High-Vibe Mantras For Chakras

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High-vibe mantras for chakras are a very powerful tool for activating and balancing your chakras and guiding the energy flow of your body in the right direction. But for the “mantras for chakras” to work, we need to know how to chant them properly. In this article, I want to share with you which bija mantras you can use for your chakras activation, how to chant them properly and, as a bonus, a Breath of Fire technique which you can use for completing your mantra practice.

Bija Mantras For Chakras

A bija mantra or “seed mantra” is a mantra that consists of one or more sounds or syllables. Some masters say that bija mantras are much stronger than other mantras because they carry the strongest energy, the concentrated power of the Creator. Therefore, to strengthen the power of other mantras, we often add the bija syllables.

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When we practice bija mantras for chakras we create vibration processes in the ether, which, in turn, control the sources of energy within our chakras.

Keep in mind that any mantra practice should be consistent in order for it to work. Thus don’t expect an immediate result.

How to Practice Mantras for Chakras?

At the very beginning, you need to calm down internally, establish control over your own consciousness and relax your body as much as possible.

You should start with the mantra OM. It is necessary to relax the entire body and evenly distribute vibrations throughout the body – from head to toe.

Then you can start chanting bija mantras for each chakra.


Bija mantra for Muladhara chakra is “LAM”.

When chanting the mantra try not to let the energy go down to the Ground. When you’re pronouncing “MMM” at the end of the mantra (LAMMM) — feel the vibration in the crown of your head.


Bija mantra for Svadhisthana is “VAM”.

When chanting this mantra, concentrate on the second chakra.


Bija mantra for Manipura is “RAM”.

When chanting this mantra, focus your attention on your navel area.


Bija mantra for Anahata is “YAM”.

When you are chanting this mantra, your tongue should be in “limbo position” inside your mouth, and your attention should be focused on your heart.


Bija mantra for Vushuddha is “HAM”.

When chanting this mantra keep your lips oval as if squeezing air from the larynx while concentrating on the cavity in the lower throat.


Bija mantra for Ajna is “OM”.

When chanting Ajna mantra focus on the center of the forehead between the eyebrows.


Bija mantra for Sahasrara is “AH”.

When chanting this mantra your concentration should be on the top of your head.

Affirmations For Chakras

It’s also good to use special affirmations for activating and balancing your chakras. You can even combine your chakra affirmations with meditation practices or reiki healing sessions. Here are some effective chakra affirmations that I like to use.

Muladhara Chakra Affirmations

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  • I free myself from fear, nervousness, anger, greed, and arrogance.
  • I am a good and generous person!
  • I’m strong and brave.
  • I love the way I look.
  • I believe in myself, in my abilities and possibilities.

Svadhisthana Chakra Affirmations

Svadhisthana Chakra Test Image

  • I release myself from excessive sentimentality, weeping, jealousy, resentment, irritability, devastation, and bindings.
  • Self-respect is my priority!
  • I freely express myself through creativity.
  • I’m in harmony with myself and the whole world.
  • I love my body and feel attractive!

Manipura Chakra Affirmations

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  • I release myself from fear, anxiety, condemnation, criticism, indecision, shyness, desire to control everything, aggressiveness.
  • I’m strong morally, I am strong physically, I am strong energetically.
  • I absolutely believe in myself and my abilities.
  • Financial well-being and success always accompany me!
  • I reach all my goals easily and confidently!
  • I am an optimist!

Anahata Chakra Affirmations

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Vishuddha Chakra Affirmations

Vishuddha Chakra Test Image

  • I release myself from any difficulties in self-expression.
  • I express my thoughts clearly.
  • I release myself from timidity and isolation.
  • I always express myself freely and easily.
  • It is easy for me to communicate with people.
  • I am an attentive conversationist.

Ajna Chakra Affirmations

Ajna Chakra Test Image

  • I release myself from the need to assert myself at the expense of others.
  • I trust myself and my intuition.
  • I refuse to be guided purely by logic.
  • I have a well-developed intuition and high intelligence.
  • I am a wise person, I have well-developed philosophical thinking.

Sahasrara Chakra Affirmations

Sahasrara Chakra Test Image

  • I’m free from depression and fatigue.
  • I trust the Universe and boldly go forward.
  • I’m free from fear.
  • There is the presence of God everywhere.
  • I feel unity with other people and the world.
  • I realize my own uniqueness and recognize my own Divinity.

After completing balancing your chakras with mantras and positive affirmations, it is necessary to relax all the muscles of your body as much as possible. This can be done with the help of a special energy exercise “Breath of Fire”.

“Breath of Fire” Exercise

In Kundalini yoga we have a special breathing exercise called “Breath of Fire”. This exercise helps to free your mind and body from blocks and fears.

The essence of this bioenergetic technique lies in the frequent shallow breathing through the nose. It’s like you’re trying hard to identify the smell by sniffing it out.

This exercise requires rapid, rhythmic breathing. Frequency is 2-3 inhalation-exhalation per second. Beginners should start with 1 breath per second.

During exercise, the diaphragm should be in a relaxed state and the stomach should breathe. Due to inexperience, beginners strain the diaphragm during the execution of the technique and as a result, there is shortness of breath.

Another important point is the equal time of inhalation and exhalation. If one is longer than the other, there will be a mismatch of air consumption, which leads to dizziness. The optimal duration of this breathing exercise is 5-10 minutes (and 1-2 minutes for beginners).

Thanks to the relaxed diaphragm, “Breath of Fire” exercise effectively releases blocks and relieves tension in those areas of the body where they are concentrated.

Unbelievable but true — one minute of “Breath of Fire” exercise is equivalent to an hour of normal breathing.

By removing the blocks, the vital energy will be able to penetrate you freely. Irritability and nervousness will leave you. “Breath of Fire” will help you not only get rid of internal cramps but also help you gain many other positive effects.

In addition, this exercise activates the functionality of the pituitary gland, has beneficial effects on oxidation and cleansing the blood, strengthens the natural protective function and accelerates the flow of energy throughout the body.

Anytime you feel tired and the body is about to burst from tension, spend just a few minutes on “Breath of Fire” exercise and you will instantly return yourself to the harmony of the soul and the cheerfulness of the spirit.