Chronic fatigue, burnout, lack of strength, and energy… Does it sound familiar? Well, you’re not alone! We all get influenced by Moon cycles. Unfortunately, not all of us know how to live in harmony with lunar phases and therefore we can periodically suffer from their effects on us.
In this article, we want to share with you how Moon cycles might be affecting your energy levels and how to balance its influence on your life.
The Affect of Moon Cycles
Every day the Moon changes its position, and depending on this, its influence on us changes.
The moon acts very harmoniously: some days it gives us more energy, and we feel a surge of strength and cheerfulness, and some days on the contrary — less so that we can stop and rest.
But more often than not, we don’t take into account these cycles and continue working hard every day. Eventually, this lifestyle leads to exhaustion which affects our wellbeing.
Most people overspend their energy, and therefore the energy levels often do not have time to be replenished.
Therefore, it is essential to always follow the rhythm of lunar cycles.
In Vedic astrology, the Moon is responsible for the most important processes of our life, such as breathing, sleep, digestion, energy level, comfort, mood and emotions. The Moon is responsible for our mood swings, swelling, fatigue, and cheerfulness.
When the Moon changes its position, moves from one Zodiac sign to another, wanes or waxes — we can feel these changes. It affects our health, emotions, and mood.
What Are The Moon Cycles And How To Live In Harmony With Them?

The Moon has four main phases:
One Moon cycle lasts approximately 28 calendar days.
In accordance with these Moon phases, our energy levels also change. And in order to always be in a good mood, we need to learn to live in harmony with these cycles.
Gradually Increasing Activity
The lunar cycle begins with the New Moon — this is the first lunar day. The Moon is just beginning to grow and gain its strength, so at the beginning of the Lunar cycle, we have very little energy.
At this time, we should spend our energy wisely, rest more and do some simple things, so that we can start acting more actively.
On 1st and 2nd Moon days you need to conserve your energy. Try to focus more on planning rather than action. Make plans for the month.
By 3rd-5th Moon day the Moon gradually begins to give us more energy. Now you can start to act more actively and implement your plans.
Starting from 3rd and up to 16th Moon day, we have more energy. During this period we need to be more active and implement our plans.
Please note! During this period, you can not save energy! Your main task is to spend it on achieving your goals and working hard.
How to use the power of the Full Moon?

The Full Moon (day 13-15) is the peak of our activity. This is the time when the Moon gives us the maximum amount of energy. Therefore, during this time we need to be especially active! If we work hard during this period, spend energy, then we feel great, and it gives us strength and desire to do even more.
But if during the Full Moon you feel like you don’t have the motivation to work on your projects, you feel apathetic and tired then it means that you are not spending the energy that was given to you, and therefore do not cope with it. The energy circulation in your energy body was disrupted.
You see, the energy in your body has to circulate. But if you’re spending all your time laying on the couch and watching TV during the Full Moon you don’t let your energy move and therefore you feel tired and apathetic.
Therefore it’s important to remember that starting on the 3rd and ending on the 16th Moon day we need to increase our activity and spend energy!
Slowing down
After the Full Moon phase, the Moon begins to wane, and with it our energy decreases.
After 16th-17th Moon day, we need to gradually reduce the level of our activity, allow ourselves a little more rest.
From 26th to 2nd Moon days, our energy becomes very low. Therefore it is better to deal with current affairs that do not require too much energy. It is important to rest more and do not overwork.
The end of the lunar month is given to us to rest, heal, and restore our energy.
Why Do We Feel Apathy and Fatigue?

If you start working hard on the 26th – 2nd Moon day you’re taking energy “from the future”. You spend all your energy reserves during that time and instead of restoring it, you’re just spending it. Then on the 3rd-5th Moon day the energy you receive from the Moon goes to compensate the energy that you lost. It turns out that the new energy is spent just to restore strength, and it is not enough for any other activity.
Now imagine that you work hard several cycles in a row on such exhaustion! This will inevitably lead to burnout, apathy, and chronic fatigue. You keep pushing yourself until you are exhausted and then complain that you don’t have energy and feel tired.
The good news is you can get out of this state if you start following the Moon cycles and live in harmony with them.
The Bottom Line
Try to live in harmony with the Moon cycles for a few months, and you will notice a big increase in your energy levels. It would be great to start a diary and mark your state, health, emotions and mood every day. The diary will help you track your progress and changes. Be attentive to yourself and live in harmony with the Moon!