From Sanskrit, the word “Kundalini” can be translated as “twisted” (like a snake or a steel spring), and traditionally the snake is its symbol. In ancient Indian manuscripts, Kundalini is described as a form of biological energy dormant in the human body. It is regarded as the basis of life, as the main form of energy that can be concentrated in the brain, and without which neither genius nor inspiration can exist. If you are engaged in any spiritual practices, then you need to understand clearly what Kundalini is and what Kundalini awakening symptoms you may experience.
What is Kundalini?
According to the ancient texts, the Kundalini energy is present in the whole body but is concentrated mainly in the lower part of the spine, that is, in the genital area, transmitting vital energy to the offspring. This “snake energy” can be woken up, and through the spine and chakras transferred to the brain.

Kundalini is extraordinarily powerful. A key to eternal youth and flourishing mental abilities is hidden in it. Indian Kundalini specialist Gopi Krishna said that Kundalini, being awakened, can be a source of mental strength, genius, artistic talent, and scientific achievements. That is, all that is characteristic of a high level of consciousness. According to Gopi Krishna, the process of awakening and ascent of Kundalini expands the range of hidden human abilities.
In ancient manuscripts of Tibet, Egypt, and Greece, as well as in other cultures, there is evidence of the Kundalini Energy existence. Even the first Christians knew about its existence. The headdress of the Pharaoh, and feathered snakes from Mexico and South America – all indicate the acquaintance of the ancient initiates with the energy of the Kundalini snake.
No one can predict who, when, and how this energy will awaken. However, one should know that only people with a pure mind, heart, and body can experience the awakening. For the Kundalini awakening, you should have as few psychological and emotional conflicts as possible. Moreover, your body should be as free as possible from the blocks and tensions. It is also good to have fewer attachments and idealizations defined by everyday concerns.
Kundalini’s awakening can occur in the form of an unexpected surge, like a dam break, sharp and, above all, uncontrollable and therefore – dangerous. For the time being, this energy is in a kind of preserved, dormant state. However, under certain conditions, it begins a spontaneous awakening and rises from the spine to the head. During this process, the energy transforms the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual systems of the person experiencing its rising.
What Is Kundalini Rising?
The process of Kundalini rising is an evolutionary process of transformation of the human personality. Your physical body, consciousness, and subconsciousness go through a big transformation. You’re changing your view and attitude toward life. Moreover, you’re developing unusual abilities.

Kundalini is vital energy. Its thin stream always flows through us, through our bodies as long as we are alive. Some people have more of it, and they are successful in their life. And others have less of it, and they are less successful.
Kundalini needs to circulate freely in our bodies. But most people clog their path with various mental blocks, attachments, and conflict events that burden them. By eliminating these blocks, we free the path for the free flow of energy transformation. And when Kundalini flow can overcome these mental blocks it starts a rapid process of rising. And only then, when it clears us in its movement from the bottom up – it’s hot energy begins a cold downward flow from the top down, the flow of divine cosmic energy. That’s when the extraordinary miracles begin.
Kundalini awakening can be considered the most important and greatest event in the life of every person. Only from this moment does your true rebirth, awakening, and spiritualization begin. Only from this moment, a person starts the real path of improvement. And the beginning of the Kundalini rising is the first real step into a completely different, fabulous world of high energies, unusual phenomena, and new opportunities.
How Does Kundalini Awakening Happen?
Many spiritual practitioners have come up with different stages, or other indicators to specify their apparent progress in the process of evolution. However, it must be admitted that until you have experienced the transformation of personality in the fire of Kundalini, all other manifestations of enlightenment are only temporary success and lie only in the plane of the mind.
Some people can awaken the Kundalini energy consciously, following the methods developed by various spiritual schools. Others unconsciously, intuitively build their lives and change their views and beliefs by the Universal laws. Commonly, people experience spontaneous Kundalini awakening, even if they’ve never heard anything about it.
From Vedic texts, it is known that the flow of Kundalini energy rises through the energy channel located along the spine vertically. Until the awakening, this channel is usually closed. The fire of Kundalini gradually clears and opens this energy channel. As the Central channel is opened (cleaned), the Kundalini energy activates the chakras located along the spine, which, in turn, also begin to produce energy intensively. So it gradually opens up the entire Central channel and chakras.

When the Kundalini reaches the last and highest 7th chakra in the crown, you become ready to perceive the subtle and higher energies from the Cosmos. Each chakra can receive cosmic energy and send its own to Cosmos. You become able to assimilate cosmic energies, which immediately turn on the process of transformation. In the course of it, you acquire that great power for which anything is possible. By using this power you can do amazing things, which, from the point of view of the laws of the physical world, are considered miracles.
As your Kundalini awakens, you begin to experience a number of strange phenomena. That’s why you need to know what Kundalini awakening symptoms are.
Kundalini Awakening Symptoms
Body Symptoms
- Involuntary twitching, trembling, vibration, spasms.
- Muscle contractions, especially in the anus, abdomen, and throat.
- Sudden movements of hands, feet, or head.
- Twitching of the whole body when a strong flow of energy rises inside, starting from the toe, foot, or base of the spine.
Physical Symptoms
Physical Kundalini awakening symptoms are:
- Feelings of ecstasy and bliss, average in intensity or strong, lasting several minutes or several months.
- A feeling of intoxication, detachment, a slight feeling of being outside the body. Falling into a trance, a fixed gaze directed into space.
- Heart rate increase.
- The feeling like you’re touching the electrical outlet, tingling, itching.
- Unbalance, tension, and pulsation, sometimes replaced by lethargy.
- Nausea, abdominal pain.
- Chest pain, like a heart attack.

- Persistent or temporary pain throughout the body that cannot be diagnosed.
- Aching back pain and sharp pain along the spine.
- Headaches, a feeling of buzz in the head, tingling, itching, or goosebumps on the scalp.
- Electrical sensations in the head, feeling like the skull is opening.
- Numbness of the arms and legs in General, or the hands or feet.
- Pain or a feeling of electrical tingling in the big toes, darkening or falling off the toenail.
- Intense sexual arousal, spontaneous orgasms experienced in the genital area or described as “covering the whole body” or “brain orgasms”.
- Vibration and energy coming out of your ears.
- The increased activity followed by exhaustion.
- Hair stands on end.
- Protruding the abdomen, as if during pregnancy.
- Spontaneous filling of the lungs with air.
- The taste of sweet nectar flowing from head to throat.
Diseases Or Pseudo Diseases
- Imaginary heart attacks are usually a false alarm; complaints that the heart is not beating.
- A person’s sincere belief that he or she is dying, accompanied by vague pains and complaints.
- The manifestation of other hidden diseases: wandering pain, hyperemia, digestive problems, and other complaints about the various organs of the body, disappearing without any treatment.
Visual Symptoms
The variety of visual Kundalini awakening symptoms is striking: it’s like lightning rays of light in your head, visions, or hallucinations (by the way, they can be quite frightening!). There were cases when there was a small sparkling point in the Third eye area. Tibetan monks call it ”the seed of light”, but it is not necessary that it arises in the area of the forehead. The sparkling point can arise between you and the object, or arise during meditation, and even when you are in a normal state, and it does not matter — your eyes are open or closed at this moment.

You may also become extremely sensitive to light or experience sudden vision – all colors seem very bright. Some people even start being able to see the aura.
Other visual Kundalini awakening symptoms are burning eyes and twitching in the area between the eyebrows.
Temperature Change
One of the most common Kundalini awakening symptoms is a temperature change. The sensation of it occurs in the following ways:
- Waves of heat, sometimes with sweating.
- The heat may flow from the body or feel like intense burning.
- Night sweating.
- Waves of icy cold, sometimes followed by waves of heat.
- Feelings of heat or cold in different parts of the body, especially in the hands or at the base of the spine.
Emotional Symptoms
Emotional Kundalini awakening symptoms are:
- Depression.
- Anxiety.
- Anger.
- Guilt.
- Temporary confusion of thoughts and difficulties with the performance of work tasks.
- Insomnia.
- Uncharacteristic of the person’s strong sexual desire.
- Temporary problems with sexual identity.
- Visions or hearing sounds.
- Disorderly thoughts, indecision,
- Bombast and arrogance.
- Easy entry into a trance or semi-conscious state.
Increased Psychic Or Empathic Abilities
- A vision or a sense of aura.
- Seeing and understanding the signs from the Universe.
- The ability to heal certain diseases with the energy of hands.
- Involuntary recollection of past life experiences.
- A better understanding of spiritual Scriptures.

- Feeling the ability to influence another person’s thoughts.
- Instinctive-intuitive knowing what needs to be done.
- A sense of the presence of a luminous being or teacher from another dimension.
- Psychokinetic phenomena (interference in electrical devices, moving objects, destruction of objects, etc.).
- Out-of-body experiences.
- Extended panoramic perception of everything.
Another Kundalini awakening common symptom is a feeling like you’re outside of your own body. Sometimes this is manifested as a detachment from the daily routine or even detachment from everything material.
We all know that the food we eat affects not just our physical bodies and health but also our energy. That is why when we’re experiencing Kundalini awakening symptoms we also notice that our eating habits change dramatically. The most interesting thing is that the changes in our eating habits are effortless. They happen naturally. It feels like your body itself tells you what you need to eat.
It is the Kundalini that opens the gates of further human evolution and gives us the power to understand and fulfill our life’s mission. And if you are in the process of reading this article felt unusual or similar phenomena – do not be afraid of what is happening! Take everything as it is, do not resist what is happening. Now you know and understand what is happening or what may happen to you in the future. I hope that the knowledge contained in this article will give you confidence, protect you from possible troubles and open the door to a great future!