One of the most important Laws of the Universe is the law of Gratitude. Most people neglect it, and some are not even aware of its existence. But why is this law so important? And why do I say that gratitude changes everything? Simply because when it is violated, there is disharmony between your receiving and giving. Energy stops to circulate, begins to stagnate and eventually turns into a kind of “energy swamp”. And this “swamp” is the place where eventually begin to drown your dreams, well-being, health, success, and relationships. Your life begins to lose its brightness and gradually fades, turning into a routine.
In this article, I want to share with you why gratitude changes everything and how to practice it consciously.
What Does “Gratitude” Mean From the Energy Perspective?
In order for life to be bright and harmonious, the constant circulation of energy is necessary. That is, the energy must be constantly in motion in order to bring into your life all the benefits that you need: romantic relationships, money, health, success, and so on.
An “Energy swamp”, in turn, can only tighten inside all those goods, that you already have. But the problem is that by “sitting” in this “energy swamp” you’ll never be able to refresh your life with anything new. In other words, this “energy swamp” is keeping you away from your desired life and results.
The law of gratitude is an energy exchange that leads to the movement of energy in your life. When energy moves, it becomes as pure as a mountain river. This kind of energy flow always brings happiness, health, joy, love, and success in all endeavors.
How Can the Law of Gratitude Be Broken?
1. Sending negativity and dissatisfaction to the Universe
Many people, being in a bad mood, start expressing their dissatisfaction with life. They accuse God, Universe, and the Higher Powers of all the imperfection of the World. Instead of being grateful for what they already have, they complain about their belief and fate.
There are so many things in the world that we should be grateful for: the blue sky above our heads, the air we breathe, the beauty of the flowers, the purring of the kitten… and you can go on forever! Each of us can make a list of what gives him pleasure, a sense of joy, and happiness.
However, in the daily hustle and bustle, people often stop noticing these gifts. They simply stop appreciating what they have and begin to take all these gifts from the Universe for granted.
Instead of always rushing somewhere in the bustle of everyday life, stop for a moment, look around, and you will find that you have many reasons to be grateful. Write down everything you are grateful for, read aloud what you have written, and in doing so, you will set the energy of your life in motion.
2. Not appreciating all the good things that people do for us
Very often we do not notice when other people do something for us. Or maybe we notice, but take it for granted. By doing so, we also violate the law of Gratitude.
Be as attentive as possible to what you get from other people, and always be ready to give something in return. When you give something back, you make the energy flow. When you take something for granted, you create an “energy swamp.”
Everyone determines for himself what he should give in return. It depends on how much you value the good you get from the other person. In any case, whatever you get, at least you need to say from the bottom of your heart: “Thank you!”.
I noticed that sometimes when people receive from me maybe not exactly what they expected they forget about gratitude. Instead of saying: “Thank you” they murmur: “why did you give me so little?” or “why don’t you give me exactly what I asked for?” and so forth. Karmically speaking, there is always a reason for everything. Even so-called “mistakes” or “unpleasant” experiences have a greater purpose. When we begin to understand this we are able to transform adversity into growth, thus giving ourselves another reason for gratitude. So accept everything with gratitude. After all, by thanking a particular person, you are thanking the Universe itself. The Universe, in turn, by grasping the observance of the law of Gratitude, will give you more and more benefits through other people.
3. Receiving spiritual knowledge “for free”
I noticed that many people believe that obtaining spiritual knowledge and initiations in any spiritual energy systems should be free, because the energies come from the Universe, and, accordingly, can not belong to anyone. In other words, according to these people’s point of view, spiritual knowledge should be shared free of charge. This worldview is a serious violation of the law of energy exchange – the law of Gratitude.
Turning to history, we will see that for centuries spiritual knowledge was not free and was not open to the masses. However, the fee was different. Instead of the money exchange, the service was used. In other words, students have always served their masters (or temples) for a certain amount of time before they even start their studies. The students had to live with their masters for quite a long time in order to serve them and work in the Ashrams. This is how the law of exchange was obeyed back in the days.
Today this exchange is primarily done monetarily. The modern pace of life has led to the fact that modern man simply does not have time to serve the teacher. Instead, it is easier for him to express his gratitude (in pursuance of the law of energy Exchange) with the help of money.
The desire of people to receive spiritual knowledge for free devalues this knowledge, which leads to a violation of the law of Gratitude. When we receive spiritual knowledge (which is essentially energy) in order to maintain a state of harmony, we must give something in return. The confusion around this law usually is around the idea that all spiritual knowledge should be free. In actuality, it is monetarily FREE to all who are willing to put in the time, energy, and effort to discover these mysteries themselves through meditation and deep contemplation – self-discovery. It’s when you would like someone to teach, guide, or assist you in transferring the knowledge they have gained at their own cost and no cost to you that this law becomes broken. In those cases when we do not do this, the Universe, observing the Law of energy Exchange, begins to fill this shortage itself, taking something from us in return, as an energy excess. The practice has confirmed that all those who received spiritual knowledge for free, in consequence, one way or another, paid for this knowledge through different kinds of “loss”.
4. Becoming a karmic debtor
When you getting something for free, breaking the law of exchange, you become a karmic debtor of the person who gave you something for free. Karmic debt forms energy bindings between the receiver and the giver, by which the giver takes the energy of the receiver. In other words, after receiving something for free, without expressing your gratitude, a person necessarily loses something in life. Moreover, these deprivations may concern not only the material sphere.
Thus, the Law of Gratitude says:
“When we get something, we have to give something back.”
The most important aspect of the transformation of consciousness is the ability not only to take but also to give.
How Do I Determine If You Are Breaking the Law of Gratitude?
For understanding, if you obeying or breaking the Law of Gratitude simply answer the following questions:
- Do you have money problems?
- Do you have any health problems?
- Do you have a romantic relationship that completely satisfies you?
- Do you have any difficulties in relations with people close to you (family)?
- Do you feel lonely?
If you answered “Yes” to at least one of these questions, there are definitely violations of the law of Gratitude in your life. The brightest indicator that we don’t always obey the law of gratitude is us not being completely satisfied with our lives.
The Deeper Understanding of Gratitude
In order to come to the realization of gratitude, it is necessary to accept the following:
- There is a single intelligent Matter from which everything emerged.
- This Matter gives you everything you desire.
- In order to interact harmoniously with this Matter, it is necessary to connect yourself with it with a sense of deep and heartfelt gratitude.
Many people believe that they do everything “right” in life, but at the same time, they sincerely do not understand why they remain poor, sick, lonely, unhappy, unlucky, etc. But the answer is very simple – due to a lack of gratitude.
Only through the prism of gratitude, can you see the wholeness beyond duality. While there is no gratitude, a person is always in a state of “limited potential”. It always seems to him that resources are limited, he always lacks something, he is constantly dissatisfied with something.
Any discontent is a sign of life in duality. Just think about this – how the “whole” can be unsatisfied or unhappy? Wholeness is everything, so how can it be in need of something? Only the particles that feel disconnected can be unsatisfied and unhappy, simply because they have forgotten their true nature. And the true nature of any particle is integrity.
The duality of perception of reality always tells us that resources are limited, we need to take as much as possible – because then something may not be enough. In our world, people push bully and “TAKE”! But to think that some benefits may not be enough – means to live in the illusion of limited opportunities. The reality is that Infinity has no boundaries. It will give you anything you want, as long as you unclench your fists and hold your hands. Don’t be greedy! Any good is enough for everyone! Do not skimp on gratitude, compliments, kindness, love, and compassion. Become an Endless source for other people! And then you will enter into a beautiful resonance with Infinity!
Ungrateful Mind Attracts Trouble
The meaning of gratitude is not only to bring you good in the future. Without gratitude, you will not be able to stay away from negativity for too long. Sooner or later there will come a time when you let your mind linger on discontent and you start to lose the ground under your feet. When you focus your attention on poverty, pity, mediocrity, pain, suffering, betrayal, etc. – your mind begins to form a negative reality. The Universe puts these images into the matter, which begins to take the form of poverty, pity, mediocrity, pain, suffering, betrayal, etc.
To allow your mind to linger on the negativity means you have agreed to the fact that the negativity has become your daily reality. Conversely, to fix your attention on the positivity means to agree to the fact that your reality has become positive and happy, and every moment of life becomes better than the previous one. The creative power within us brings us in line with the way we pay attention to. We ourselves are made up of thinking matter, which always takes the form of what we think.
A grateful mind is always focused on the best. Thus, it takes the form and quality of all the best, and, accordingly, creates a happy reality. We attract what we express! And gratitude changes everything!
It Is Easier to Thank Than to Ask
Many people turn to God only when they need something. But the thing is, when we ask something from the Universe, we come from a state of need. When we replace the need with the abundance in our minds, we begin to shape an abundant life. Therefore, it is very useful to develop a habit of thanking instead of asking.
Next time you want to ask the Universe for something, instead thank the Universe as if you already have it. So you set in motion the realization of your intention to get what you want. And the effect of such an action will be much faster than when you ask for something based on a sense of need.
The positive mind never asks, it thanks! This is how the Law of Attraction works. We should learn how to stop feeling the need for something, and start noticing what we already have. Gratitude changes everything! It is not difficult to see. As soon as you start expressing gratitude you will feel happier, your life will be easier, and your problems will be solved without any effort. It may seem difficult to believe but this is how it works. Just bring the magical attitude of gratitude into your life and be ready for miracles to happen!