt Clearing

Take sea salt and pour it in front of the front door. Then sprinkle with the salt all the corners in the house and the places that seem energetically unfavorable.
Fine sea salt neutralizes the negativity. It will absorb a large proportion of the dark energy from which you release your house. Salt can be swept away not earlier than in a day after performing this ritual!
As you finish make sure to rinse your hands to the elbow in cold running water to wash away the stagnant dark energy.
Sound Clearing
Now you need to disperse stagnant energy at a deeper level with loud claps in your hands. You should also start clapping with the front door and then move to other rooms. While clapping pay special attention to the corners of the rooms. Your task – to “clap” all the corners of your house.
Inviting Fresh Energy To Your House
Now that you cleared the space and removed the old energy you need to invite the new, fresh, and positive energy to the house.
So, again, go to the front door and get ready for the next stage of the purification procedure. You need to remember and say out loud your main intention. What do you dream about, what energies do you call into your home and your life?
Concentrate on positive, joyful visions of your future. Imagine how you will feel when you reach your goals. Feel the joy and satisfaction.
Take a deep breath, smile, and let the joy fill your heart. Let the good light energy envelop your home.
Ringing a Bell

Start walking around the house, ringing a bell. Try to keep the flow of sound as continuous as possible. Imagine how with sound you fill your home with light, harmony, abundance, and health.
After finishing this practice, you can now take a shower or bath, drink a cup of tea and rest.
Phase 3. Neutralizing “Poisonous Arrows”
In addition to the clutter of the house and stagnant energy, the quality of Feng Shui can have a negative impact on different unfavorable features of the layout, external “poisonous arrows”. However, Feng Shui provides many tools that can neutralize all these shortcomings.
But before you fix the adverse features of your home, you must be able to detect them.
What Are “Poisonous Arrows”?
“Poisonous arrows” are:
1.Long, straight objects aimed towards your house (for example, a road).

2. Anything pointed, facing your house (for example, the corner of a neighbor’s house).

3. Triangular and pointed towards your house objects, located in front of your house (for example, a sharp bend of the road, the peaked crest of the neighbor’s roof).

All the poisonous arrows damage the energy of your house and can destroy peace and health of the family living in such a house. Moreover, the poisonous arrows create a feeling of danger on the subconscious level and people are never able to rest well in such a house.
The General principle is that if an object makes you feel threatened, then its impact on your home is negative.
Good news is that knowing Feng Shui gives us the ability to fix this negative impact.
Here are some tips for to protect your house from the poisonous arrows:
- Use a mirror to reflect negative energy coming from power lines, lampposts, and tree trunks. Place small mirrors on the windows so that they can reflect the poisonous energy backward.
- If the poisonous arrow comes to you from the South, use Water element to destroy it. For example, you can place fountains, aquariums, bowls with clean water by the front door of your home or office to neutralize this negative impact.
- If the poisonous arrow comes from the North, use Earth element to block it. For example, you can place large stones, ceramic items in front of the house or hang a crystal on the front door.
- If the poisonous arrow comes from the East or Southeast, use the Metal element to neutralize it. For example, you can hang a metal bell on the door. Its sound dissipates harmful energy.
- If the poisonous arrow comes from the West or Northwest, use the Fire element. In this case, I recommend using very bright lighting of the front entrance to the house or office. Also, to add Fire element you can use red color in the decor of the facade.
- If the poisonous arrow comes from the Southwest or Northeast, use the Wood element. For example, you can arrange a wooden hedge in front of the house. When your house is “targeted” by a straight road or a corner of a neighboring building, a row of bushes planted in front of the house would soften the “blow”. If you live in a city apartment you should put on the windowsill as many plants as you can.
Filling the House With Positive Vital Energy
So, now your living space is cleared from negative energies and safe. Now our goal is to fill it with Qi energy so that it circulates and brings you abundance. To fill your home with positive vital energy, you can use these simple yet effective tools.
Tip #1 Flowers

The easiest way to fill the house with fresh energy is to constantly have fresh flowers in the house and replace them as they wither. Even a few fresh roses or tulips can completely change the energy of the room. Fill your house with freshness and joy!
Tip #2 Essential Oils
There is a simple principle about the aroma of your house: a good smell in the house brings good luck, a bad smell – bad luck. Yes, it’s simple like that! Therefore, try to make sure to fill in every room, including bathrooms and storage rooms, closets and garage with a pleasant aroma. For doing this, use natural organic essential oils. Also, don’t forget to ventilate rooms, closets, and utility rooms.
Tip #3 Music
Music is one hundred percent Yang energy, and if you consciously use music to bring good luck to your home, then you are doing the right thing. I have examples of very successful and happy people who, when leaving home, leave the audio system turned on with mantras, spiritual chants, and chorales. This simple action not only fills your house with positive energy but also protects you and supports you while you’re out! Isn’t it amazing? Your house can be kind of your Guardian angel since it’s a keeper of your energy!
Tip #4 The Atmosphere of Abundance
Are there symbols of abundance in your home? It does not have to be expensive furniture. Get creative! Sometimes it is enough to drape the bed with a piece of elegant fabric and spread out nice pillows to create an atmosphere of bliss and abundance. Hang paintings of palaces, castles, fountains, fruits, and anything that represents abundance!