Protection mantras is a powerful and very effective tool you can use in difficult and dangerous situations when you feel hopeless. These sacred sounds are endowed with a special power that gives you a chance to protect yourself from negative energy, evil eye, people with bad intentions and even save your life in a dangerous situation.
I always carry these mantras with me in case I feel like I need protection or support from the Universe. For my convenience, I have them on my phone. So even if I can’t remember the exact mantra I can always look for it on my phone.
Protection mantras have the power to change the negative vibration of the situation by neutralizing them. By pronouncing the sacred sounds of protection mantras you expressing your trust to the Universe and Highest Powers to solve your problem in the most harmonious way.
In this article, I will share with you the most powerful protection mantras from the Buddhist and Hindu tradition. Feel free to print them, write them down or save on your phone so you can always have easy access to them when you need it.
How To Chant Protection Mantras?

First of all, you need a quiet atmosphere so that no one distracts you.
The second important condition is the inner attitude and firm belief in the power of the sacred sound.
The third condition is the correct posture. Ideally – the basic yoga asana – Lotus position. However, you can just sit comfortably on the Mat. The main thing is to keep your back straight.
At first, the mantra is repeated using an audio recording. Then you can go to chanting without audio recording.
You have to listen to your own voice and feel how your body reacts to the sound. Count the number of repetitions. It must be a multiple of nine. The maximum effect, according to ancient treatises, gives a circle of 108 repetitions. For your convenience use mala beads with 108 beads.
To enhance the effect of mantra chanting use visualization. For protective purposes, it’s good to imagine an energy shield around you that is reflecting all the negativity. You can also visualize the deity to whom the mantra is addressed.
After mantra chanting practice, stay in a meditative state so that the results are fixed.
Protection Mantra From Any Misfortune And Evils

Chant this protection mantra regularly for 108 times. To see an effect from this mantra you need to practice it for 21 days. The best time for this practice is in the morning after waking up so that the protection is activated before you start your day and stays active throughout the day. If you choose to practice this protection mantra in the evening then its vibration will protect you while you’re sleeping.
The text:
Ugram Viram Maha Vishnum Jvalantam Sarvato Mukham
Nirisimham Bhishanam Bhadram Mrutyur Mrutyum Namamy Aham
Shiva Mantra
Shiva belongs to the triad of the most powerful Hindu gods. His protection makes a person almost invulnerable.
The text of Shiva Mantra:
Chant this mantra every day for 108 times, while visualizing Lord Shiva. This powerful mantra will protect your life from any unpleasant events and hostile encroachments.
Kali Mantra
The goddess Kali, the wife of Shiva, can protect you from a variety of misfortunes.
The text of Kali Mantra:
Narasimha Mantra
In Hindu mythology, there is a character named Narasimha. He looks like a man with a lion’s head. It’s believed that Narasimha is one of the incarnations of Supreme Lord Vishnu.
Narasimha mantra is one of the most powerful protection mantras. Some gurus say that it’s enough to remember the name “Narasimha” in a moment of danger and the Lord will save you and give His protection. But there is also a special Narasimha mantra that is very beneficial to learn and practice regularly.
Chant this mantra for at least 9 times (or 18, 36, 54, 108 times). For chanting this mantra take a glass of water and place it in front of you. Chant the mantra. When the water absorbs the power of Narasimha, drink it and feel His protection.
The text of Narasimha Mantra:
Narasimha Kavacam Vaksye Prahladenoditam Pura
Sarva Raksa Karam Punyam Sarvopadrava Nasanam
The person chanting Narasimha receives powerful protection from the negative impact of others. This protective shield will stop not only your envy and discontent, but it will also protect from a serious energy attack. In addition, Narasimha mantra heals diseases, removes the evil eye, damage and other energy infections.
Universal Protection Mantras
In addition to mantras, which are addressed to specific deities, in the ancient Scriptures mentioned universal protective formulas.
Heart Mantra
This protection mantra will save you in a moment of danger and will help you to solve your problems:
Purification Mantra For Protection
The following mantra is designed to protect against unpleasant and annoying people. It will eliminate the very situation of collision with such types. In addition, the spell easily neutralizes the negative energy that clung to you, for example, when visiting public places or parties.
Om Apavitrah Pavitro Va
Sarvavastham Gato Api Va
Yah Smaret Pundarikaksam
Sa Bahya Abhyantaram Sucih
Sri Visnu Sri Visnu Sri Visnu
Beej Mantra
You may have heard of short beej mantras. They consist of a single syllable but contain concentrated energy, and therefore their effectiveness cannot be doubted. By chanting beej mantra you can create a whole Symphony. For protection purpose use the following beej mantra:
This beej mantra belongs to Lord Hanuman. It gives courage, protection from enemies, and elimination of fears.
Protection Mantra For Emergency Help

Use this powerful mantra as an appeal for emergency help. Chant it in a difficult moment, and you will be protected from danger and trouble.
The text:
Ganesh Mantra For Protection
This powerful mantra to Lord Ganesh protects against people plotting against you.
The text:
Protection Mantra Against Rumors, Gossip, and Negative People
This mantra will stop any rumors and gossip and save your reputation. In addition, with its help, you can get rid of bad karma.
Protection Mantra Against Conflicts
To prevent conflicts and cleanse your body from negative energy, refer to this sacred formula:
Alaum Raum Om
When chanting this mantra, your aura is cleared of negative vibrations, an atmosphere of calm is created, which makes the conflict impossible.
Now you know the most powerful protective mantras for different purposes. Choosing a mantra for yourself, you should take into account goals that are set. Only personal feelings will tell you which mantra to choose. Once you make mantra chanting practice a part of your daily routine, you will face far fewer troubles and danger. The thing is, the positive vibrations of your aura will not resonate with negative and dangerous situations. Therefore you will not face them!